Research Papers: Areas of Research : Data Mining, Optical Networks, Ad Hoc Networks, Sensor Networks and Digital Signal Processing.
PhDs (Economics), PhDs (Computer Science and Engineering) : 02
Number of Degrees and Diploma received : 09
Administrative Experience in Years : 25
Number of Years as Special Officer, Government of Karnataka : 03
Number of Years as Principal in UVCE : 11
Number of Years as Principal (Evening College) in UVCE : 04
Number of Years as Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Bangalore University : 02
Number of Years as Member of Academic Council, Bangalore University : 02
Number of Years as Member of Syndicate, Bangalore University : 01
Number of Years as Chairman, Dept. of CSE in UVCE : 06
Post Doctoral Research Scholar at University of Southern California, USA : Year 2000
Teaching and Research Experience in Years : 40
Total number of Patents Awarded : 34
Total number of Patents Filed : 11
Total number of Books, Authored and Edited : 72
Number of Books with more than 10 reprints : 09
Total number of copies of all the Books sold : > one Million
ebook downloads of Mastering C++ ( : 23941
Springer ebook Downloads, Computer Networks & Intelligent Computing: 154000
Springer ebook Downloads, Wireless NW & Computational Intelligence : 115000
Springer Downloads: 1) Web Recommendation Systems : 3500
2) QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks: 2000
3) Softcomputing for Data Mining Applications: 14000
Total number of Papers published : 934
Papers Published in refereed International Journals : 460
Papers Published in refereed International Conferences : 474
Best Technical Paper Awards till date : 39
Total number of articles, Books and Patents filed on Google Scholar citations : 1106
Google Scholar citations : 5765
Google Scholar citations, h – Index : 36
Google Scholar citations, i10 – index : 129
Total Number of Articles on Research Gate: 925
DBLP Indexed Publications : 146
IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Indexed Publications : 252
ACM Digital Library, Indexed Publications : 81
Springer Link, Book Chapters, Indexed Publications : 128
Total number of Reports prepared and submitted : 14
Funds obtained for UVCE under TEQIP I, TEQIP II & AICTE, Rs. in Crores : 100.0
Funds for UVCE Centenary Celebrations : 25
Number of Ph.Ds Awarded : 30
Number of Ph.D Students under guidance : 01
Number of Ph.D Students under informal guidance : 131
Number of ME Dissertations supervised : 700
Total number of Student Projects, UG, PG and MCA : 1076
Number of subjects taught : 46
Number of Lectures, Workshops, Keynote Address and Short term courses : 500
Number of International Conference organized : 35
Number of UG & PG courses started in Bangalore University: 44
Number of UG courses started in UVCE : 02
Number of Institution Founded, Institutions Established : 05
Represented Bangalore University in Cricket and Athletics : 1975 – 79
List of Papers Published in International Journals
- Dinesh K Anvekar and Venugopal K R “A Method for Preventing Unintentional Call Initiation on a Mobile Phone” Application No: 3138/CHE/2015 dated 23.06.2015, Patent No: 387973, Published on 31st January 2022.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal., “A Display Device” Application No: 859/CHE/2015, dated 24.02.2015, Patent No: 377119, Published on 17th September 2021
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal., “A System for Enabling Third Party Communications” Application No: 860/CHE/2015, dated 24.02.2015, Patent No: 377013, Published on 16th September 2021
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal., “Electric Plug Ejecting Adaptor”, Application No: 5545/CHE/2014, dated 05.11.2014, Patent No: 374765, Published on 18th August 2021
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “Patient Walker with Sliding Platform”, Application No: 330/CHE/2015 dated 23.01.2015, Patent No: 374195, Published on 10th August 2021.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “Control of Locomotives Jumping Red Signal Through Image Processing”, Application No: 5013/CHE/2014, dated 07.10.2014, Patent No: 374076, Published on 9th August 2021.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “Baggage Protection System with RFID in Airports”, Application No: 2570/CHE/2015 dated 22.05.2015, Patent No: 373955, Published on 6th August 2021.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “Hand Drilling Machine with Attached Drill Chuck Key”, Application No: 2031/CHE/2015 dated 21.04.2015, Patent No: 373952, Published on 6th August 2021.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “Ejecting Electric Plug”, Application No: 329/CHE/2015, dated 23.01.2015, Patent No: 373953, Published on 6th August 2021.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal., “On Device Usage Indication on USB Flash Drives”, Application No: 2028/CHE/2015, Patent No: 372084, Published on 16th July 2021.
- Savitha Hiremath, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, “Predictive Analytics for Sentiment Classification of Social Media Data Using Deep Neural Network”, Annals of RSCB, ISSN: 1583-6258, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 5769 – 5778, Jun. 2021.
- P Manasa, K Shaila, K R Venugopal, “>Energy Concerned Clustering Mechanism to Ensure Reliable Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network>”, SN Computer Science, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-7, May, 2021.>
- MG Padmashree, Shahela Khanum, JS Arunalatha, KR Venugopal. “ETPAC: ECC based Trauma Plight Access Control for Healthcare Internet of Things” International Journal of Information Technology, pp. 1-4, Springer Singapore DOI:10.1007/s41870-021-00691-1, May 2021.
- Bineet Kumar Jha, Sivasankari G. G., Venugopal K. R., “Sentiment Analysis for E-Commerce Products Using Natural Language Processing”, Annals of RSCB, ISSN:1583-6258, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 166-175, May 2021.
- Sanjay, K.N., Shaila, K. & Venugopal, K.R. “Cross Layer Design for Wi-Fi Sensor Network Handling Static and Dynamic Environment Using Local Automate Based Autonomic Network Architecture” SN Computer Science, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 1-9 , May 2021.
- BS Shashikiran, K Shaila, KR Venugopal, “>Minimal Block Knight’s Tour and Edge with LSB Pixel Replacement Based Encrypted Image Steganography>”, SN Computer Science, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 1-9 , May 2021.>
- MS Roopa, Rajkumar Buyya, KR Venugopal, SS Iyengar, LM Patnaik, “>DRCM: Dynamic Relationship Creation and Management in Social Internet of Things>,” International Journal of Intelligent Internet of Things Computing, Inderscience Publishers (IEL), vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 200-229, May 2021.>
- Gerard Deepak, Ayush Kumar, A Santhanavijayan, CN Pushpa, J Thriveni, KR Venugopal, “>Pedagogical Ontology Modelling for Cell Biology Domain With an Algorithm for Question Generation>,” Machine Learning Approaches for Improvising Modern Learning Systems, IGI Golbal Publisher, pp. 144-168, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5009-0.ch006, 2021>
- Bineet Kumar Jha, Sivasankari G. G., Venugopal K. R., “Product Recommendation System using Scalable Alternating Least Square Algorithm and Collaborative Filtering using Apache Spark in E-Commerce” Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, ISSN:1583-6258, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 2611 – 2622 , April 2021.
- S Reshma, K Shaila, KR Venugopal, “>SDAFPS: Secure Data Aggregation using Fuzzy Judgement, Pattern Category and SHAP Contribution>” SN Computer Science, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1-7. April 2021.>
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “A Fuel Meter Reading Display Device in a Fuel Filling Station”, Application No: 4567/CHE/2014 dated 19.07.2014, Patent No: 365865 Published on 14th January 2021.
- K Venkataravana Nayak, Arunalatha J S and Venugopal K R, “ IR-FF-kNN: Image Retrieval Using Feature Fusion with k-Nearest Neighbour Classifier,” ACM Workshop on Algorithm and Big Data, pp. 86–89, , March 2021.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “An Advertisement Display Device on an Escalator Handrail Belts” Application No: 6152/CHE/2014, dated 05.12.2014, Patent No: 360537, Published on 8th March 2021.
- Chayapathi A R, G Sunil Kumar, Manjunath Swamy B E, Thriveni J, and Venugopal K R, “>Cloud Based Multi-Language Indexing Using Cross Lingual Information Retrieval Approaches>” Information Technology in Industry, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1283-1293, March 2021.>
- MS Roopa, B Pallavi, Rajkumar Buyya, KR Venugopal, SS Iyengar, LM Patnaik, “>Social Interaction-Enabled Industrial Internet of Things for Predictive Maintenance>”. In ICT Systems and Sustainability, Springer Singapore, pp. 661-673, 2021>
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, P Deepa Shenoy, “Electric Plug Ejecting Socket” Application No: 335/CHE/2015, dated 23.01.2015, Patent No:360207, Published on 4th March 2021
- M Hanumanthappa, K R Venugopal, K Ravikumar, S B Asoka, J Vakula Rani, “Data Mining Based Student Data Analysis Utilizing Random Forest Method”, Patent No: 2020103621, Published on 3rd March 2021.
- S Reshma, K Shaila, KR Venugopal “>VEDSDA: Voronoi Encryption and Decryption for Secure Data Aggregation” in WSN>s- Wireless Personal Communications, Springer US, pp. 1-20, Feb 2021.>
- Abhilash C.N., Manjula S.H., Tanuja R., Venugopal K.R. (2021) “Shortest Path Discovery for Area Coverage (SPDAC) Using Prediction-Based Clustering in WSN” In: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering. vol. 1133, pp. 1345-1357. Springer, Singapore. 2021
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “Fingers Wash Box”, Application No: 6156/CHE/2014, dated 05.12.2014, Patent No: 356146, Published on 19th January 2021.
- Radhika K.R., Pushpa C.N., Thriveni J., Venugopal K.R. “A Computer Vision-Based Approach for Subspace Clustering and Lagrange Multiplier Optimization in High-Dimensional Data” in ICT Analysis and Applications. vol. 154, pp. 131-144, Springer, Singapore, 2021.
- N Vinutha, Santosh Pattar, P Deepa Shenoy, KR Venugopal, “>SliceNet-AD: Slice Selection-based Convolution Neural Network Model for Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease>,” International Journal of Image Mining, Inderscience Publishers (IEL), vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 69-97, 2021.>
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal., “An Apparatus and Method for Answer Script Valuation and Digitization of Marks”, Application No: 858/CHE/2015, dated 24.02.2015, Patent No: 355139, Published on 1st January 2021.
- AR Chayapathi, G Sunil Kumar, J Thriveni, KR Venugopal, “>Usage of Multilingual Indexing for Retrieving the Information in Multiple Language>”, Advances in Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence, pp. 255-264, Springer, 2021.>
- Dinesh K Anvekar and Venugopal K R., “Digital Book Mark with Sliding Strips”, Application No: 5544/CHE/2014, dated 05.11.2014, Patent No: 355138, Published on 1st January 2021.
- P Manasa, K Shaila, KR Venugopal, “>TCHCN: Trust Computation for Hierarchical Clustering Network to Improve Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Network>,” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 5509-5515(7), American Scientific Publishers, December 2020.>
- Geeta C Mara, Usharani Rathod, Shreyas Raju RG, S Raghavendra, Rajkumar Buyya, KR Venugopal, S Sitharama Iyengar, LM Patnaik, “>CRUPA: Collusion Resistant User Revocable Public Auditing of Shared Data in Cloud>” Journal of Cloud Computing, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-18, Springer open, December 2020.>
- BS Shashikiran, K Shaila, KR Venugopal, “>Hybrid Domain Steganography for Embedding DES Encrypted QR Code Using Random Bit Binary Search>,” Context-Aware Systems and Applications, and Nature of Computation and Communication, vol. 343, pp. 310-322, Springer Cham, November 2020.>
- KN Sanjay, K Shaila, KR Venugopal, “>Improved Packet Delivery for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Local Automate Based Autonomic Network Architecture in a ZigBee Environment>,” Context-Aware Systems and Applications, and Nature of Computation and Communication, vol. 343, pp. 300-309, Springer, November 2020.>
- Gerard Deepak, BN Shwetha, CN Pushpa, J Thriveni, KR Venugopal, “A hybridized semantic trust-based framework for personalized web page recommendation,” International Journal of Computers and Applications, vol. 42, no. 08, pp. 729-739, DOI: 10.1080/1206212X.2018. 1480472, Nov 2020.
- Pattarakamon Rangsee, K B Raja, and Venugopal K R, “Enrichment of Face Recognition Built with The Salient Features of Reformed Local Ternary Pattern”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Vol.7, Issue 4, pp.282-291, November 2020.
- K. Venkataravana Nayak, M. Geetanjali, J. S. Arunalatha, and K. R. Venugopal, “(IR-HF-WED): Image Retrieval technique using Hybrid Feature Extraction with Weighted Euclidean Distance,” Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 9, no.6, pp. 3987–3999, ISSN: 1857-8365 (printed); 1857-8438 (electronic), 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “A pair of dice for generating an equal probability of numerical values”, Application No. 6147/CHE/2014, dated 05.12.2014, Patent No: 349881, Published on 22nd October, 2020.
- A Divya, KB Raja, KR Venugopal “>Windowing Approach for Face Recognition using the Spatial-Temporal Method and Artificial Neural Network>”, International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition, ISSN: 2049-887X , vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 124-162, Inderscience Publishers (IEL), 2020.>
- M.S. Roopa, S. Ayesha Siddiq, Rajkumar Buyya, K.R. Venugopal, S.S. Iyengar, L.M. Patnaik,“DTCMS: Dynamic Traffic Congestion Management in Social Internet of Vehicles (SIoV),” Internet of Things, ISSN 2542-6605, pp. 100311, October, 2020.
- BK Dhanalakshmi, KC Srikantaiah, KR Venugopal “>Dynamic Computation of Threshold Value for Classifying Jobs in Cloud Computing for Efficient Resource Utilization>” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol. 17, no. 9-10, pp. 4458-4461(4), American Scientific Publishers, September/October 2020.>
- DK Chandrashekar, KC Srikantaiah, KR Venugopal, “>Map Reduce Based Association Rule Mining from Big Data>” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, American Scientific Publishers, vol. 17, no. 9-10, pp. 4262-4266(5), September/October 2020.>
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal, “Teaching Aid for Teaching Concepts of Stacks in Computer Science Education”, Application No: 5014 / CHE / 2014 dated 07.10.2014 Patent No: 347438, Published on 23rd September 2020
- Dhanalakshmi B.K., Srikantaiah K.C., Venugopal K.R., “Carry Forward and Access Control for Unused Resources in Multi Sharing System of Hybrid Cloud,”Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 110, pp. 282-290, ISSN: 0167-739X, September 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “Beeping Hour Glass” Application No: 6143/CHE/2014, dated 05.12.2014, Patent No: 346301, Published on 08th September 2020.
- J Shreyas, Anand Jumnal, SM Dilip Kumar, KR Venugopal “>Application of Computational Intelligence Techniques for Internet of Things: an Extensive Survey>”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, vol. 09, no. 3, pp. 234-288, Sep 2020.>
- Munikrishna D, Kiran Kumar R, Preetham Y, K B Raja and, Venugopal K R, “A Facial Recognition System using KNN based on DWT Segmentation Combined with ULBPH,” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, vol. 8, no. 8, pp 808- 821, August 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal., “Barcode Valuation Sheet for Answer Scripts”, Application No: 852/CHE/2015, dated 24.02.2015, Patent No: 345362, Published on 27th August 2020.
- Bineet Kumar Jha, GG Sivasankari, KR Venugopal, “>Cloud-based Smart Water Quality Monitoring System using IoT Sensors and Machine Learning>,” International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering , ISSN 2278-3091, vol. 09, no. 3, May 2020.>
- Radhika K R, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R. “A Computer Vision Based Approach for Subspace Clustering and Lagrange Multiplier Optimization in High-Dimensional Data”. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020, ISSN 2367-3389 (electronic), ISBN 978-981-15-0630-7 (eBook), vol. 2, pp. 435-448, 2020.
- Ramya R S, Ganesh Singh T, Sejal D, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. “R 2 DCLT: Retrieving Relevant Documents using Cosine Similarity and LDA in Text Mining,” International Journal of Information and Communication Technology (IJICT), Inderscience Publisher, 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “Method and Apparatus for Ergonomically Displaying Fuel Meter Values in Automotive Fuel Station”, Application No: 4567 / CHE / 2014, dated 19.09.2014, Patent No: 341594, Published on 15th July 2020
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “Outer Rare View Mirror Glare Reduction Apparatus for Automobiles”, Application No: 5543/CHE/2014 dated 05.11.2014, Patent No: 340352 Published on 3rd July 2020.
- Ramya R S, Nanda Kishore, Madhura Holla, Sejal D Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. “EPNDR: Predicting Social Emotions based on Textual Relevance for News Documents,” International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research (IJSTR), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 531-539, (ISSN: 2277-8616), 2020.
- Ramya R S, Naveen Raju, Sejal D Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. “AEFTM: Automatic Extraction of Facets for User Query in Text Mining,” International Journal on Emerging Technologies (IJET), vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 342-350, (ISSN: 2249-3255), 2020.
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti K N, Tanuja R, S H Manjula, and Venugopal. K R, “Security Aware Resource Allocation, Scheduling for Cognitive-NOMA Network” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, vol 9, no. 4, pp. 35-44, 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “A Cap for a Beverage Container”, Application No: 5550/CHE/2014, dated 05.11.2014, Patent No: 338456, Published on 12th June 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “Adapter for Left-Right Indicator in Automobiles”, Application No: 5542/CHE/2014, dated 05.11.2014, 338513, Published on 15th June 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “A Distributed Horn System to Reduce a Horn Sound Intensity in a Locomotive Engine” Application No: 5556/CHE/2014, dated 05.11.2014, Patent No: 338267, Published on 10th June 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “Two-way Control Switches with ON Indication”, Application No: 5551/CHE/2014, dated 05.11.2014, Patent No: 339310, Published on 25th June 2020.
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti K N, S H Manjula, and Venugopal K R “Joint Channel and Interference Aware Cooperative Routing for Cognitive Radio Network”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, vol 8, no. 5, pp. 401-412, 2020.
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti K N, S H Manjula, and Venugopal K R “Energy Aware Resource Allocation and Complexity Reduction Approach for Cognitive Radio Networks using Game Theory”, International Journal of Physical Communication (Elsevier ) vol. 42, ISSN 1874-4907, 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “Automatic Ground Floor Selection in Elevators”, Application No: 6142/CHE/2014, dated 05.12.2014, Patent No: 337594, Published on 29th May 2020.
- Roopa, M.S., Siddiq, A., Buyya, R., Venugopal, K.R., Iyengar, S.S. and Patnaik L.M., “Dynamic Management of Traffic Signals through Social IoT”. Procedia Computer Science, vol. 171, pp.1908-1916, 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “Segmented Bottles”, Application No: 5549/CHE/2014, dated 05.11.2014, Patent No: 339852, Published on 30th June 2020.
- Lata B T, Venugopal K R, “TASM: Trust Aware Scheme for Secure and Reliable Data Transmission in MANETS,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 420-424, ISSN: 2277-3878, May 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “A Rain Shade Canopy for Automobile”, Application No: 5547/CHE/2014, dated 05.11.2014, Patent No: 338788, Published on 18th June 2020
- Jeevitha B K, Neeta P U, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, and Venugopal K R, “S3DCE: Secure Storing and Sharing of Data in Cloud Environment using User Phrase”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1191-1198, April 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “A Method of Preparing a Marks Table Flap Attached with a Answer Booklet”, Application No: 5555/CHE/2014 dated 05.11.2014 Patent No: 338185, Published on 9th June 2020.
- K Dinesh Anvekar, KR Venugopal., “An Electric Power Control System for a Solar Electric Water Heater”, Application No: 6141/CHE2014, dated 05.12.2014, Patent No: 338976, Published on 22nd June 2020.
- Lata B T, Venugopal K R, “TBSK: Trust Based Secure Key Sharing Scheme for Hierarchical WSN to Detect Malicious Activities”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 3224-3231, ISSN: 2320-2882, 2020.
- Jeevitha B K, Madurya V N, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, and Venugopal K R, “ESSMO: An Efficient Search Scheme on Encrypted Cloud Data using Modular OPE”, International Journal of Scientic and Technology Research, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 6105-6115, March 2020.
- Venkatesha Maravanthe, Prasanth Ganesh Rao, Anita Kanavalli, Deepa Shenoy Punjalkatte and Venugopal Kuppanna Rajuk, “A Hierarchical Clustering Approach for DBpedia based Contextual Information of Tweets,” Journal of Computer Science, ISSN Online: 1552-6607, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 330-343, DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2020.330.343, March 2020.
- Dinesh K Anvekar, KR Venugopal, “Wireless Control of Locomotives Jumping Red Signal” Application No: 5013 / CHE / 2014, dated 05.12.2014, Patent No: 359879, Published on 1st March, 2020
- Roopa M S, Venugopal K R, P Deepa Shenoy, Dilip Kumar S M, Pushpa C N, Venkatesh, Kiran K, Sunil Kumar G, “A Systematic Study and Comprehensive Comparison of Online Teaching and Learning (OTL) Apps for Measuring the Quality of User Experience”, International Journal of Science and Research, (IJSR), vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 864-890, 2020.
- KR Venugopal, KC Srikantaiah “>Web Data Extraction and Integration System for Search Engine Results>” Web Recommendations Systems, Springer, pp. 11-25, March 2020.>
- Dinesh K Anvekar, K R Venugopal, “Wireless Tokens for Customers”, Application No: 6158/CHE/2014, dated 05.12.2014, Patent No: 359882, Published on 1st March, 2020
- KR Venugopal, KC Srikantaiah “>Mining and Cyclic Behaviour Analysis of Web Sequential Patterns>” Web Recommendations Systems, pp. 27-48, Springer, March 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, Sejal Santosh Nimbhorkar “>Web Page Recommendations Based on User Session Graph>” Web Recommendations Systems, pp. 131-142, Springer, March 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, Sejal Santosh Nimbhorkar “>Web Page Recommendations Based Web Navigation Prediction>” Web Recommendations Systems, pp. 109-130, Springer, March 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, Sejal Santosh Nimbhorkar “>Construction of Topic Directories Using Levenshtein Similarity Weight>” Web Recommendations Systems, pp. 67-86, Springer, March 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, Sejal Santosh Nimbhorkar, “>Related Search Recommendation with User Feedback Session>” Web Recommendations Systems, pp. 87-108, Springer, Singapore, March 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, Sejal Santosh Nimbhorkar, “>Advertisement Recommendations Using Expectation Maximization>”, Web Recommendations Systems, pp. 143-160, Springer, Singapore, March 2020.>
- LM Patnaik, KR Venugopal, SS Iyengar, R Buyya “DRCM: Dynamic Relationship Creation and Management in Social Internet of Things (SIoT)” International Journal of Intelligent Internet of Things Computing, vol. 1, no. 3, pp.1-1, 2020.
- G Leelavathi, K Shaila, KR Venugopal “>Reconfigurable Hardware Architecture of Public Key Crypto Processor for VANET and Wireless Sensor Nodes>”, International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, vol 5, no. 1, pp. 11-25, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, KC Srikantaiah, “>Automatic Discovery and Ranking of Synonyms for Search Keywords in the Web>” Web Recommendations Systems, Springer, pages 49-65. 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>LRTHR: Link-Reliability Based Two-Hop Routing for WSNs>”, QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 23-44, Springer, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>CBH-MAC: Contention-Based Hybrid MAC Protocol for WSNs>”- QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 95-111, Springer, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>ETXTD: ETX and RTT Delay Based Fault Detection Algorithm for WSNs> ”- QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 61-70, Springer, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>QMSR: Qos Multi-hop Sensor Routing Cross-Layer Design for WSNs>”- QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 113-122, Springer, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>An Introduction to QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks>”- QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 1-21, Springer, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>EPC: Efficient Gateway Selection for Passive Clustering in MWSNs>”-QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 123-141, Springer, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>FTQAC: Fault Tolerant QoS Adaptive Clustering for WSNs>” QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 45-59, Springer, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>ERRAP: Efficient Retransmission Qos-Aware MAC Scheme for WSNs>” -QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 83-94, Springer, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>SAAQ: Secure Aggregation for Approximate Queries in WSNs>” – QoS routing algorithms for wireless sensor networks, pp. 143-160, Springer, 2020.>
- KR Venugopal, M Kumaraswamy, “>DQTSM: Distributed Qos in Time Synchronized MAC Protocol for WSNs>” -QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, pp. 71-81, Springer, 2020.>
- CM Geeta, Shreyas Raju RG, S Raghavendra, Rajkumar Buyya, KR Venugopal, SS Iyengar, LM Patnaik, “>SDVADC: Secure Deduplication and Virtual Auditing of Data in Cloud>” Procedia Computer Science, vol. 171, pp. 2225-2234, January 2020.>
- Niranjan A, K S S S Abhishikth, P Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K R, “EKMPRFG: Ensemble of KNN, Multilayer Perceptron and Random Forest using Grading for Android Malware Classification”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 277-3878, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 3353-3360, Jan 2020.
- Niranjan A, Venkata Krishnasai Sakhamuri, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, “ERCRFS: Ensemble of Random Committee and Random Forest using StackingC for Phishing Classification,” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER), ISSN: 2454-6410, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan 2020.
- Bhavya M, Thriveni J, and Venugopal K R, “DDEAS: Distributed Deduplication System with Efficient Access in Cloud Data Storage”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1943-1949, December, 2019.
- Radhika K R, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, FSEFST: Feature Selection and Extraction using Feature Subset Technique in High Dimensional Data, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 814-820, December 2019
- Bhavya M, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, ‘ DDEAS: Distributed Deduplication System with Efficient Access in Cloud Data Storage’, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), ISSN: 2249-8958, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1943-1949, December 2019.
- Niranjan A, K.M. Akshobhya, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, “EKMC: Ensemble of kNN using MetaCost for Efficient Anomaly Detection”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal(USA), ISSN: 2415-6698, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 401-408, DOI: 10.25046/aj040552, Oct 2019.
- Buddesab, Bhavyashree S.P Thriveni J,Venugopal K R, “Data Security using Trust by Integrating WSN and CC and Reputation Calculation Technique” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, vol. 9, no. 1, October 2019.
- Buddesab, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, “Private and Secure Healthcare Data Transmission and Analysis for Medical Wireless Sensing System”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering(IJCSE), vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 519-527, 2019
- R Amutha, H Sivasankari, KR Venugopal, “>A Survey on Quality of Service Metrics Using Cross Layer Optimization Technique>” International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies, pp.489-505, Springer, Cham, 2019>
- Buddesab, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R “Trust Model Genetic Node Recovery Based on Cloud Theory for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 3759-3771 ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v9i5.pp3759-3771, October 2019.
- M. Venkatesha, Prasanth G. Rao, Anita Kanavalli, P. Deepa Shenoy and K. R. Venugopal, “Detecting Extended Contexts in Tweets using DBpedia,” 2019 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Electronic ISSN: 2642-6102, pp. 151-156, doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP 46218. 2019. 8971256, June 2019.
- Sowmya DR, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal KR, “Watershed Delineation using SRTM DEM for Bangalore South Region” International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention, vol 8, no. 1, 2019
- Ramya R S, Darshan M, Sejal D, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. ACTSML: Automatic Classification of Text Summarization using Machine Learning, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 5445-5457, (ISSN: 2249-8958), 2019.
- Radhika K R, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, (EDSFCA): Efficient Document Subspace Clustering in High-Dimensional Data using Fast Clustering Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE), E-ISSN: 2347-2693, vol.-7, no. 2, pp. 1010-1015, February 2019
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti K N, S H Manjula, and Venugopal K R “SAM- CAR:Spectrum Aware Multi-Coefficient based shortest Anypath Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology (IJECET) vol 10, no. 3, pp. 19-32. 2019.
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti K N, S H Manjula, and Venugopal K R “E2 CL, HC: Energy Efficient Cooperative Localized & Hierarchical Cluster Routing in CRN”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 2342-2355, 2019.
- M. S. Roopa, S. Pattar, R. Buyya, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, and L. M. Patnaik, “Social Internet of Things (SIoT): Foundations, Thrust Areas, Systematic Review and Future Directions,” Computer Communications, vol. 139, pp. 32–57, 2019
- N. Vinutha, S. Pattar, S. Sharma, P. D. Shenoy, and K. R. Venugopal, “A Machine Learning Framework for Assessment of Cognitive and Functional Impairments in Alzheimer’s Disease: Data Preprocessing and Analysis,” The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer‘s Disease, vol. 7, pp. 1–8, 2019
- Dr. B. N. Shankar Gowda, Dr. Vibha Lakshmikantha, “Behavior Prophecy of Stock Trader using Machine Learning Techniques”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Elsevier Publication, ISSN No.: 2278-3075, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 3620-3624, 2019.
- AL Venkatesh, P Kushal, KR Venugopal, LM Patnaik, SS “Iyengar> Two-Hop-Based Geographic Opportunistic Routing in WSNs>” Advanced Computing and Systems for Security: vol. 6, pp. 89, Springer, May 2018.>
- Buddesab, Pallavi, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J , Venugopal K. R, SCLSS: Secured Collaborative Location Dependent Sleep Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Integrated with Mobile Cloud Computing, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), ISSN: 2394-3777 (Print), 2394-3785 (online), vol. 5, no. 14, pp. 172-180, April 2018.
- Muthi Reddy P, RekhaRangappaDasar, Tanuja R, Manjula S. H. and Venugopal K. R., “COIRS: Cost Optimized Identity based Ring Signature with Forward Secrecy in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN: 1947-5500, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 71-79, Mar 2018.
- Muthireddy P, Manjula S H and Venugopal K R, “Time Optimization for Authentic and Anonymous Group Sharing in Cloud Storage”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology (IJCET),IAME, ISSN Print: 0976 – 6367, ISSN Online: 0976–6375, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 16-31, March-April 2018.
- Muthi Reddy P, ManjulaS H and Venugopal K R “SDSPG: Secured Data Sharing with Privacy as a Group in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Current Advanced Research (IJCAR), ISSN: O:2319-6475, ISSN: P:2319-6505, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 10036-10043, February 2018.
- Muthi Reddy P, AnsafAhamed, Manjula S H and Venugopal K R, “Resource Allocation in the Cloud for Video-on-Demand Applications using Multiple Cloud Service Providers”, Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications,Springer, ISSN (Print): 1386-7857,1573-7543 (Online), vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1-17, 2018.
- Muthi Reddy P, Manjula S H and Venugopal K R, “Energy-Cost Effcient of Secure Dynamic Data Virtualization in Multi-Tenant Data Centers”, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER),ISSN (e): 2250–3005, vol. 8, no. 9, pp.28-38, September-2018.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R. “Implementation of Double Encryption Using Elgamal and Double Encryption on FPGA for Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”, GARI International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, ISBN 978-955-7153-00-1, 4(3):81-106, Article ID: IN/GARI/ICET/2018/106, Colombo, Srilanka, July 2018.
- Viny K, S M Dilip Kumar, Raghavendra S, Venugopal K R, “Cost and Fault-Tolerant Aware Resource Management for Scientific Workflows using Hybrid Instances for Clouds”, Multimedia Tools and Applications – An International Journal, Springer US, vol. 77, no. 8, pp. 10171-10193, ISSN: 1380-7501, 2018.
- Vinay K, S M Dilip Kumar, Raghavendra S, Venugopal K R, “Scheduling Preemptive and Non Preemptive Tasks of Scientific Workflows using Hybrid Instances in Cloud Environment”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 181, no. 15, pp. 1-6, (ISSN: 09750-8887), Sep 2018.
- Srinidhi N, S M Dilip Kumar, Venugopal K R, “Netowrk Optimization in the Internet of Things: A Review”, Engineering Science and Technology – An International Journal, Elsevier Publications, ISSN: 2215-0986, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-21, 2019.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R. “Design of RSA Processor and Field Arithmetic of ECC with Vedic Multipliers for Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP), e-ISSN: 2319 4200, p-ISSN No. : 2319 4197 , 8(1):01-05, vol. 08, pp. 1-15, Jan-Feb 2018.
- Vinutha N, P. G U Vasanthakumar. P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K. R., “>A Comprehensive Survey on Tools for Effective Alzheimer’s Disease Detection>”, American Journal of Neuroscience, Science publication, vol. 09, no. 1, pp. 1-10, 2018.>
- Raghavendra C K, Srikantaiah K C, Venugopal K R. Personalized Recommendation Systems (PRES): A Comprehensive Study and Research Issues, I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, ISSN(O): 2075-017X , ISSN(P): 2075-0161, vol. 10, no 10, pp. 11-21, 2018.
- Deepthi K Prasad, Vibha L and Venugopal K R, “An Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Classification System using Bayesian Logistic Regression Classifier”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 855-859, ISSN 0976-5697, Feb. 2018.
- Deepthi K Prasad, Vibha L and Venugopal K R, “Early Detection and Multistage Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy using Random Forest Classifier”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 77-84, 2018.
- Deepthi K Prasad, Vibha L and Venugopal K R, “Multistage Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Fuzzy- Neural Network Classifier”, ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing, vol. 08, no. 04, pp. 1739-1746, ISSN: 0976-9102 (Online), 2018.
- Deepthi K Prasad, Vibha L and Venugopal K R, “Hard Exudate Based Severity Assessment of Diabetic Macular Edema from Retinal Fundus Images”, International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 313-326, 2018.
- Deepthi K Prasad, Vibha L and Venugopal K R, “Severity Analysis of Macular Edema Using Random Tree Classifier”, International Journal of Engineeringand Computer Science, vol. 7, no. 03, pp. 23674-23679, March 2018.
- Deepthi K Prasad, Vibha L and Venugopal K R, “Detection of Glaucoma Using Cup-to-Disc Ratio and Blood Vessels Orientation”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), ISSN: 2456-3307, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1515-1520, January-February2018.
- Deepthi K Prasad, Vibha L and Venugopal K R., “Automatic Detection of Glaucoma Using Cup-To-Disk Ratio and Hybrid Classifiers”, ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1901-1910, 2018.
- Vinutha N, P. DeepaShenoy, Venugopal K. R., “Efficient Morphometric Techniques in Disease Detection: Survey and Tools”, American Journal of Neuroscience, ISSN: 2524-2237, Science publication, vol. 7, no.2, pp. 19-44, 2017.
- Prathap U., DeepaShenoy P. &Venugopal K. R., “Detecting Selective Packet Droppers and Modifiers with Triple Key Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) – Research India Publications, ISSN No: 0973-9769 vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 6926-6934, April 2018
- Savitha Mathapati, Shreelekha B S, Tanuja R, S H Manjula and Venugopal K R, “Opinion Mining from Online Reviews using Opinion and Semantic Relations”, Journal of Current Advanced Research (IJCAR), ISSN: (O): 2319-6475: ISSN: (P) 2319-6505, DOI:>>, vol. 7, no. 4(A), pp. 11335-11343, April 2018.>
- Savitha Mathapati, Anil D, Tanuja R, S H Manjula and Venugopal K R, “CNSM: Cosine and N-gram Similarity Measure to Extract Reasons for Sentiment Variation on Twitter”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology(IJCET) IAEME journal, ISSN Print: 0976-6367 and ISSN Online: 0976-6375, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 150-161, April 2018.
- Vandana Jha, R. Savitha, P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and A K Sangaiah, “A Novel Sentiment Aware Dictionary for Multi-Domain Sentiment Classification” Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol. 69, pp. 585-597, Elsevier, July 2018.
- Radhika K. R , Pushpa C. N , Thriveni J , Venugopal K. R, “Framework for Novel Subspace Clustering using Search Optimization Methodology”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 2710-2714, 2018.
- Bhavya M, Thriveni. J, Venugopal K R, “Improving Efficiency of Cloud Data Storage System: A Comprehensive Survey”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER), ISSN No: 2455-1457, vol. 04, no. 01, pp. 380-396, 2018
- Sejal D, Shradha G, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “Conversion Prediction for Advertisement Recommendation using Expectation Maximization”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, ISSN 1947-5500, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 174-183, April 2018.
- S Raghavendra, Girish S, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “Split Keyword Fuzzy and Synonym Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data”, in Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), vol. 77, no. 8, pp. 10135–10156, print ISSN: 1380-7501 online ISSN: 1573-7721, 2018.
- Jeevitha B K, Shwetha Mary A, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, “CDSPD: A Novel Certificateless Data Sharing in Cloud Through Partial Decryption”, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), ISSN No: 2394-3785 (online), 2394-3777 (Print), vol. 05, no. 14, pp. 177-186, April 2018.
- Mamatha. M, Thriveni. J, Venugopal. K.R “Techniques of Sentiment Classification, Emotion Detection, Feature Extraction and Sentiment Analysis: A Comprehensive Review”, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, E- ISSN No.: 2347- 2693, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 244-261, January 2018.
- Satish S Bhairannawar, Sayantam Sarkar, KB Raja, KR Venugopal “>Implementation of Fingerprint Based Biometric System using Optimized 5/3 DWT Architecture and Modified CORDIC Based FFT>” Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 342-366, Springer, Jan 2018.>
- Prasanth Rao, Venkatesha M, P Deepa Shenoy, Anita Kanavalli, Venugopal K R, A Semantic Graph Based Micromodel to Predict Message Propagation for Twitter Users, Research India Publications, 0973-4562, vol. 13, no. 19, pp. 14257-14266, 2018.
- S. Pattar, R. Buyya, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, and L. M. Patnaik, “Searching for the IoT Resources: Fundamentals, Requirements, Comprehensive Review and Future Directions,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 2101–2132, 2018.
- Muthireddy P, Manjula S H, and Venugopal K R, “MSecure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Computer (IJC) vol. 25, no.1, pp. 80-115, 2017.
- Niranjan A, Haripriya D K, Pooja R, Sarah S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, “EKRV: Ensemble of kNN and Random Committee using Voting for Efficient Classification of Phishing”, Presented at 2nd International Conference ICACIE, Central University of Rajasthan, Proceedings of the same would be published by Springer, pp. 403-414, 2017.
- Vandana Jha, R. Savitha, P. Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K R. “A Novel Sentiment Aware Dictionary for Multi-Domain Sentiment Classification”, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Available Online, Elsevier, vol. 69, pp. 585-597, 2017.
- Savitha Mathapati, Gajanand Sharma, S H Manjula and Venugopal K R, “Content-based Filtering of Undesired Hindi Messages from Online Social Network Users Wall”, International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJASEAT), vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 82-91, August 2017.
- Prathap U., Kiran K., Deepa Shenoy P. & Venugopal K. R., “SFAD2H: Selective Forwarding or Dropping Attack Detection with 2-Hop Acknowledgment Support in Wireless Sensor Networks”, American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (AJEAS) – Science Publications, ISSN No: 1941-7020, vol. 10, no. 4, Nov 2017
- Vasanthakumar G U, Ashwini G R, Srilekha K N, Swathi S, P. Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K. R., “UPLSN: User Profiling in Location based Social Networking using Geographical Information System”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), USA, ISSN: 1947-5500, vol. 15, no. 6, June 2017.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, “Implementation of ECC on FPGA using Scalable Architecture with equal Data and Key for WSN”, in International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), DOI: 10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i2/ 170902063, 9(2): 773-796, ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613 ISSN (Online) : 0975-4024, May 2017.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, “A Light Weight Implementation of ECC Cryptosystem on FPGA for nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Fifth International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 6(8):1183-1193, ISSN (Print) : 2319-8355 ISSN (Online) : 2319-8354, August 2017.
- Sejal D, Vijay K M, Venugopal K R, S SIyengar and L M Patnaik, “Webpage Recommendations based on User Session Graph”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN 1947-5500, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 99-104, March 2017
- Vandana Jha, Savitha Ramu, P. Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K R “Reputation Systems: Evaluating Reputation Among All Good Sellers”, Data-Enabled Discovery and Applications, Springer, ISSN: 2510-1161, DOI: 10.1007/s41688-017-0008-8, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 8, Aug 2017.
- Prathap U., Kiran K., Deepa Shenoy P. & Venugopal K. R., “DMN2SC: Detecting Malicious Nodes with 2-hop Secure Channel Support in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN No: 1947 5500, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 234-242, July 2017
- Muthi Reddy P, Manjula S. H. and Venugopal K. R. “Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing: A Comprehensive Review”, Publisher: International Journal of Computer (IJC), ISSN: 2307-4523, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 80-115, April 2017.
- E. G. Prathima, Laxmikant, Naveen S A, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. “GA DMS: Gathering Aggregated Data using Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer (IJC), ISSN 2307-4523, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 63-79, 2017.
- E. G. Prathima, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. “SDACQ: Secure Data Aggregation for Coexisting Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, ISSN 1738-7906, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 205-214, 2017.
- E G Prathima, Shiv Prakash T, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. “ADA: Authenticated Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal on Computer Applications, ISSN: 0975-8887, vol. 167, no. 7, pp. 29-36, 2017.
- Savitha Mathapati, Ayesha Nafeesa, S H Manjula and Venugopal K R, “Semi-supervised Cross Domain Sentiment Classification on Tweets using Optimized Topic-Adaptive Word Expansion Technique”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security(IJCSIS), ISSN 1947 5500, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 370-381, May 2017.
- Vasanthakumar G U, Priyanka R, Vanitha Raj K C, Bhavani S, Asha Rani B R, P Deepa Shenoy and K R Venugopal, “PTMIBSS: Profiling Top Most Inflential Blogger Using Synonym Substitution Approach”, ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing, (ISSN:2229 – 6959), vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1408-1422, January 2017.
- A Vidya, Santosh Pattar, MS Roopa, KR Venugopal, LM Patnaik, “TASB-AC: Term Annotated Sliding-Window-Based Boosting Associative Classifier for DNA Repair Gene Categorization”, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sensor Networks, Systems and Security, pp. 245-264, Springer, Cham, 2017
- S Vishwa Kiran, J Thriveni, S Raghuram, KR Venugopal “>Cloud Resource Reduction Evaluation by Video Caching and Streaming in LAN Environment>” CSI Transactions on ICT, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 387-395, Springer India, 2017>
- Vasanthakumar G U, Sunithamma K, P Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K R, “An Overview on User Profiling in Online Social Networks”, International Journal of Applied Information Systems, ISSN: 2249-0868, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 25-42, Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA, January 2017.
- Vasanthakumar G U, P Deepa Shenoy and K R Venugopal, “RDUP3: Relative Distance based User Profiling from Profile Picture in Multi-Social Networking”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 157, no. 10, pp. 7-15, January 2017.
- Sateesh Kumar H C, Abhilash S K and Raja K B and Venugopal K R, “Transform Domain based Iris Recognition using EMD and FFT”, IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSRJVSP), e-ISSN:2319 – 4200, p-ISSN:2319 – 4197, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 08-15, January 2017.
- Sateesh Kumar H C, Sayantam Sarkar, Satish S Bhairannawar, Raja K B, K R Venugopal, “Face Recognition based on STWT and DTCWT using Two Dimensional Q-shift Filters”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248 – 9622, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 64-79, 2017.
- Abhilash C N, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, “Energy Efficient Replaying for Target Coverage in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks”, i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 32 – 41, January 2017.
- Manasa S M, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, “Trust Aware for Social Networks: A Comprehensive Survey”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 162, no. 5, pp. 34 – 43, March 2017.
- Sowmya D R, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal, “Remote Sensing Satellite Image Processing Techniques for Image Classification: A Comprehensive Survey”, International Journal of Computer Application, vol. 161, no. 11, pp. 24-37, March 2017.
- N P Nethravathi, Prasanth G Rao, Chaitra C. Vaidya, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, Indiramma M, ”Generic CBTS: Correlation Based Transformation Strategy for Privacy Preserving Data Mining”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 887), vol. 157, no. 1, January 2017.
- Kiran K, Vaishnavi K, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal, “Throughput Analysis in an Infrastructure-based Mesh Network using BeeHive Algorithm”, International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS), vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1- 9, March 2017.
- Srikantaiah K C, Arpita P D, Krishna Kumar N, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “WeMDAG: Web Sequential Pattern Mining using Directed Acyclic Graph”, International Journal of Computer Application, vol. 161, no. 11, March 2017.
- Pushpa C N, Gerard Deepak, Thriveni J and Venugopal K R. “A Hybridized Semantically Driven Framework for Ontology Modeling”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), USA, vol. 150, ISSN: 0975 – 8887, September 2016,
- Pushpa C N, Gerard Deepak, Thriveni J and Venugopal K R. “A Framework for Constraint Aware Collaborative Ontology Modeling Incorporating Review based Strategy”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications (IJCEA), vol.10, no. 7, pp. 63-82. ISSN: 2321-3469, July 2016.
- Pushpa C N, Gerard Deepak, Mohammed Zakir, Thriveni J and Venugopal K R. Enhanced Neighborhood Normalized Pointwise Mutual Information Algorithm for Constraint Aware Data Clustering, ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing –An International publication of ICTACT, vol. 06, issue 04, pp. 1287-1292. July 2016, ISSN 0976-6561.
- N P Neethravathi, Prasanth G Rao, Chaitra C Vaidya, Geethanjali S, Madhura P, Neha Nandan K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, ”Privacy Preserving Data Mining Ordinal Data using Correlation Based Transformation Strategy (CBTS)”, International Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN – 0974-6846, online – 0974-5645, vol. 9(46), December 2016.
- Savitha G, Dr. Vibha L, K R Venugopal, “Multimodal Biometic Authentication System using LDR Based on Selective Small Reconstruction Error”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN: 1992-8645, pp. 171-180, 2016.
- Venkatesh, Ashwini M, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “VBSS: Virtual Backbone Set Scheduling Algorithm for Enhancing Reliability and Network Lifetime in WSNs”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN: 1947-5500, pp. 41-53, 2016.
- Pushpa CN, Vinay Kumar N K, Thriveni J, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “PWIS: Personalized Web Images Search using One-Click Method”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), vol. 130, no. 10, ISSN: 0975 – 8887, pp. 39-47, 2015.
- N P Nethravathi, Vaibhav J Desai, P Deepa Shenoy, Indiramma M, Venugopal K R, ”A brief Survey on Privacy Preserving Data Mining Techniques”, Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology International Journals(CiiT), vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 267-273, 2016.
- Vandana Jha, Shreedevi G R, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal, “Generating Multilingual Subjectivity Resources using English Language”, International Journal of Computer Application, vol. 152, no. 9, pp. 41-47, 2016.
- Praveen Kumar K V, B M Thippeswamy, Reshma S, M K Bnaga, Udaya Rani V, Venugopal K R, ”A Survey on Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”, i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, vol. 4, no. 4, March, 2016.
- Sujatha B M, Nayina Ramapur, Shubhangi Lagali, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja and Venugopal K R,“SOM based Face Recognition using Steganography and DWT Compression Techniques” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN. 1947-5500, vol. 14, no. 9, September 2016.
- S Raghavendra, Chitra S Reddy, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “Survey on Data Storage and Retrieval Techniques over Encrypted Cloud Data”, in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 719-745, ISSN: 1947 5500, September 2016.
- Sejal D, T Ganeshsingh , Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “ACSIR : ANOVA Cosine Similarity Image Recommendation in Vertical Search”, International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, Springer.vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 143-154, 2017.
- Niranjan A, Nitish A, P Deepa Shenoy & Venugopal K R, “Security in Data Mining- A Comprehensive Survey”, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: C Software & Data Engineering ISSN: 0975-4172 & Print ISSN: 0975-4350 , vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 51-72, 2016.
- Ramya R S, Venugopal K R, Iyengar S S & Patnaik L, “Feature Extraction and Duplicate Detection for Text Mining” A Survey, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: C Software & Data Engineering ISSN: 0975-4172 & Print ISSN: 0975-4350 , vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1-20, 2016.
- Savitha Mathapati, S H Manjula & Venugopal K R, “Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining from Social Media : A Review”, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: C Software & Data Engineering ISSN: 0975-4172 & Print ISSN: 0975-4350 , vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 77-90, 2016.
- Venkatesh, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “LR3 : Link Reliable Reactive Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications (ISBN:0975 – 8887), vol. 157, no 9, pp.14-22, January 2017.
- Sujatha B M, Shubhangi Lagali, Nayina Ramapur, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja and Venugopal K R, “Reversible Logic-MUX-Multiplier Based Face Recognition using Hybrid Features” IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP), ISSN: 2319 – 4200, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 48-64, Dec. 2016.
- Vasanthakumar G U, P. Deepa Shenoy, K.R. Venugopal, “PTIB: Profiling Top Influential Blogger in Online Social Networks”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN: 0973-8215, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-91, IK International Publishing, March 2016.
- Vishwa Kiran S, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Raghuram, “Efficient Stereoscopic 3D Video Transmission over Multiple Network Paths”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security(IJCSIS), vol. 14, CIC2016 Special Issue, ISSN: 1947-5500, 2016.
- Jeevitha B K, Dr. Thriveni J, Dr. Venugopal K R, “Data Storage Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing: A Comprehensive Survey”, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN/ISBN No.: 0975-8887, vol. 156, no. 12, pp. 16-27, December 2016.
- Venkatesh, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, RPRDC: Reliable Proliferation Routing with low Duty-Cycle for Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol.10, no. 2, pp. 79-89, 2016
- Srikantaiah K C, Vibha M J, Sanjana S, Rohith Vibhu, Senthan Reddy T, Venugopal K R. “Cityzen: An Application to Address Civic Issues”, International Journal of Modern Computer Science (IJMCS), ISSN: 2320-7868, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 130-135, 2016
- Jagadish Kotagi, Srikantaiah K C, Venugopal K R. “Peer to Peer Communication Mechanism Across Web Browsers”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN:0973-8215, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 31-43, 2016.
- Sujatha BM, Chetan Tippanna Madiwalar, Suresh Babu K, Raja K B, and Venugopal KR, “Compression Based Face Recognition using DWT and SVM” Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 45-62, June 2016.
- Asha S. Manek, P. Deepa Shenoy, M. Chandra Mohan, K.R. Venugopal , “Detection of fraudulent and malicious websites by analysing user reviews for online shopping websites”, International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence 2016, DOI: 5. 10.1504/ IJKWI.2016.078712, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 171-189, 2016.
- Sejal D, Abhishek D , Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “IR_URFS_VF: Image Recommendation with User Relevance Feedback Session and Visual Features in Vertical Image Search”, International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, pp. 1-10, DOI: 10.1007/s13735-016-0111-x, Springer, 2016.
- Sejal D, Rashmi V, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Image Recommendation based on keyword Relevance using Absorbing Markov Chain and Image Features” International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, Springer, ISSN 2192-6611, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 185-199, 2016.
- Sejal Desai, Kamalakant Tiwari, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik , “Webpage Recommendation with Web Navigation Prediction Framework”, International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence, InderScience Publications. ISSN online: 1755-8263, ISSN print: 1755-8255, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 230-251, 2016.
- G Prathima E, Shiv Prakash T, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. “SAAQ : Secure Aggregation for Approximate Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In International Journal of Information Processing, 10(1):115-127, ISSN: 0973-8215, 2016
- Sateesh Kumar H C, Raja K B and Venugopal K R, “Optimized Biometric System Based on Combination of Face Images and Log Transformation”, Proceedings of Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) ISSN 229 – 3922 (print), e-ISSN 0976 – 710X (online), vol .7, no. 2, pp. 57-72, April 2016
- S Raghavendra, Doddabasappa P A, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik, “Secure Multi-Keyword Search and Multi-User Access Control over an Encrypted Cloud Data” in International Journal of Information Processing(IJIP), vol. 10, no. 2, ISSN: 0973-8215, 2016.
- S Raghavendra, Nithyashree K, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “RSSMSO Rapid Similarity Search on Metric Space Object Stored in Cloud Environment” in International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI), IGI-Global Publisher, USA, ISSN: 1947-9344, EISSN: 1947-9352, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 32-47, 2016.
- S Raghavendra, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “DRSMS: Domain and Range Specific Multi-Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data”, in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN: 1947 5500, vol. 14, no. 5, May 2016.
- Sejal D, Shailesh K G, Tejaswi V, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik, “Query Recommendation based on Query Relevance Graph”, Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining, ibai-publishing, Germany, ISSN: 1865-6781, ISBN: 879-3-942952-41-5, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 3-26, 2016.
- Sejal Desai, Vinuth Chandrasheker, Vijay Mathapati, Venugopal K Rajuk, Sundaraja S Iyengar, Lalit M Patnaik, “User Feedback Session with Clicked and Unclicked Documents for Related Search Recommendation”, IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, ISSN : 1646-3692, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 81-98, 2016.
- Ganapathi V Sagar, K B Raja, K Suresh Babu, Chetan Tippanna Madiwalar, Venugopal K R, “Iris Recognition System based on ZM, GF, VR and Matching Level Fusion”, International Journal of Applied Engineering, ISSN-0973-4562, online ISSN-1087-1090, 2015
- Satish S Bhairannawar, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, “An Efficient Reconfigurable Architecture for Fingerprint Recognition”, Inaternational Journal of VLSI Design, vol. 2016, pp. 1-22, 2015
- Radhika K R, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, “Insights to Existing Techniques of Subspace Clustering in High-Dimensional Data”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 547-553, ISSN 2229-5518, November-2015.
- Sateesh Kumar H C, Sayantam Sarkar, Satish S Bhairannawar, Raja K B, K R Venugopal, “FPGA Implementation of Moving Object and Face Detection using Adaptive Threshold”, Proceedings of International Journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems, vol. 6, no. 5, ISSN: 0976- 1357 (online) 0976-1527 (print), pp. 15-35, 2015.
- Vandana Jha, Manjunath N, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal, “Sentiment Analysis in a Resource Scarce Language: Hindi”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering, Research, ISSN: 2229-5518, pp. 968-980, vol. 7, no. 9, 2016.
- Prabha R, Vikash Kumar, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, “ACCDA: Adaptive Cost-value based Cluster Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN: 0973-8215, pp. 80-88, 2015.
- Harish Kumar B T, Jamuna B S, Vibha L, K R Venugopal, “Improvising Website Navigability by Analyzing the Usage Patterns and Link Structure”, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management, vol. 2, no. 5, ISSN: 2394-6881, pp. 21-29, 2015.
- Ganapathi V Sagar, Savita Y Barker, K B Raja, K Suresh Babu, Venugopal K R, “A Feature Vector Compression Approach for Face Recognition using Convolution and DWT”, International Journal of Computers & Technology, vol. 15, no. 1, November, 2015
- Sejal D, Kamalakant T, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Webpage Recommendation by Calculating Average Visiting Time on Webpages”, International Journal of Information Processing, IK International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, India, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 117-127, 2015.
- Manjunathswamy B E, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, “LDA-PAFI: Linear Discriminate Analysis Based Personal Authentication using Finger Vein and Face Images”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS, ISSN: 1947-5500, vol. 13, no. 9, pp.145-152, September 2015.
- Manjunathswamy B E, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, “LDA-PAFI: Linear Discriminate Analysis Based Personal Authentication Using Finger Vein and Iris Images”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, IJCEA, ISSN: 2321-3469, vol. 9, no. 8, pp.67-81, September 2015.
- Sujatha B M, K.Suresh Babu, K.B.Raja, K.R.Venugopal, “Hybrid Domain based Face Recognition using DWT, FFT and Compressed CLBP,” International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), ISSN : 1985 – 2304, vol. 9, no. 5, September 2015
- Rangaswamy Y, Raja K B, Venugopal K. R, “Face Recognition based on Oriented Complex Wavelets and FFT,” International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN : 0975-8887, vol. 119, no. 24, pp. 27-34, June 2015.
- B M Thippeswamy, Reshma S, Sivasakthi P, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “STEAR: Secure Trust-Aware Energy-Efficient Adaptive Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Journal of Advances in Computer Networks(JACN), ISSN : 1793-8244, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 146-149, June 2015.
- Poornima G, Vinod, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, and L M Patnaik, “Graded Reliance Based Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Communication Technology for Social Networking Services, ISSN: 2287-8467, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1-16, May 2015.
- Arunalatha J S, Suvarna C, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “FCHE: Face Classification using Histogram Equalization,” International Journal of Advanced Computational Engineering and Networking, e-ISSN: 2321-2063, p-ISSN:2320-2106, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 82-87, May 2015.
- Kumaraswamy M, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “Multihop Multi-Channel Distributed QoS Scheduling MAC Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 01-10, April 2015.
- S Kumaraswamy, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “P2DM-RGCD: PPDM Centric Classification Rule Generation Scheme”, In Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (GJCST), USA, Online ISSN: 0975-4172 Print ISSN: 0975-4350, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1-9, March-2015.
- Lata B T, Vidya Rao, Sivasankari H, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “SEAD: Source Encrypted Authentic Data for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD), e-ISSN : 2278-067X, p-ISSN : 2278-800X, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1-16, March 2015.
- Bhavya S, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Study on Issues and Challenges to Achieve Better QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology (IJESRT), ISSN: 2277-9655, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 308-317, March 2015.
- Shiva Prakash T, Raja K B and Venugopal K R, “Reliable Adaptive Replication Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, e-ISSN : 0975-8887, ISBN : 973-93-80885-84-2, vol. 114, no. 17, pp. 1-7, March 2015.
- Arunalatha J S, Rangaswamy Y, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Raja K B, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “IRDO: Iris Recognition by fusion of DTCWT and OLBP,” International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, ISSN 2248-9622, vol. 5, no. 3, (Part -1), pp. 20-31, March 2015.
- B S Shruthi, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “The Paradigm of Major Issues and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), ISSN:2277-128X, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 601-609, March 2015.
- N. Sathisha, K. Suresh Babu, K. B. Raja, K. R.Venugopal, “Image Steganography Based on Mantissa Replacement using LWT,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), ISSN: 2278 – 1323, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 457 – 465, February 2015.
- Prabha R, Prashanth Kumar Gouda, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “MTADF: Multi hop Traffic Aware Data Forwarding for Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks, ISSN: 0975-4579, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 107-118, February 2015.
- Pushpa C N, Arpit Singh Baghel, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Taxi Passenger Recommendation System”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) ISSN: 2250-1797, vol. 5 no. 1, pp. 71-83, February 2015.
- Lata B T, Raghavendra M, Sumukha T V, Suhas H, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “RFSD: Restricted Flooding for Secure Data-aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications (IJCEA), ISSN : 2321-3469, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1-15, February 2015
- Manjunathswamy B E, Appaji M Abhishek, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Multimodal Biometric Authentication using ECG and Fingerprint”, International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA, ISSN : 0975-887, vol. 111, no. 13, pp. 33-39, February 2015
- Abhilash C N, Chandan A S, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R, Patnaik L M, “A Progressive Approach to Enhance Lifetime for Barrier Coverage in Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN : 2320-9801, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 471-475, February 2015.
- Arunalatha J S, Arun C, Pawan K S, Prashanth C R, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Raja K B, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “OSPCV: Off-line Signature Verification using Principal Component Variances,” IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN 2278-0661, p-ISSN 2278-8727, vol. 17 no. 1, pp. 08-23, January – February 2015.
- Arunalatha J S, Rramachandra A C, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Raja K B, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “FRWCT: Face Recognition using Wrapping Curvelet Transform” International Journal of Computer Application, ISSN 2250-1797, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 108-128, January – February 2015.
- Tanuja R, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Secure and Privacy Preserving Data Centric Sensor Networks with Multi-Query Optimization”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology IJRET, e-ISSN : 2319-1163, p-ISSN : 2321-7308, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 247-254, January 2015.
- Prabha R, Krishnaveni M, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “TAEER: Trust Aware Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), ISSN: 2319-6386, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 67-74, Jan, 2015.
- G Sunilkumar, Manjunatha C, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Reinforcement Based Cognitive Algorithms to Detect Malicious Node in Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN 0975-8887, vol. 109, no. 16, pp. 29-34, January 2015.
- N. Sathisha, K. Suresh Babu, K. B. Raja, K. R.Venugopal, “Image Steganography using Non Embedding and Average Technique in Transform Domain,” International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, ISSN: 2229 – 5518, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 920 – 928, January 2015.
- Lata B T, Raghavendra M, Sumukha T V, Suhas H, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnai, “DRFSD: Directed Restricted Flooding for Secure Data-aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science (IJAECS), , ISSN (p):2393-2835, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-6, January 2015.
- N. Sathisha, K. Suresh Babu, K. B. Raja, K. R.Venugopal, “Steganography using Coefficient Replacement and Adaptive Scaling based on DTCWT,” International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), ISSN : 1985 – 2304, vol. 9, no. 2, pp 41-60, 2015.
- G Sunilkumar, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Novel Approach to Detect Malicious User Node by Cognition in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (E), ISSN 0975-4172, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 29-44, 2015.
- Yamuna Devi C R, Saishiva K, Sunil Kumar, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Trust-Based Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information Processing (IJIP), ISSN: 0973 – 8215, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 101-112, 2015.
- Savitha G, Vibha L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Textural and Singular Value Decomposition Feature Extraction Technique for Offline Signature Verification”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN: 0973-8215, 2014.
- Beaulah Soundarabai P, Aravindh S, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “Big Data Analytics: An Approach using Hadoop Distributed File System,” International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) vol. 3, no. 11, ISSN : 2277-3754, May 2014.
- Prabha R, Shivaraj Karki, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Quality of Service for Differentiated Traffic Using Multipath in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), ISSN: 2319-9598, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 61-66, Dec 2014.
- Pushpa C N, Shankar R, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “EMET : Extracting Metadata using Element Tree to Recommend Tags for Web Contents” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT),ISSN:0975-9646, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 8170-8177, December 2014.
- Arunalatha J S, Suvarna C, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Raja K B, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “FRVIWF: Face Recognition using Virtual Images based on Weighted Fusion,” International Journal of Information Processing (IJIP), ISSN 0973-8215, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 98-114, December 2014.
- Lata B T, Raghavendra M, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “SSEGR: Secure Single-Copy Energy Efficient Geographical Routing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In International Organisation of Scientific Research Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), ver. III, e-ISSN : 2278-0661, p-ISSN : 2278-8727, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 37-49, November – December 2014.
- Pushpa C N,Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Web Page Recommendation System using Self Organizing Map Technique”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology and Systems (IJCET) USA, e-ISSN 2277- 4106, p-ISSN 2347-5161, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 3270-3277, October 2014.
- Sanjay K N, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, “Tactical Addressing in Autonomic Network Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks: A New Paradigm”, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p-ISSN: 2278-8735, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1-9, September-October 2014.
- Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Radial Basis Neural Network Technique based Web Page Recommendation System”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN : 2347-2693, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 1-7, September 2014.
- D. Annapurna, Tejas N, K.B. Raja, Venugopal K R, “Energy Efficient Multicast Algorithm for an Ad hoc Network,” American International Journal of Contemporary Scientific Research, AIJCSR-61, ISSN : 2349-4425, vol. 1 no. 2, pp. 5-15, July 2014.
- Yamuna Devi C R, Deepak Sunder, S H Manjula, K R, Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Multi-Hop Routing Algorithm for Delay Reduction and Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJREAT), ISSN: 2320-8791, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 1-7, July 2014.
- Yamuna Devi C R, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Zone Based Transmissions for Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278 – 0181, vol. 3, no. 7, pp. 1194 – 1200, July 2014.
- Lata B T, Jansi P K R, Shaila K, D N Sujatha, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, and L M Patnaik, “Secure Routing Using Multiple Domain for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), e-ISSN : 2231-5381, p-ISSN : 2349-0829, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 21-30, July 2014.
- Prabha R, Archana S, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “EB-VBS: Energy Based Virtual Backbone Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, ACEEE, ISSN : 2158-5563, vol. 11, pp. 335-345, June 2014.
- Manasa P, Reshma S, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, “QoS Aware Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, ISSN:2277-128X, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 1384-1388, June 2014.
- Satish Bhairannawar, Ratan R, Raja K B, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “FPGA Based Efficient Multiplier for Image Processing Applications using Recursive Error Free Mitchell Log Multiplier and KOM Architecture”, International Journal of VLSI Design and Communication Systems, e-ISSN : 0976-1357, p-ISSN : 0976-1527, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 93-114, June 2014.
- N. Sathisha, Madhusudan G N, K. Suresh Babu, K. B. Raja, K. R.Venugopal, “Conditional Entrench Spatial Domain Steganography,” Signal and Image Processing: an International Journal (SIPIJ), e-ISSN : 0976 -710x, p-ISSN : 229-3922, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 25 – 41, June 2014
- Leena Giri G, Archana Mathur, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “MA Algorithm to generate Semantic Web Based Clustered Hierarchy for Keyword Search,” International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, e-ISSN: 2158-0138, p-ISSN : 2158-012x, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 222-230, June 2014.
- Kiran K, Lakshmi B S, Priyanka Negi, Ramitha M, Shruthy S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Analysis of Throughput in Infrastructure based Multi-Radio Network”,> International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering>(IJRECE), ISSN: 2348 – 2281, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 91-99, April-June, 2014.>
- Vidya A, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “Parallelized Sequence Comparison of Human and Naked Mole Rat for Aging Studies”, International Journal of computer Science Issues, P-ISSN 1694-0814, E-ISSN 1694-0814, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 182-189, May 2014.
- Yamuna Devi C R, S H Manjula, K R, Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Multi-hop Route Discovery Using Opportunistic Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 38-45, May 2014.
- Tanuja R, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “BHnFDIA: Energy Effiicient Elimination of Black Hole and False Data Injection Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal of Computer Applications IJCA 2014, DOI 10.5120/16931-6957, ISSN : 0975-887, vol. 96, no. 23, pp. 1-8, May 2014.
- Bharathi S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Ensemble PHOG and SIFT Features Extraction Techniques to Classify High Resolution Satellite images”, CIIT International Journal of Data mining and Knowledge Engineering, ISSN 0974-9674, Vol 6, No 5, pp. 199-206, May 2014.
- S Kumaraswamy, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “A Data Mining Perspective in Privacy Preserving Data Mining Systems”, In International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology(IJCET), e-ISSN 2277–4106, p-ISSN 2347-5161, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 704-717, April 2014.
- D Annapurna, Srikantha, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, “A Dynamic Secure Routing Technique for Mobile Ad hoc Network,” International Journal of Computer Networks and Security, Recent Science Publications Archives ISSN: 2051-6878, pp. 1216-1223, Vol. 24, no. 1, March 2014.
- Kumaraswamy M, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “QoS Group Based Optimal Retransmission Medium Access Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC), DOI: 10.5121/ijcnc.2014.6206, ISSN : 0974-9322, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 61-77, March 2014.
- Kiran K, Nazima Begum, Ramya R, Abhishek Alfred Singh, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Traffic Splitting in a Multi-Radio Multi-hop Network”, CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering, e-ISSN : 0974-9616, p-ISSN : 0974-9713, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 85-92, March 2014.
- Shiva Prakash T, Raja K B and Venugopal K R, “Real-Time Traffic-Differentiated QoS Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN : 0975-887, ISBN : 973-93-80880-20-8, vol. 87, no. 10, pp. 6-13, February 2014.
- Shaila K, Sajitha M, Tejaswi V, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, and L M Patnaik. “Probabilistic Model for Single and Multisensing Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN:2278-0661, p-ISSN:2278-8727, vol. 16 no. 1, pp. 51-66, February 2014.
- D. N. Sujatha, Girish K, Vipin Rajan, K. R. Venugopal, L. M. Patnaik, “Design of Techniques to Enhance the Services for Mobile Video-on-Demand Applications”, International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, ISSN 2320 –2602 , vol. 3, no. 2 , pp.1-6 , February 2014.
- Shiva Prakash T, Raja K B, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Base Station Controlled Adaptive Clustering for QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), ISSN : 1738-7906, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1-9, February 2014.
- G Sunilkumar, Thriveni J, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, ”Malicious Node Activity Monitoring using Cognition for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, ISSN : 2277-4106, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 71-76, Feb 2014.
- J S Saleema, N Bhagawathi, S.Monica, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Cancer Prognosis Prediction Using Balanced Stratified Sampling”, International Journal on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJSCAI), ISSN : 2319-4081, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 9-18, February 2014.
- J S Saleema, P D Shenoy, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Cancer Prognosis Prediction Model using Data Mining Techniques”, CIIT International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, e-ISSN : 0974-9543, p-ISSN : 0974-9683, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 21-29, February 2014.
- B M Thippeswamy, Reshma S, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik “EDOCR: Energy Density ON-Demand Cluster Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) e-ISSN : 0974-9322, p-ISSN : 0975-2293, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 223 – 240, January 2014
- Satish Bhairannawar, Raja K B, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Efficient FPGA based Matrix Multiplication using Mux and Vedic Multiplier”, International Journal of computers and Technology, ISSN : 2277-3061, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 3452-3463, January 2014.
- B M Thippeswamy, Raghavendra M, Reshma S, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik “MCDR: Mitigating Congestion using Distance based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks” IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 17-29, January 2014
- B. N. Shankargowda, Vibha L, Venugopal K R, and Patnaik L M, “A Framework for Preprocessing Web Log in the Data Warehouse Environment for Web User Behavior Analytics” International Journal for Information Processing (IJIP), ISSN: 0973-8215, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 40-52, January 2014.
- Srikantaiah K C, Krishna Kumar N, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik. “Web Caching and Prefetching with Cyclic Model Analysis of Web Object Sequences”, Internal Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence, Inderscience, e-ISSN: 1755-8263, p-ISSN :1755-8255, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 76-103 , 2014.
- Srikantaiah K C, Roopa M S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik. “Automatic Discovery and Ranking of Synonyms for Search Keywords in the Web”, International Journal of Web Science, e-ISSN 1757-8809), p-ISSN: 1757-8795, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 218-236, 2014.
- Rangaswamy Y, K B Raja, Venugopal K. R, L M Patnaik, “An OLBP Based Transform Domain Face Recognition,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN: 2278-8875, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 6851-6868, 2014.
- Harish Kumar B T, Vibha Lakshmikantha and Venugopal K R, “Content Based Web Page Re-Ranking Using Relevancy Algorithm”, Quest Journals, ISSN (Online): 2321-594, vol.2, no. 7, pp. 1-8, 2014.
- Vidya A, Manohar V, Shwetha V P, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “CFS with Combined Search Methods for Dimensionality Reduction in Classifying Aging and Not-aging related DNA Repair Genes”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, ISSN 0973-1873, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-15, 2014.
- Asha S Manek, P Deepa Shenoy, M Chandra Mohan, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “RePC-SSMSM: Repetitive Preprocessing and Clustering Approach for Filtering Spam SMS Messages using Naïve Bayes Classifier”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 8, no. 4, pp 68-78, 2014.
- Shiva Prakash T, Raja K B, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Real-Time Link Reliability Routing for QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), ISSN : 2278-8727, vol. 16, no. 1(7), pp. 5-16, 2014.
- B M Thippeswamy, Reshma S, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M,Patnaik, “EEHCR: Energy Efficient Hierarchical Cluster Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks,” In International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 92-106, 2014
- Beaulah Soundarabai P, Ritesh Sahai, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “Improved Bully Election Algorithm for Distributed Systems,” International Journal of Information Processing (IJIP),nISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 7, no. 4, December 2013.
- Poornima G, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Energy Efficient Adaptive Algorithms For Wireless Sensor Netwoks”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, ISSN : 2229-5518, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 1656-1666, November 2013.
- Poornima G, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Fault Diagonosis Approach For WSN Using Normal Bias Technique”, ACEEE International Journal on Communication, Elsevier, ISSN : 2158-7558, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 29-36, November 2013.
- Vishwanath R Hulipalled, Samartha T V, Srikantiah K C, Venugopal K R, Patnaik L M “DRSP: Dimension Reduction for Similarity Matching and Pruning of Time Series Data Streams”, In International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP), e-ISSN : 2230-9608, p-ISSN: 2231-007X, vol.3, no. 6, pp. 107-126, November 2013.
- S Kumaraswamy, Srikanth P L, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, Iyengar S S, L M Patnaik, “Two Stage Prediction Process with Gradient Descent methods Aligning with the Data Privacy Preservation,” International Journal for Information Processing(IJIP), ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 68-82, October-2013.
- Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Modified Pattern Extraction Algorithm for Efficient Semantic Similarity Measures between Words”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), Mauritius, e-ISSN : 1694-0784, p-ISSN : 1694-0814, vol. 10 , no. 5, pp. 79-87, September 2013.
- Bharathi Somashekhar, Pooja P Sheth, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Datamining Techniques used for Classification of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISSN 2229-5518, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 2469-2472, September-2013.
- Chandrakala V, Sandeep B K, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Venugopal K R,L M Patnaik, “Matching Level Fusion Based PalmPrint Identification using WHT and SD” International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN : 2301-380x, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 165-170, September, 2013
- S Kumaraswamy, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, Iyengar S S, L M Patnaik, “A Novel PPDM Protocol for Distributed Peer to Peer Information Sources,” International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology (IJCET), ISSN:0976-6375, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 358-380, July 2013.
- Leelavathi G, Prakash S, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Design and Implementation of Advanced Encryption Algorithm with FPGA and ASIC”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN : 2320-8791, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 1-8, July 2013.
- Chetana Hegde, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Authentication Using Finger Knuckle Prints”, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Springer,P-ISSN:1863-1703, E-ISSN: 1863-1711 vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 633–645, July 2013.
- Chadrakant N, Bijil A P, Puneeth P, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “WSN Integrated Cloud Computing for N-Care System (NCS) using Middleware Services,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278-3075, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 194-208, June 2013.
- D Annapurna, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and LM Patnaik, “Quality of Service Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Network,” International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, e-ISSN : 2320-088X, vol. 02, no. 3, pp. 4-13, March 2013.
- K C Srikantaiah, V Krishnakumar, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Bidirectional Growth Based Mining and Cycilc Behaviour Analysis of Web Sequential patterns”, International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, e-ISSN : 2230-9608, p-ISSN : 2231-007x, vol. 3, no. 2, pp 49-68, March 2013.
- S Kumaraswamy, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, Iyengar S S, L M Patnaik, “Key Compromise Resilient Privacy Provisoning in Vertically Partitioned Data”, In Cyber Times International Journal of Technology and Management, ISSN:2278-7518, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 18-29, March 2013.
- Beaulah Soundarabai P, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “An Improved Leader Election Algorithm For Distributed Systems,” International Journal of Next-Generation Networks (IJNGN), e-ISSN: 0975-7023, p-ISSN: 0975-7252, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 21-29, March 2013.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Design Issues on Software Aspects and Simulation Tools for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Network Security and its Application (IJINSA),e-ISSN: 0974-9330, p-ISSN : 0975-230, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 47-64, March 2013.
- R Tanuja, Anoosha V, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Secure Reputation based Target Sensing in Wirless Sensor Networks,” International Journal on Information Processing – IJIP , ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 82-92, January 2013.
- Shaila K, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Mobile Node authentication using Key distribution Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Special Issue on: Recent Advanced Technologies and Theories in Ubiquitous Networks and Wireless Communications of International Journal on Adhoc and Ubiquitious Computing, Inderscience Publications, e-ISSN : 1743-8233, p-ISSN : 1743-8225, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 34–45, January 2013.
- Shaila K, Vineet G H, Prashanth C R, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik. “LKSR: Link Strength Keymatch Secure Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”. International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering (IJCSysE), Inderscience Publication, e-ISSN: 2046-3405, p-ISSN: 2046-3391, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 238-256, 2013.
- Lata B T, Jansi P K R, Shaila K, D N Sujatha, Venugopal K R, and L M Patnaik, “Multiple Domain Secure Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 59-68, 2013.
- Shiva Prakash T, Raja K B, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Link-Reliability Based Two-Hop Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 15-29, 2013.
- Shiva Prakash T, Raja K B, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Two-Hop Routing with Traffic-Differentiation for QoS Guarantee in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 100-118, 2013.
- Vishwanath R Hulipalled, Leena S V., Srikantiah K C, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, Iyengar S S, Patnaik L M “Forecasting Time Series using Data Approximation and Pattern Sequence Similarity” In International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN: 0973-8215, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 90-100, 2013.
- Leena Giri G, Srikanth P L, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Mathematical Model of Semantic Look – A Context Driven Search Engine”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN: 0973 – 8215, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 20-31, 2013.
- K C Srikantaiah, Suraj M, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Similarity Based Dynamic Web Data Extraction and Intergration System from Search Engine Result Pages for Web Content Mining”, International Journal of Information Technology, corr abs/1303.5867, e-ISSN : 2158-0138, p-ISSN : 2158-012X, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 42-49, 2013.
- Jagadish S K, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “KanSum: A Customized and Ontology based Text Summarization for Mining Extractive Summary in Kannada Language News Paper Articles”, International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (IJCPOL), e-ISSN : 1314-4081, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 34-50, December 2012.
- Beaulah Soundarabai P, Sandhya Rani A, Ritesh Kumar Sahai, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “Comparative Study On Load Balancing Techniques In Distributed Systems,” International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, ISSN : 0973-4414, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 53-60, December 2012.
- Shaila K, Sajitha M, Tejaswi V, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik. “SEEDI: Secure and Energy Efficient Approach for Detection of an Intruder in Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), Singapore, p-ISSN: 1793-8201, vol. 4 , no. 6, pp. 871-875, December 2012.
- Shaila K, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Anonymity Trust Management Scheme (ATMS) for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR), Research India Publications, New Delhi, p-ISSN: 0973-1873, e-ISSN: 0974-1259, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 133-153, November 2012.
- Varalakshmi B D, Thriveni J, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Haptics: State of the Art Survey”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues-IJCSI, e-ISSN: 1694-0814, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 234-244, September-2012.
- K C Srikantaiah, P L Srikanth, V Tejaswi, K Shaila, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Ranking Search Engine Result Pages Based on Trust Worthiness of Web Sites”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, corr abs/1209.5244, ISSN : 1694-0814, vol. 9, no. 4(2), pp. 318-327, July 2012.
- H Sivasankari, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Bayesian Estimation Model for Trust Dependent Greedy Anti- void Routing(TGAR) in Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs)” International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN: 0973-8215, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 73-82, July 2012.
- Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Wireless Networks and Computational Intelligence”, (Eds), ISSN 1865-0929, ISBN 978-3-642-31685-2, eISSN 1865-0937 eISBN 978-3-642-31686-9, pp. 657, Springer Verlag, 2012.
- Ramachandra A C, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Non Minitia Fingerprint Recognition based on Segmentation”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN : 2278-3075, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 162-167, July 2012.
- Ramachandra A C, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Face Recognition based on Logarithmic Fusion of SVD and KT” International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, ISSN : 2231-2307, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 508-516, July 2012.
- D Annapurna, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and LM Patnaik, “Analysis of on Demand and Table Driven Routing Protocol for Fire Fighter Application”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, e-ISSN : 2278-0375, vol. 01, no. 2, pp. 1-5, July 2012.
- Kumaraswamy M, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “CBH-MAC Protocol for Multihop QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), ISSN : 1738-7906, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 11-20, July 2012.
- K G Srinivasa, N Pramod, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Effects of Information Filters: A Phenomenon on the Web”, International Journal of Information Retrival Research, P-ISSN: 2155-6377, E-ISSN: 2155-6385, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1-12, April–June 2012.
- Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Improving Response Time and Thoughput of Search Engine with Web Caching”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), e-ISSN : 2278-0181, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 1-9, June 2012.
- Chandrakant N, Harsha D,Tejas J, Deepa Shenoy P , Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “EMID: Maximizing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network by Using Energy Efficient Middleware Service”, International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering , ISSN:2045-8711, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 314-317, May 2012.
- G Sunilkumar, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Cognitive Approach Based User Node Activity Monitoring for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Networks”, International Journal of computer Science Issues, ISSN: 1694-0814, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 301-308, March 2012.
- Shaila K, Sivasankari H, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “ATMC: Anonymity and Trust Management Scheme Applied to Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks”, In International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), ACEEE, USA, p-ISSN: 2152-5064, e-ISSN:2152-5072, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 18-23, 2012.
- Ramachandra A C, Abhilash S K, K B Raja, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Feature Level Fusion based Bimodal Biometric using Transformation Domain Techniques”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, ISSN : 2278-0661, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 39-46, 2012.
- Anita Kanavalli, Bharath G P, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Clustering Protocol for Extending the Network Lifetime and Re- programming the Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Advances in Knowledge Engineering and Computer Science, ISSN:2277-6923, vol. 1, no.1, pp 54-67, 2012.
- D Annapurna, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, LM Patnaik, “A Quality Hybrid Service Discovery Protocol,” International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, ISSN : 0975-0290, vol. 04, no. 03, pp. 1601-1609, 2012.
- Kumaraswamy M, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “Cross-Layer Design RCH-MAC Protocol for Multihop QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN 0973-8215, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1-10, 2012.
- Poornima G, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Fault Tolerance using Modified Hausdroff Distance”, Technical Journals, International Journal of VLSI and Embedded Systems, ISSN: 2249 – 6559, vol. 03, no. 01, pp. 119-124, 2012
- Prashanth C R, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Intra-modal Score level Fusion for Off-line Signature Verification,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN : 2278-3075, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 179-187, 2012.
- Prashanth C R, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Fusion of Hybrid Domain features for Iris Recognition,” International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, e-ISSN : 2278-067x, p-ISSN: 2278-800x, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 17-24, 2012.
- Vishwanth R Hullipaled, K Shreekrishna Kumar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik, “Similarity Pattern Search for Stream Time Series Image Data using Cluster Median Approach” International Journal of Information Processing (IJIP), ISSN :0973-8215, vol. 6, no. 3, pp 98-107, 2012.
- Bharathi S, Pooja P Sheth, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Object Based Segmentation of Satellite Images for Land Cover Type Monitoring Using Clustering Approach”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN :0973-8215, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 33-42, 2012.
- Sivasankari H, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik,” Multiple Dynamic Sinks to Maximize the Lifetime and Conservation of Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks”, ISSN : 1793-8201, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 67-75, 2012
- Prashanth C R, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “DWT based Off-line Signature Verification based on Angular Features,” International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN : 973-93-80870-18-0, vol. 52, no. 15, pp. 40-48, 2012.
- Anita Kanavalli, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, ”Recovery based Time Synchronization for Wireless Networks” International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Publisher: Engineering Journals, Chennai, India, p-ISSN 2229-5631, e-ISSN 0975-3397, vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 3596-3605, December 2011.
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “RFID Based Traffic System to Manage Traffic and Movement of Emergency Vehicles in Real Time”, IETE Journal of Research, December 2011.
- H Sivasankari, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Cluster based Algorithm for Energy Conservation and Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering(IJCSE), ISSN 0975-3397, vol. 03, no. 10, pp. 31-40, October 2011.
- Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik (Eds.) “Computer Networks and Intelligent Computing”, ISSN 1865-0929 e-ISSN 1865-0937, ISBN 978-3-642-12785-1 e- ISBN 978-3-642-22786-8, pp. 685, Springer Verlag, 2011.
- Chandrakant N, Deepa Shenoy P , Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “Animals as Wireless Biomedical Sensors in WSN for Earthquake Detection in Advance”, International Journal for Electro Computational World and Knowledge Interface, ISSN: 2249-541X, vol. 1, no. 2, October 2011.
- Shaila K, S H Manjula, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “Resilience Against Node Capture Attack using Asymmetric Matrices in Key Predistribution Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Publisher:Engineering Journals, Chennai, India, p-ISSN 2229-5631, e-ISSN 0975-3397, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 2241-2254, October 2011.
- Chetana Hegde, Rahul Prabhu H, Sagar D S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Heartbeat Biometrics for Human Authentication”, at Springer, Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal, Special Issue on Unconstrained Biometrics: Advances and Trends, p-ISSN: 1863 – 1703, e-ISSN : 1863-1711, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 485-493, September 2011.
- Chetana Hegde, Rahul Prabhu H, Sagar D S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Heartbeat Biometrics for Human Authentication”, at Springer, Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal, Special Issue on Unconstrained Biometrics: Advances and Trends, p-ISSN: 1863 – 1703, e-ISSN : 1863-1711, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 485-493, September 2011.
- K M Prakash Lingam, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Kinetic Modeling of Thrombin Induced and Collagen Induced Platelet Aggregation Pathway – A System Biology Approach” International Jounal of BioScience, BioChemistry and BioInformatics, ISSN: 2010-3638, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 184-191, September 2011.
- Veena H Bhat, Vandana R Malkani, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Steganalysis of YASS Using Huffman Length Statistics”, International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, ISSN : 1728-9968, vol. 4, no. 3, pp 15-30, July 2011.
- Chandrakant N, Deepa Shenoy P , Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “Middleware Services for Security in Scalable and Non-Scalable Heterogeneous Nodes of MANETs”, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, ISSN: 2233-7857, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-12, June 2011.
- Chetana Hegde, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “FKP Biometrics for Human Authentication”, CiiT International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics, ISSN: 0974 – 9675, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 238 – 244, May 2011.
- N Sathisha, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Embedding Information In DCT Coefficients Based on Average Covariance,” International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN : 0975-5462, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 3184-3194, April 2011
- Shaila K, Nalini L, Tejaswi V, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik. “Secure QoS Aware Data Fusion to Prevent Node Misbehavior in Wireless Sensor Networks”. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), Seoul, Korea, p-ISSN 1738-7906, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 31-40, March 2011.
- Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik , “Enhancement of F-measure for Web People Search using Hashing Technique”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 35-44, 2011.
- Srikantaiah K C, Srikanth P L, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Ranking SERP of a Specialty Search Engine based on Probability of Correctness of Facts” International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1-13, 2011.
- Vidya A, Usha D, Rashma B M, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Computational Methods in Biological Sequence Analysis for Comlexity Reduction”, The International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 37-46 , 2011.
- Shaila K, Vidya Yeri, Arjun A V, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Validation Time and Dynamic Speed to Enhance Secure Communication Rate in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), ISSN : 1793-8201, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 104-110, 2011.
- H Sivasankari, S Ishaq Ali, Vallabh M, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “K-means Fusion Steiner Tree Algorithm for Energy Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 34-48, October 2010.
- H Sivasankari, S Ishaq Ali, Vallabh M, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Energy Conservation using K- means Fusion Steiner Tree(KFST) Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 4 , no. 3, pp. 1-15, October 2010.
- Ramesha K, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Template based Mole Detection for Face Recognition”, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, (IJCTE), ISSN : 1793-8201, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 797-804, October 2010.
- Veena H Bhat, Prasanth G Rao, Abhilash R V, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Data Mining Approach for Data Generation and Analysis for Digital Forensic Application”, In : IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN : 1793-8236, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 313-319, June 2010.
- Shaila K, Vineet G H, Prashanth C R, Arjun A V, Shiva Prakash T, Tejaswi V, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “ASR : Adaptive Secure Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, In International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol 4, no. 2, pp. 88-100, January 2010.
- C. R. Prashanth, K. B. Raja, K. R. Venugopal and L. M. Patnaik, “Efficient Off-line Signature Verification by Correlation of Geometric Centers”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, ISSN : 0973-1873, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 645-660, 2010.
- Siddesh G M, K G Srinivasa, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Publish/ Subscribe Replication based Middleware for Web Services”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-6, 2010.
- Sandhya Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease by using Machine Learning and Neural Methods”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN:0973-8215, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 64-73, 2010.
- Sandhya Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Classification of Neuro Degenerative Disorder based on Major Risk Factors emphasing Machine Learning Techniques”, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering(IJCTE), ISSN : 1793-8201, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 350-356, 2010.
- Sandhya Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Classification of Treatment of Different stages of Alzheimer’s Disease using Machine Learning Methods”, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research, ISSN : 0975-3087, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 44-52, 2010.
- Ramesha K, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Feature Extraction based Face Recognition, Gender and Age Classification,” International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN : 0975-3397, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 14-23, 2010.
- Thriveni J, Ashwini B, Latha A, Sandhyashree K R, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Dual Covered Broadcast with Negative Acknowledgements DCN : A Broadcast Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, e-ISSN : 1819-9224, p-ISSN : 1819-656x, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 289-300, December 2009.
- Suriya Tarannum, S Srividya, D S Asha, K R Venugopal, “Dynamic Hicrarchial Communication Paridgm for Wireless Sensor Network : A Centralized Energy Efficient Approach”, Wireless Sensor Network, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2424-5, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 959-963, November 2009.
- B N Lavanya, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, “Fingerprint Verification Based on Gabor Filter Enhancement”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, ISSN : 1947-5500, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 138-144, November 2009.
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Soft Computing for XML Data Mining”, Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, 2nd Edition, Section: Soft Computing, IGI Global, ISBN-13 : 978-1605660103, ISBN-10 : 1605660108, pp. 1806 – 1809, August 2009.
- Ramachandra A C, Ravi J, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Signature Verification using Graph Matching and Cross-Validation Principle”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, ISSN : 1797-9617, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 57 – 61, May 2009.
- T H Manjula Devi, H S Manjunatha Reddy, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Detecting Original Image using Histogram, DFT and SVM”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, ISSN : 1797-9617, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 367 – 371, May 2009.
- C R Prashanth, Shashikumar D R, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “High Security Human Recognition System using Iris Images”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, ISSN : 1797-9617, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 647-652, May 2009.
- H C Sateesh Kumar, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Automatic Image Segmentation Using Wavelets”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, ISSN: 1738-7906, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 305 – 313, February 2009.
- Shaila K, Thriveni J, Vidya Yeri, Neelavathi H N, Arjun A V, Nalini L, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Preventing node Misbehavior by Secure QoS- Aware Data Fusion in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks”, In International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol 2, no. 4, pp. 65-79, January 2009.
- Ravi J, K B Raja and Venugopal. K. R, “Fingerprint Recognition using Minutia Score Matching,” International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN: 0975-5462, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 35-42, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Classifying Clustered Webpages for Effective Personalization”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 231-247, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Data Mining Based Query Processing Using Rough Sets and GAs”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 167-195, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Algorithms for Web Personalization,” Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 217-230, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- Evolutionary Approach for XML Data Mining, K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 81-118, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- Exploring Structurally Similar Protein Sequence Motifs, K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 303-318, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Dynamic Association Rule Mining Using Genetic Algorithms” Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 63-80, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Matching Techniques in Genomic Sequences for Motif Searching”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 319-330, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- Lavanya B N, K B Raja, and Venugopal K R, “Fingerprint Verification Based on Gabor Filter Enhancement,” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, ISSN : 1947-5500, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 138-144, 2009.
- Prashanth C R, S P Ganavi, T D Mahalakshmi, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Feature Extraction of Fragmented Iris by Differential Encoding”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 45-56, 2009.
- Anita Kanavalli, Demis SScrubiri, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Flat Routing Protocol for Sensor Networks”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 97-106, 2009.
- Veena H Bhat, Prasanth G Rao, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Simple k-Means Clustering with CART to Enhance Classifier Accuracy”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 65 – 70, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Fuzzy Based Neuro – Genetic Algorithm for Stock Market Prediction”Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 139-166, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Non-repetitive DNA Compression Using Memorization”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 291-301, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Probabilistic Approach for DNA Compression”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 279-289, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Characteristic Amplification Based Genetic Algorithms”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 51-62, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Soft Computing Based CBIR System ” Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 119-137, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- S H Manjula, Nithin B K, Sarvajith M, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Optimal Scheduling for Maximizing the Network Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1-14, 2009.
- Ramachandra A C, K B Raja, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Efficient Offline Signature Verification Based on Global Features,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering, e-ISBN: 978-1-4244-2928-8, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1173-1178, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “Self Adaptive Genetic Algorithms”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, vol. 190, pp. 19-50,Springer Verlag, 2009.
- K. R. Venugopal, K. G. Srinivasa and L. M. Patnaik, “A Semantic Approach for Mining Biological Databases”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing for Data Mining Applications, pp. 259-278, vol. 190, Springer Verlag, 2009.
- Prakash G L, Thejaswini M, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Efficient Data Aggregation using Query Processing in Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information Processing, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-14, 2008.
- Thriveni J, Vikas M, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Reliable Delivery with Varying Data Rate in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 2, no. 2. pp. 12-23, April 2008.
- Thriveni J, Prakash G L, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Maximizing Network Lifetime in MANET using Average Energy Flooding”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol 2, no. 1, pp. 1-12, January 2008.
- S H Manjula, C N Abhilash, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Performance Analysis of Routing Protocol using Mobility Models in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol 2, no. 1, pp. 62-78, 2008.
- S H Manjula, Arjun A V, Shilpa K R A, Shwetha N, Swetha N A, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Evaluating the Lifetime of a Coverage and Connectivity Guaranteed Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 65-80, 2008.
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Data Mining based Query Processing using Rough sets and Genetic Algorithms”, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, IOS Press,e-ISSN : 1875-8819, p-ISSN : 1448-5869, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-17, 2008.
- K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Arpitha P, Asima Nishat, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Multiresolution Wavelet Decomposition Steganographic Model”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 36-46, 2008.
- Vibha L, Chetana Hegde, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Object Detection, Tracking and Counting in Video Streams for Multimedia Mining”, In IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, e-ISSN : 1819-9224, p-ISSN : 1819-656x, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 382-391, 2008.
- Vibha L, Harsha Vardhan G M, Prashanth S J, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Spatial Data Mining Technique for Prediction of Soil Attributes”, IETECH Journal of Advanced computations, ISSN : 1738-7606, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 126-131, 2008.
- Suraiya Tarannum, Anita V, Priya A G, Rajeshwari A, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Self-Healing AntChain for Increasing Life Span in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IETECH Journal of Communications, UK, ISBN : 978086341-9379, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 239-246, 2008.
- Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Efficient Compression of Non-Repetitive DNA Sequences Using Dynamic Programming”, International Journal of Computing, Inder Science, Netherlands, 2007.
- Suraiya Taranaum, Aravinda B, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Routing Protocol for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks”, International of Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 58-67, October 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Relative Distance based Clustering for Discovering Protein Sequence Motiffs”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 1, no. 1, pp.1-13, June 2007.
- T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Chandrakanth N, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Efficient Routing in Ad Hoc Networks, Life Time Maximization of Heterogeneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 1., no. 2, pp. 26-39, April 2007.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Determination of Optimal Buffer Allotment in Video-on-Demand System”, International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN: 0973-8215, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 90-103, March 2007.
- K B Raja, Shankara N, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Steganalysis of LSB Embedding in Images using Variable Thresholding Color Pair Analysis”, in International Journal of Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 24-31, Feb. 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Selective Dissemination of XML Documents based on Genetically Learned User Model and Support Vector Machines”, International Journal on Intelligent Data Analysis, IOS Press, e-ISSN : 1571-4128, p-ISSN : 1088-467x, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 481-496, 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Self Adaptive Migration Model Genetic Algorithm for Data Mining Applications”, Journal of Information Sciences, Elsevier Publications, ISSN : 0020-0255, vol. 177, no. 20, pp. 4295-4313, 2007.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “An Integrated Quality-of-Service Model for Video-on-Demand Application”, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, e-ISSN : 1819-9224, p-ISSN : 1819-656x, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 1-10, 2007.
- Vibha Lakshmikanath, Harshavardhan G M, Pranaw K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Watershed Segmentation and Machine Learning for Mammography Classification”, International Journal on Information Processing, ISSN : 0973-8215, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 87-102, 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Srinivas Kumar M, Vinay T C, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Personalizing Google’s Search Results using Naïve Bayesian Probabilistic Model”, Special Issue in Neural Networks and Associative Memories, Research on Computing Science, ISSN : 1665-9899, vol. 21, pp. 87-96, Mexico, Nov 2006.
- Anita Kanavalli, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Pollution Monitoring using Data Dissemination in Adhoc Sensor Networks”, Special Issue of Journal on Lateral Computing, ISSN 0973-208X, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 27-39, August 2006.
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Stock Market Prediction using Fuzzy based Neuro-Genetic Algorithm”, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, IOS Press, e-ISSN : 1875-8819, p-ISSN : 1448-5869, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 63-81, July 2006.
- Srinivasa K G, Karthik Sridharan, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Neural Network Based CBIR System Using STI Features and Relevance Feedback”, International Journal on Intelligent Data Analysis, IOS Press, e-ISSN : 1571-4126, p-ISSN : 1088-467x, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 121-137, June 2006.
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Feature Extraction using Fuzzy c – Means Clustering for Data Mining Systems”, International Journal on Computer Science and Network Security, ISSN : 1738-7906, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 230-236, March 2006.
- Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Soft Computing Approach for Selective Dissemination of XML Documents”, International Journal on Lateral Computing, WCLC 2005, ISSN 0973-208X, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 22-29, December 2005.
- D N Sujatha, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Priority Based Channel Allocation in VOD Systems”, International Journal on Computer Science and Network Security, ISSN : 1738-7906, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 21-28, December 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An XML Information Retrieval Mechanism Using Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithms”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, World Scientific Publishers, Imperial College Press, e-ISSN : 1757-5885, p-ISSN : 1469-0268, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 471-493, November 2005.
- T Shiva Prakash, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Efficient Gateway Selection for Passive Clustering in MANETS”, International Journal on Computer Science and Network Security, ISSN : 1738-7906, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 64-70, October 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Heuristic Template based Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining Applications”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, ISSN : 1738-7906, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 52-58, September 2005.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Association Rule Mining Using Genetic Algorithms”, International Journal on Intelligent Data Analysis, IOS Press, ISSN : 1088-467x, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 439-453, Sepetember 2005.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Subspace Clustering Algorithm for High Dimensional Applications”, GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, ISSN : 1738-6438, ISBN : 89-953729-5-8, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 125-136, June 2005.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Mining of Frequent Web Access Patterns to Reorganize the Web Structure”, GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, ISSN : 1738-6438, ISBN : 89-953729-5-8, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 168-179, May 2005.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Soft Computing Approach for Mining Top-k Ranked Webpages from WWW”, GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, ISSN : 1738-6438, ISBN : 89-953729-5-8, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 185-196, April 2005.
- K B Raja, C R Chowdary, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Secure Image Steganography on Raw Images”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, ISSN: 1738-7906, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 123-129, 2005.
- K R Venugopal, P Sreenivasa Kumar, L M Patnaik, “Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Wavelength Convertible All-Optical Networks”, Journal of Korea ITFE, ISSN : 2278-7518, August 2003.
- K R Venugopal, M ShivaKumar, P Sreenivasa Kumar, “A Heuristic for Placement Limited Range Wavelength Converters in Wavelength Routed All-Optical Networks”, Computer Networks, ISSN : 1389-1286, vol. 35 no. 2-3, pp. 143-163, January 2001.
- C Vijayanand, M ShivaKumar, K R Venugopal, P Sreenivasa Kumar, “Placement of Wavelength Converters in Mesh Networks using Genetic Algorithm”, Computer Communications, ISSN : 0140-3664, vol. 23 no. 13, pp. 1223-1234, July 2000.
- K R Venugopal, E Ezhil Rajan, P Sreenivasa Kumar, “Impact of Wavelength Converters in Wavelength Routed All-Optical Networks”, Computer Communications, ISSN : 0140-3664, vol. 22 , no. 3, pp. 244-257, February 1999.
- K R Venugopal, Petrodollar and its Impact on the World Economy : Southern Economist, ISSN : 0038-4046, Bangalore,1991.
- Ramya R S, Sri Lakshmi, Venugopal K R, Iyengar S S and Patnaik L M, “JMFRD: Joint Multi-View Face Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication – ICICC,Elsevier, Delhi, April 25, 2021.
- Sanjay K N, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, “Designing WiMAX Static Environment using Local Automata based Autonomic Network Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks”, The 2nd International Workshop on Statistical Methods and Artificial Intelligence (IWSMAI), Warsaw, Poland, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 184, pp. 947-952, ISSN 1877-0509, March 23 – 26, 2021.
- S. Hiremath, S. H. Manjula and V. K. R, “Unsupervised Sentiment Classification of Twitter Data using Emoticons,” 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), IEE, Pune, India, pp. 444-448, doi: 10.1109/ESCI50559.2021.9397026, March, 2021.
- R. S. Ramya, S. K, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar and L. M. Patnaik, “Real Time Emotion Support System in Text Mining [RTESTM],” 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore, India, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICCCI50826.2021.9402423, 27-29 Jan. 2021.
- S, Reshma and K, Shaila and B M, Thippeswamy and K R, Venugopal, “MIPSOE – Markov Integrated PSO Encryption Algorithm for Secure Data Aggregation” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on IoT, Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud in Computational Vision & Bio-Engineering (ISMAC-CVB 2020), November 23, 2020.
- Shaikh, Majid and G G, Dr. Sivasankari and K R, Dr. Venugopal, “MIMODSA: Non-Pre-emptive Scheduling in Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks (CRAHNs)”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on IoT, Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud in Computational Vision & Bio-Engineering (ISMAC-CVB 2020), Elsevier Publication, vol.1, no.2, pp.769-781, ISBN: 3736547 ISSN: 10.2139/ssrn.3736547, November 24, 2020.
- P, Manasa and K, Shaila and K R, Venugopal, “MBSR: MIMO Based Sink Relocation for Path Selection in IoT Based WSN,”Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on IoT, Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud in Computational Vision & Bio-Engineering (ISMAC-CVB 2020), November 23, 2020.
- K. N. Sanjay, K. Shaila and K. R. Venugopal, “LA-ANA based Architecture for Bluetooth Environment,” 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), London, UK, DOI: 10.1109/WorldS450073.2020.9210418, pp. 222-226, 27-28 July 2020.
- S. Reshma, K. Shaila and K. R. Venugopal, “DEAVD – Data Encryption and Aggregation using Voronoi Diagram for Wireless Sensor Networks,” 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), DOI: 10.1109/WorldS450073.2020.9210316, pp. 635-638, July 2020.
- P. Manasa, K. Shaila and K. R. Venugopal, “DMHCET: Detection of Malicious Node for Hierarchical Clustering based on Energy Trust in Wireless Sensor Network,” 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), DOI: 10.1109/WorldS450073.2020.9210372, pp. 688-692, July 2020.
- C N Pushpa, Gerard Deepak, Ayush Kumar, J Thriveni, K R Venugopal “OntoDisco: Improving Web Service Discovery by Hybridization of Ontology Focused Concept Clustering and Interface Semantics,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), DOI: 10.1109/CONECCT50063.2020.9198428, pp. 1-5, July 2020.
- V. Nayak K., S. K. Sharathkumar, J. S. Arunalatha and K. R. Venugopal, “IR-FF-GSO: Image Retrieval using Feature Fusion and Glowworm Swarm Optimization,” 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), DOI: 10.1109/ICCCNT49239.2020.9225493, pp. 1-6, July, 2020.
- M. Bhavya, C. N. Pushpa, J. Thriveni and K. R. Venugopal, “EFUMS: Efficient File Upload and Mutli-Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data,” 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), DOI: 10.1109/ICCCNT49239.2020.9225653, pp. 1-6, July 2020.
- CM Geeta, KS Tejashwinishivaram, Shreyas Raju RG, S Raghavendra, Rajkumar Buyya, KR Venugopal, SS Iyengar, LM Patnaik “SRCBT: Secure Regeneration of Corrupted Blocks by TPA in Cloud,” 2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP50017.2020.9230878, pp. 835-838, 2020.
- MG Padmashree, SK Ranjitha, JS Arunalatha, KR Venugopal, “CKDAC: Cluster-Key Distribution and Access Control for Secure Communication in IoT,” 2020 IEEE 7th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), IEEE, Prayagraj, India, DOI: 10.1109/UPCON50219.2020.9376401, pp. 1-6, 27-29 Nov. 2020.
- Bhavya M, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, and Venugopal K R, “ EFUMS: Efficient File Upload and Mutli-Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data”, The 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), July 1-3, 2020.
- Venkataravana Nayak, Geethanjali, Arunalatha J S and Venugopal K R, “IR-HF-ED: Image Retrieval using Hybrid Feature Extraction and Euclidean Distance,” in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Applications of AI and Machine Learning (ICAML-2020), Punjabi University, Patiala, India, paper id: 114, 21st and 22nd May 2020.
- Gudihatti K N, Shyleshchandra and Manjula, S H and K R, Venugopal, “MCSAAR: Multi-Coefficient Spectrum Aware Based Shortest Anypath Routing in Multi-hop CRNs” Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Electrical & Computational Intelligence (ICAEEC) 2019, April 10, 2020.
- V. L. Nandhini, K. S. Babu, A. Sharan and K. R. Venugopal, “Detection of Vitiligo using Waveguide Resonator based on Optical Sensor,” 2020 7th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), DOI: 10.23919/INDIACom49435.2020.9083692, pp. 192-197, March 2020.
- Dr. B. N. Shankar Gowda, Dr. Vibha Lakshmikantha, “User Behavior Prediction using a Novel Sentence N-Gram Model” 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA)-2020, IEEE explorer proceedings, ISBN No.: 978-1-7281-4167-1, pp. 391-397, March 2020
- B. K. Jha, G. G. Sivasankari and K. R. Venugopal, “Fraud Detection and Prevention by using Big Data Analytics,” 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), DOI: 10.1109/ICCMC48092.2020. ICCMC-00050, pp. 267-274, March 2020.
- BK Dhanalakshmi, KC Srikantaiah, KR Venugopal “>MOPSA: Multiple Output Prediction for Scalability and Accuracy>” Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing: Proceedings of International Conference, MISP 2019, vol. 1085, pp. 361, Feb 2020.>
- G Leelavathi, K Shaila, KR Venugopal “>Message and Image Encryption Embedding Data to GF (2m) Elliptic Curve Point for Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks>” EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing, ISBN: 978-3-030-19561-8, pp. 329-338, 2020.>
- Buddesab, J. Thriveni, M. S. Yashaswini and K. R. Venugopal, “Efficient Secure and Private Healthcare Data Transmission and Allocation in Cloud Environment,” 2018 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), Chennai, India, DOI: 10.1109/ICoAC44903.2018.8939058, pp. 153-158, 2018.
- B. K. Jeevitha, S. Sindhija, J. Thriveni and K. R. Venugopal, “SSEIM: An Efficient Search Scheme over Encrypted Data with Indexing on Mobile Cloud,” 2019 Fifteenth International Conference on Information Processing (ICINPRO), 2019, pp. 1-5, Dec 2019.
- Buddesab, Bhavyashree S.P., Thriveni J., Venugopal K.R., “Integration of Wireless Sensor Network and Cloud Computing Using Trust and Reputation Technique”, In: Sridhar V., Padma M., Rao K. (eds) Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 545, pp. 69, Springer 2019.
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti. K. N., S. H. Manjula, and Venugopal. K. R. “Improving the Resource Allocation and Secrecy in Cognitive-NOMA Network”, In Proceedings of International Conference on ICINPRO, Bangalore, India, pp. 1-6, 2019.
- Roopa, M. S., Pallavi B, Rajkumar Buyya, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, and L. M. Patnaik. “Social Interaction Enabled Industrial Internet of Things for Predictive Maintenance.” In Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Sustainable Development, Springer, pp. 661-673 2020.
- S. Pattar, Ritika, V. Darshil, R. Buyya, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, and L. M. Patnaik, “Device Discovery Techniques for Industrial Internet of Things through Predictive Analytic Mechanism,” in Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (SICBS’19), New Taipei City, Taiwan: Springer, pp. 1–14, Dec 4–6, 2019
- S. Pattar, C. R. Sandhya, V. Darshil, D. Chouhan, R. Buyya, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, and L. M. Patnaik, “Context-oriented User-centric Search System for the IoT based on Fuzzy Clustering,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Security and IoT (ICCISIoT 2019), NIT Agartala, India: Springer, pp. 1–14, Dec 13–14, 2019
- S. Pattar, C. R. Sandhya, V. Darshil, R. Buyya, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, and L. M. Patnaik, “SoCo-ITS: Service Oriented Context Ontology for Intelligent Transport System,” in Proceedings of the 2019 ACM 7th International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and Smart City (ICIT 2019), Shanghai, China: ACM, pp. 1–6, Dec 20–23, 2019
- Jeevitha B K, Sindhuja S, Thriveni J, and Venugopal K R, “SSEIM: An Efficient Search Scheme over Encrypted Data with Indexing on Mobile Cloud”, IEEE International Conference on Information Processing, pp. 112-116, 2019.
- Jeevitha B K, Swaleha Khanum, Thriveni J, and Venugopal K R, “CDCEP: Securing the Compressed Data using Certificateless Encryption in Public Clouds”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, pp. 18-22, 2019.
- Jeevitha B K, Sindhuja D, Thriveni J, and Venugopal K R, “DSCESM: Data Security for Cloud Environment with Scheduled Key Managers”, International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Electrical and Computational Intelligence (ELSEVIER, SSRN), 2019.
- Ramya R S, Naveen Raju, Sejal D, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. AEFUQ: Automatic Extraction of Facets for User Queries, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICInPro), Bangalore, India, December.20-22, 2019 [Best Presentation Award].
- Prasanth G Rao, Mohammed Zubair Khan, Mohammed Rafeeq, Hitesh Nettam, Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K R , “Automated Learning System for Twitter Trends”, Fifteenth International Conference on Information Processing (ICInPro), IEEE, December 2019.
- Padmashree M G, Arunalatha J S and Venugopal K R, “HSSM: High Speed Split Multiplier for Elliptic Curve Cryptography in IoT,” in Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Information Processing (ICInPro), Bengaluru, India, pp. 123-127, 20 – 22 December 2019.
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti. K. N., S. H. Manjula, and Venugopal. K. R. “E2 -CL: Energy Efficient Cooperative Localization in Cognitive Radio Network”, In Proceedings of 5th IEEE international Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2019 (IEEE WIECON-ECE 2019), Bangalore, India, Nov, 2019.
- S. Pattar, K. N. Lakshmi, V. Darshil, Venkatesh, R. Buyya, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, and L. M. Patnaik, “Location-aware IoT Search Framework based on Data Messaging and Aggregation Techniques,” in Proceedings of the 2019-IEEE Women Institute of Technology Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WITCON ECE), Uttrakhand University, Dehradun, India: IEEE, pp. 1–7, Nov 22–23, 2019
- Ramya R S, Madhura Holla, Sejal D, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. Predicting Social Emotions based on Textual Relevance for News Documents, In Proceedings of International Conference of IEEE Women in Engineering (WIECON), India, November. 15-16, 2019.
- Padmashree M G, Shahela Khanum, Arunalatha J S and Venugopal K R, “SIRLC: Secure Information Retrieval using Lightweight Cryptography in HIoT,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Technical Conference of Region 10 (TENCON 2019), Kochi Bolgatti, Kerala, India, 17-20 October 2019.
- Padmashree M G, Arunalatha J S and Venugopal K R, “HPAKE: Hybrid Precocious Authentication and Key Establishment in IoT,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Fifty Third International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST 2019), Anna University, Chennai, India, pp. 129-134, 01 – 03 October 2019.
- Kiran K, Girisha M N, Santosh Pattar, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, “Multiple Biological Network Alignment through Network Generation and Feature Weight Annotations”, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 26th-27th July 2019.
- K. Kiran, M. N. Girisha, S. Pattar, P. D. Shenoy, and K. R. Venugopal, “Multiple Biological Network Alignment through Network Generation and Feature Weight Annotations,” in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT). Bengaluru, India: IEEE, Jul 26–17 2019, pp. 1–6
- S. Pattar, S. K. Dwaraka, V. Darshil, R. Buyya, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, and L. M. Patnaik, “Progressive Search Algorithm for Service Discovery in an IoT Ecosystem,” in Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings-2019), Atlanta, USA: IEEE, pp. 1041–1048, Jul 14–17, 2019
- Kiran K, Saurabh S Chalke, Mohammad Usman, Deepa Shenoy P and Venugopal K R, “Anonymity and Performance Analysis of Stream Isolation in Tor Network”, The Tenth International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Kanpur, 6th – 8th July 2019.
- Vandana Jha, P. Deepa Shenoy, and K. R. Venugopal, “Development of Facial Expression Classifier using Neural Networks,” in 5th IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), pp. 1–4, 2019.
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti K N, S H Manjula, and Venugopal K R “JCPICS: Joint Cooperative Path and Intervention Cognizant Scheduling in Multi-Hop CRN,” International Conference on Computational Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (ICCMSO-2019], ISSN: 2320-0790, PP. 3274-3280, June 2019, Singapore.
- Ramya R S, Darshan M, Naveen Raju, Sejal D, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. Efficient Batch Top k Spatial Term Search by Feature Redundancy, In Proceedings of IEEE Region TENSYMP Symposium, India, pp. 723- 728, June. 9-11, 2019.
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti K N, S H Manjula, and Venugopal K R “EAARG(Energy Aware Allocation of Resources using Game Theory) Approach for Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Network,” In the Proceedings of IEEE TENSYMP International Conference, Kolkata, India. June-2019.
- Shyleshchandra Gudihatti K N, S H Manjula, and Venugopal K R “MCSAAR:Multi- Coefficient Spectrum Aware based shortest Anypath Routing in Multi-hop CRNs,” In the Proceedings of International Conference On Advances in Electronics, Electrical & Computational Intelligence, Indian Institute of Information Technology [ICAEECI-2019], Prayagraj(Allahabad), India. May-2019.
- Kiran K, C Manjunatha, Harini T S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugoapl K R. “Identification of Anomalous Users in Twitter based on User Behaviour using Artificial Neural Networks” IEEE Technically Co-Sponsored 2019 5th International Conference For Convergence In Technology, PUNE , 29th-31st March 2019.
- Sowmya D R, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal KR “Feature-based Land Use/ Land Cover Classification of Google Earth Imagery” 5th IEEE International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT-2019), Pune, India, March-2019
- Vinutha N, Santosh Pattar, Chiranjeev Kumar, Akash Agarwal, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R., “A Convolution Neural Network based Classifier for Diagnosis of Alzheimer‘s Disease.” In the Fourteenth International Conference on Information Processing (ICInPro), 21st to 23rd December, University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore, India 2018. Best Paper Award
- Ramya R S, Ganesh Singh T, Sejal D, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. DRDLC: Discovering Relevant Documents using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Cosine Similarity, In Proceedings of ACM VII International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing (ICNCC), Taiwan, pp. 87-91, December. 13-16, 2018.
- Bhavya M, Shravani N, Thriveni J, and Venugopal K R, “Distributed Deduplication System with Improved Reliability and Access Efficiency”, 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing, pp. 196-201, Dec. 13-15, 2018.
- Vinutha N, Santosh Pattar, Chiranjeev Kumar, Akash Agarwal, Thriveni J, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal, “>A Convolution Neural Networks Based Classifier for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease>”, in the Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Image Information Processing. Best Paper Award>
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R. Data and Image Encryption with Embedding a Character to GF(2m) Elliptic Curve Point using Public Key Cryptography for Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks. In 13th International IEEE Conference on Industrial and Information Syste (ICIIS 2018), Indian Institute of Technology, Roopar, India, December 1-2, 2018.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R. Data and Image Encryption with Embedding a Character to GF(2m) Elliptic Curve Point using Public Key Cryptography for Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks. In EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing (BDCC 2018), Coimbatore, India, December 13-15, 2018.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R. “Implementation of Public Key Crypto Processor with Probabilistic Encryption on FPGA for Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), ISBN:978-81-908388-6-3, IISc, Bengaluru, pp.109-113, July 2018.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R. “Implementation of Elliptical Curve Cryptography on FPGA for Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”. In International Conference on Frontiers in Engineering, Applied Science, and Technology (FEAST), ISBN:978-81-908388-6-3, pp.109-113, NIT, Trichy, April 2018.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, ”Implementation of Double Encryption using Eliptical Curve Cryptography on FPGA for nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Engineering and Technology, ISBN:978-81-908388-6-3, pp.109-113, ISSN 2424-6492, pp.44, Colombo, Srilanka, 18th May, 2018. Best Paper Award
- Muthi Reddy P, RekhaRangappaDasar, Tanuja R, S. H. Manjula and K. R. Venugopal, “Forward Secrecy in Authentic and Anonymous Cloud with Time Optimization”, in the Proceedings of IEEE Fifteenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN),ISBN:978-1-5386-4798-8, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 2nd – 4th February, 2018.
- Muthireddy P, Manjula S H, and Venugopal K R, “Energy Optimization for Virtual Machines Scheduling in Cloud Data Centers”, in the Proceedings of ieeeforum International Conference on Computer Science, Industrial Electronics (ICCSIE), Chennai, pp. 26-30, May 13th, 2018 (Excellent Paper Award).
- Muthireddy P, Manjula S H, and Venugopal K R, “MCRA: Multiple Cloud Resource Allocation for Secure Data Sharing in Video-on-Demand Applications”, 14th International Conference on Information Processing (ICInPro 2018), IEEE, Bengaluru, 21st – 23rd December 2018.
- G Leena Giri, Gerard Deepak, SH Manjula, KR Venugopal “>OntoYield: a semantic approach for context-based ontology recommendation based on structure preservation>”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering, pp. 265-275. Springer, 2018.>
- DR Sowmya, Aditya N Kulkarni, S Sandeep, P Deepa Shenoy, KR Venugopal, “>Land Use/Land Cover Segmentation of Satellite Imagery to Estimate the Utilization of Earth’s Surface>” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, pp. 27-36, Springer, Singapore, 2018.>
- Roopa M S, Darshillwalla, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “>SSSSS: Search for Social Similar Smart objects in SIoT>”, in the Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Image Information Processing, pp. 1-6, 2018. Best Paper Award>
- Geeta C Mara, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “>SARRC: Secure Auditing and Resigning of Revoked Customer Chunks by Cloud Usind Regression Method>”, in the Proceedings of International Conference on Image Information Processing, pp. 1-6, 2018.>
- Gerard Deepak, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J , Venugopal K. R, Soc Tag: An Efficient Framework for Image tag Recommendation on Online Social Network using Geo-Spatial Information, In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Digital Security (ICICDS – 2018), March 21-22, 2018.
- Niranjan A, Nutan D H, Nitish A, P DeepaShenoy and Venugopal K R,“ERCRTV: Ensemble of Random Committee and Random Tree for Efficient Anomaly Classification using Voting”, 2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) at Hotel Gateway(Taj), Pune, April-2018.
- Niranjan A, Akshobhya K M, P DeepaShenoy and Venugopal K R, EKNIS: Ensemble of kNN, Naïve Bayes Kernel and ID3 for Efficient Botnet Classification using Stacking, 2018 International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE), Cochin Univesity of Science and Technology, 07 – 09 August 2018.
- SavithaMathapati, Anil D, Tanuja R, S H Manjula and Venugopal K R, “COSINT: Mining Reasons for Sentiment Variation on Twitter Using Cosine Similarity Measurement”, In the Proceedings of IEEE Tenth International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), Kuta, Bali-Indonesia, July 24-26, 2018.
- SavithaMathapati, Shreelekha B S, Tanuja R, S H Manjula and Venugopal K R, “Co-extraction of Opinion Targets and Opinion Words from Online Reviews Based on Opinion and Semantic Relations”, Fifteenth IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks WOCN 2018, 978-1-5386-4799-8/18, February 02-04, 2018.
- D. K. Prasad, L. Vibha and K. R. Venugopal, “Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy from Digital Retinal Fundus Images”, 2015 IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS), Trivandrum, pp. 240-245, 2015.
- Deepthi K Prasad, Vibha L, Venugopal K R, “Machine Learning Based Early Detection of Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Early Warning System”, accepted for publication in Fourteenth International Conference on Information Processing ( ICInPro)
- C. M. Geeta et al., “EAODBT: Efficient Auditing for Outsourced Database with Token Enforced Cloud Storage,” 2019 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), DOI: 10.1109/WIECON-ECE48653.2019.9019988, pp. 1-4, 2019. Best Paper Award
- Kiran, K., AnkitRathore, B. Vignesh, P. DeepaShenoy, K. R. Venugopal, and Vignesh T. Prabhu. “Optimal Token Bucket Refilling for Tor network.” In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, March 2018.
- Kiran K, Kaushik N P, Sharath S, P DeepaShenoy and Venugopal K R. “Experimental Evaluation of BATMAN and BATMAN-Adv Routing Protocols in a Mobile Testbed” TENCON 2018, IEEE Region 10 Conference, IEEE, October 2018.
- Dhanalakshmi B K, Srikantaiah K C, Venugopal K R. “Efficient Resource Utilization by Reducing Broker Cost Using Multi Objective Optimization”, Springer 2nd International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing, Communication and Security, ISBN 978-981-10-8796-7, 978-981-10-8797-4, Studies in Computational Intelligence 771, Springer, pp. 533-538, 2018.
- Chandrashekar D K, Srikantaiah K C, Venugopal K R. “Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for Data Security in Cloud using Compression Technique”, Springer International Conference Soft Computing and Signal Processing ICSCSP-2018 (June 22 -23 2018)
- Dhanalakshmi B K, Sumalatha G A, Srikantaiah K C, Venugopal K R. Reservation policy for multi sharing Resources in Heterogeneous Cloud User, in Springer third international conference on information and communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD/IRNCNS 2018), August 2018.
- Vinutha N, Jayasudha R, Inchara K S, Hajira Khan, Sonu Sharma, P DeepaShenoy, Venugopal K R, “Evaluation of Neuropsychological Tests in Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease,” In the proceedings of Second International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering ( ICACIE-2017), Springer, Singapore, e-ISBN :978-981-13-0-0224-4, p-ISBN : 978-981-13-0223-7, vol. 714, pp.139-151, November 23-25, 2017.
- Vinutha N, Sonu Sharma, P DeepaShenoy, Venugopal K R, “Optimization of Neuropsychological Scores at the Baseline Visit Using Evolutionary Technique” In the proceedings of Third IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE-2017), e-ISBN : 978-1-5386-2621-4, p-ISBN : 978-1-5386-2622-1, pp.55-59, December 18-19, 2017.
- Prasanth Rao, Venkatesha M, P Deepa Shenoy, Anita Kanavalli, Venugopal K R, A Micromodel to Predict Message Propagation for Twitter Users, Publisher IEEE (ICDSE 2018), 978-1-5386-4855-1, 2018
- P. Muthi Reddy, Krutika Dhanakshirur, S. H. Manjula and K. R. Venugopal, “Security and Privacy of Data Sharing in Cloud Computing”, Proceedings in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST)- ICETICS 2018, Kerala, January 18th – 20 th , 2018.
- Muthi Reddy P, S. H. Manjula, and Venugopal K. R., “Secured Privacy Data using Multi Key Encryption in Cloud Storage”, Proceedings in International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2018), West Bengal, January 12-13, 2018.
- Savitha Mathapati, Ayesha Nafeesa, S H Manjula and Venugopal K R, “OTAWE: Optimized Topic-Adaptive Word Expansion for Cross Domain Sentiment Classification on Tweets”, First International Conference on Latest Advances in Machine learning and Data Science” [Springer LAMDA – 2017], NIT, Goa, October 25-27, 2017.
- Sowmya D R, Aditya N Kulkarni, Sandeep S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, “Land Use/ Land Cover Segmentation of Satellite Imagery to Estimate the Utilization of Earth’s Surface” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, ICCII 2017.
- Sowmya D R, Vishwas S Hegde, Suhas J, Raghavendra V Hegdekatte, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, “Land Use/ Land Cover Classification of Google Earth Imagery” In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Womens In Engineering (WI) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON – ECE 2017) Conference at Women Institute of Technology, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, 2017.
- E G Prathima, Venugopal K R and S S Iyengar, “ARRDA : Adaptive Reliable Routing for QoS Data Agregarion in Wireless Sensor Network”, In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Advanced Computing, Chennai, 14 – 16, December, 2017.
- E G Prathima, Venugopal K R and S S Iyengar, “EDDA : Event Driven Data Agregarion in Wireless Sensor Network”, In IEEE Proceedings of INDICON 2017, IIT Roorkee, 15 – 17, December, 2017.
- Niranjan A, Anusha Prakash, Veena N, Geetha M, P Deepa Shenoy, and Venugopal K R, EBJRV: An Ensemble of Bagging, J48 and Random Committee by Voting for Efficient Classification of Intrusions, Presenting today at 3rd IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE 2017) conference at Women’s Institute of Technology, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Proceedings of the same would be made available online on IEEE EXPLORE, 2017.
- Vasanthakumar G U, Ashwini G R, Srilekha K N, Swathi S, Ankita Acharya, P. Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K. R., UPLBSN: User Profiling in Location Based Social Networking, In the Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, Ajmer, India, Springer Publishing, USA, November 2017.
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, “A Light Weight Implementation of ECC Cryptosystem on FPGA for nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Fifth International Conference on Engineering Technology, science and management, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Bengaluru, pp.255-265, ISBN: 978-93-86171-60-3, August 2017. Best Paper Award
- Savitha Mathapati, Gajanand Sharma, S H Manjula and Venugopal K R, “ FUHM: A System to Filter Undesired Hindi Messages from OSN Users Wall”, In Proceedings of the The IIER International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology(ICRIET), ISBN: 978-93-86083-34-0, pp. 1-7, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 16th-17th June, 2017.
- C N Abhilash, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, ”Optimal Connectivity for Target Coverage Using Prediction Filter in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), pp. 1 – 6, 2017.
- C N Abhilash, S V Venkatesh, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, ”Data Aggregation over Geographical Area Coverage in Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks”, IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing, pp. 604 – 609, 2016.
- N P Neethravathi, Vaibhav J Desai, Aishwarya R, Majesj R B, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, ”Multisource Keyword Extraction and Graph Construction for Privacy Preservation”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Education Technology, pp. 130 – 134, 2016.
- N P Neethravathi, Prasanth G Rao, Chaitra C Vaidya, Geethanjali S, Madhura P, Neha Nandan K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, ”Privacy Preserving Data Mining Ordinal Data using Correlation Based Transformation Strategy (CBTS)”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computing Technologies and Engineering, pp. 21 – 28, 2016.
- E G Prathima, H Laxmikant, A Naveen, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. DAMS: Data Aggregation using Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks, in the Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Communication and Broadcast Networking (ICCBN-2017), ACM, Bangalore, February 20-23, 2017. Best Paper Award
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, ”Design and Implementation of Montgomery Multipliers in RSA Cryptography for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of First International Conference on Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer, Rajasthan, India, 2017. Best Paper Award
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R,”RSA Processor Design with Vedic Multiplier for Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks “,In proceedings of IEEE International conference on Wireless Communications Signal processing and Networking, Chennai, 2017.
- Vishwanath R Hulipalled, Shreekantaiah K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik. “ PMEM: Predicting Multiple Time Series using Ensemble Model”, 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (ic3i) held in Amity University, pp. 508-513, ISSN/ ISBN No : 978 -1-5090-5256-1/16/$31.00 c IEEE, Noida, Delhi, 2016.
- Vasanthakumar G U, Priyanka R, Vanitha Raj K C, Bhavani S, Asha Rani B R, P Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K R, “PTMIB: Profiling Top Most Influential Blogger using Content Based Data Mining Approach,” IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE-2016), Cochin, India, August 2016.
- B T Harish Kumar, Vibha L, K R Venugopal, Web Page Access Prediction Using Hierarchical Clustering Based On Modified Levenshtein Distance and Higher Order Markov Model, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2016 IEEE, Bali, Indonesia, ISBN: Electronic ISBN- 978-1-5090-0931-2, Print ISBN- 978-1-5090-0932-9, Page: 1-6, 2016
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation on FPGA using Montgomery Multiplication for Equal Key and Data size over GF(2m) for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE TENCON 2016 Technologies for Smart Nation (IEEE Region 10 Conference), Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre on 22-25 November, 2016
- Manek, Asha S., P. Deepa Shenoy, M. Chandra Mohan, and K. R. Venugopal. “Aspect Term Extraction for Sentiment Analysis in Large Movie Reviews using Gini Index Feature Selection Method and SVM Classifier.” World Wide Web, Springer, ISSN: 1386-145X, DOI: 10.1007/s11280-015-0381-x, pp. 1-20, 2016.
- V. Jha, R. Savitha, P. D. Shenoy, and K. Venugopal, “Reputation system: Evaluating reputation among all good sellers,” in Proceedings of NAACL-HLT, USA, ISBN: 978-1-941643-82-2, June 2016, pp. 115–121.
- B. N. Shankar Gowda, Vibha Lakshmikantha and Siddharth Mark Joseph, “Behavior Analysis of Twitter Feed using Dymamic Synonym and Abbreviation Mapping Modules on top of a Trained Naïve Bayes Classifier”, ACM Conference- ICTCS ’16, Udaipur, India, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3962-9/16/03, doi:>> 10.1145/2905055.2905129, Article No. 70, ACM New York, NY, USA, March 04-05, 2016.>
- Sateesh Kumar H C, C Chowda Reddy, Raja K B and Venugopal K R, “Performance Analysis of Face Recognition based on STWT And DTCWT Using Two Dimensional Q-Shift Filters,” Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical, Electronics & Computer Science, ISBN: 978-93-86083-84-5, pp. 58-63, August 2016.
- Sujatha B.M, Venukumar B.V, Chetan Tippanna Madiwalar, Abidali Munna N C, Suresh Babu K, Raja.K.B and Venugopal.K.R, “Translation based Face Recognition using Fusion of LL and SV Coefficients” Elsevier Twelfth International Multi Conference on Information Processing (IMCIP), Vol. 89, ISSN 1877-0509, pp.877-886, Aug 2016.
- Sujatha B M, Nayina Ramapur, Shubhangi Lagali, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja and Venugopal K R, “Steganography based Face Recognition using DWT, LBP and SOM”, ASAR- IRF International Conference, ISBN:978-93-86083-84-5, pp.64-68, Aug 2016.
- Venkatesh, C S Sengar, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “RRDVCR: Real-Time Reliable Data Delivery Based on Virtual Coordinating Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), pp. 2227-2234, China, October 14-17 2016.
- N P Nethravathi, Prasanth G Rao,Vaibhav J Desai, P Deepa Shenoy, Indi- ramma M, Venugopal K R, ”SWCTE:Semantic Weighted Context Tagging Engine for Privacy Preserving Data Mining”, IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE), 2016.
- Vishwa Kiran, Thriveni J, Raghuram S and Venugopal K R, “Efficient Stereoscopic 3D Video Transmission over Multiple Network Path”, International Conference on Advances Computational Intelligence in Communication, CIC 2016, PEC, Puducherry, India, 2016.
- N P Nethravathi, Prasanth G Rao, P Deepa Shenoy, Indiramma M, Venugopal K R,”CBTS: Correlation Based Transformation Strategy for Privacy Preserving Data Mining”, in IEEE WIECON-ECE, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 19-20 2015.
- Sejal D, Ganeshsingh T, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “Image Recommendations based on ANOVA Cosine Similarity”, In the Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing, Elsevier, Bangalore, ISSN 1877-0509, pp. 562-567, August 2016.
- Prathap U, Deepa Shenoy P, and Venugopal K R, “CMNTS: Catching Malicious Nodes with Trust Support in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE, TENSYMP, Bali, Indonesia, ISSN for article 16159667, ISBN 978-1-5090-0931-2, vol NA, pp. 77 – 82, 9-11 May, 2016. Best Paper Award.
- G Prathima E, Shiv Prakash T, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “SADA : Secure Approximate Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE), Kochi, India, 23-25 August 2016.
- G Prathima E, Shiv Prakash T, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “SDAMQ: Secure Data Aggregation for Multiple Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In proceedings of 12th International Multi Conference on Information Processing (IMCIP), Bangalore, India 19-21 August 2016.
- Radhika K R, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, “EDSC: Efficient Document Subspace Clustering Technique for High -Dimensional Data”, IEEE International Conference on Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies (ICCTICT), ISSN 978-1-5090-0082-1/16, Delhi. 11-13 March 2016
- Vasanthakumar G U, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, ”PFU: Profiling Forum Users in Online Socia Networks, A Knowledge Driven Data Mining Approach”, 2015 IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 19-20 December 2015.
- Deepthi K Prasad, Vibha L, Venugopal K R, ”Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy from Digital Retinal Fundus Images”, IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS), Trivandrum, December, 2015.
- Ganapthi V Sagar, Savita Y Barker, K B Raja, K Suresh Babu, Venugopal K R, ”Convolution based Face Recognition using DWT and Feature Vector Compression”, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 444 – 449 2015.
- Sateesh Kumar H C, Sayantam Sarkar, Satish S Bhairannawar, Raja K B, “An Adaptive Threshold based FPGA Implementation for Object and Face detection” Proceedings of Third International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), pp. 157 – 161, 21-24 Dec. 2015.
- Prathap U, Deepa Shenoy P, and Venugopal K R, “CPMTS: Catching Packet Modifiers with Trust Support in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE, WIECON, 2015, pp. 255-258, Dhaka, Bangladesh, BUET, 19-20 December, 2015. Best Paper Award.
- Gerard Deepak, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R “ONTO COLLAB: Strategic Review Oriented Collaborative Knowledge Modeling using Ontologies” in the Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE Conference on Advanced Computing ICoAC 2K15 at the Department of Computer Technology, Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University, Chennai held on Dec 15th to 17th 2015.
- Manjunathswamy B E, Thriveni J, K. R. Venugopal, “Bimodal Biometric Verification Mechanism Using Fingerprint and Face Images(BBVMFF)”, In the Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka , December 17- 20, 2015.
- Sujatha BM, K Suresh Babu, Raja K B, Venugopal K R, “Optimized Face Recognition Algorithm using Spatial and Transform Domain Techniques”, ICIIP, Third International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), Waknaghat, Himachal Pradesh. pp. 190-195, December 2015.
- S Raghavendra, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “>DRSIG: Domain and Range Specific Index Generation for Encrypted Cloud Data>”, in the Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies, ICCTICT 2016, New Delhi, IEEE, March 11-13, 2016.>
- S Raghavendra, Nithyashree K, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “FRORSS: Fast Result Object Retrieval using Similarity Search on Cloud” in the Proceedings of International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER 2016), NITK Surathkal, IEEE, August 13-14, 2016.
- S Raghavendra, Meghana K, Doddabasappa P A, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik, “Index Generation and Secure Multi-User Access Control over an Encrypted Cloud Data” in the Proceedings of Twelfth International Multi Conference on Information Processing (IMCIP-2016), Elsevier, August 19-21, 2016.
- V. Jha, N. Manjunath, P. D. Shenoy and K. Venugopal, “HSRA: Hindi Stopword Removal Algorithm,” in MicroCom 2015, NIT Durgapur, India. 2015
- S Raghavendra, Girish S, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “IGSK : Index Generation on Split Keyword for Search over Cloud Data”, In the Proceedings of CoCoNET 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7209-1, PP. 374-380, Trivandrum, Kerala, December 16-19, 2015.
- V. Jha, Savitha R., Sudhashri S Hebbar, P. D. Shenoy and K. R. Venugopal, “HMDSAD: Hindi Multi-Domain Sentiment Aware Dictionary” In the Proceedings of CoCoNET 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7209-1, PP. 241-247, Trivandrum, Kerala, December 16-19, 2015.
- Manjunathswamy B E, Thriveni J, K. R. Venugopal, “Bimodal Biometric Verification Mechanism Using Fingerprint and Face Images(BBVMFF)”, In the Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1741-1, PP. 372-377, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka , December 17- 20, 2015.
- Sejal D, Rashmi V, Anvekar Dinesh, Venugopal K R, Iyengar S S and Patnaik L M, “IRAbMC : Image Recommendation with Absorbing Markov Chain”, In the Proceedings of 12th IEEE India International Conference, INDICON 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7398-2, PP. 1-6, New Delhi, December 17-20, 2015.
- Asha S Manek, Kailash Pandey K, P Deepa Shenoy, M Chandra Mohan, Venugopal K R, “Classification of Drugs Reviews using W-LRSVM Model”, In the Proceedings of 12th IEEE India International Conference, INDICON 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7398-2, PP. 1-6, New Delhi, December 17-20, 2015.
- Anees Fathima S, Sushma K, Vishwas Narayan, Maboobi, Kiran K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, “CFT: Co-operative File Transfer Algorithm for Multi Network Interface Sessions”, In the Proceedings of 12th IEEE India International Conference, INDICON 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7398-2, PP. 1-5, New Delhi, December 17-20, 2015.
- Arunalatha J S, Rangaswamy Y, Shaila K, Raja K B, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “IRHDF: Iris Recognition using Hybrid Domain Features,” In the Proceedings of 12th IEEE India International Conference, INDICON 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-739-2, PP. 1-5, New Delhi, December 17-20, 2015.
- S Raghavendra, C M Geeta, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “MSIGT: Most Significant Index Generation Technique for Cloud Environment”, In the Proceedings of 12th IEEE India International Conference, INDICON 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-739-2, PP. 1-6, New Delhi, December 17-20, 2015.
- G.U. Vasanthakumar, Aakriti Upadhyaya, Pradeep Kalamath, Stita Dinakaran, P. Deepa Shenoy, K.R. Venugopal, “UP3: User Profiling from Profile Picture in Multi-Social Networking”, In the Proceedings of 12th IEEE India International Conference, INDICON 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-739-2, PP. 1-6, New Delhi, December 17-20, 2015.
- V. Jha, N. Manjunath, P. D. Shenoy and K. Venugopal, “HSAS: Hindi Subjectivity Analysis System” In the Proceedings of 12th IEEE India International Conference, INDICON 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7398-2, PP. 1-6, New Delhi, December 17-20, 2015.
- Prathap U, Deepa Shenoy P, and Venugopal K R, “SDLM: Source Detection Based Local Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In the Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2015, Macau, China, ISSN : 2159-3442, P-ISBN : 978-1-4799-8639-2, PP. 1-5, November 1-4, 2015.
- Vishwa Kiran S, Raghuram S, Thriveni J and Venugopal K R, “Efficient Video Transfer using LAN Caching assisted by Cloud Computing”, In the Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2015, Macau, China, ISSN : 2159-3442, P-ISBN : 978-1-4799-8639-2, PP. 1-5, November 1-4, 2015.
- Vaishnavi K, Kiran K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, “IOBR: Interoperable Bee-Hive Routing in a Heterogeneous Multi-Radio Network”, In the Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2015, Macau, China, ISSN : 2159-3442, P-ISBN : 978-1-4799-8639-2, PP. 1-5, November 1-4, 2015.
- Leena Giri G, Praveen Gowda I V, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “In Page Semantic Ranking of Snippets for WebPages”, In the Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on advances in Computing, Control and Telecommunication Technologies – ACT 2015, Trivandrum, India , October 30-31, 2015.
- Tanuja R, Shruthi Y R, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Token based Privacy Preserving Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In the Proceedings of IEEE 21st Annual International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications ADCOM- 2015, IIT Chennai, September 18-20, 2015.
- Venkatesh, T. N. Ashwinia, L. Akshaya, V. Tejaswi, K. R. Venugopal, S. S. Iyengar, L. M. Patnaik, “RPRDC: Reliable Proliferation Routing with low Duty-Cycle in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In the Proceedings of Eleventh International Multi-Conference on Information Processing-2015 (IMCIP-2015), Proccedia of Computer Science and Elsevier, vol. 54, ISSN : 1877-0509, pp. 37-46, August 21-23, 2015.
- Arunalatha J S, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar , L M Patnaik. “FIVDL: Fingerprint Image Verification using Dictionary Learning,” In the Proceedings of Eleventh International Multi-Conference on Information Processing (IMCIP-2015), Bangalore, Proccedia of Computer Science and Elsevier, vol. 54, ISSN : 1877-0509, pp. 482-490, August 21-23, 2015. Best Paper Award.
- G.U. Vasanthakumar, Bagul Prajakta, P. Deepa Shenoy, K.R. Venugopal, L.M. Patnaik, “PIB: Profiling Influential Blogger in Online Social Networks, A Knowledge Driven Data Mining Approach”, In the Proceedings of Eleventh International Multi-Conference on Information Processing (IMCIP-2015), Bangalore, Proccedia of Computer Science and Elsevier, vol. 54, ISSN : 1877-0509, pp. 362-370, August 21-23, 2015.
- Rangaswamy Y, Raja K B, Venugopal K R , “FRDF: Face Recognition using Fusion of DTCWT and FFT Features,” Eleventh International Multi-Conference on Image and Signal Processing, Proccedia of Computer Science and Elsevier, ISSN : 1877-0509, vol. 54, pp. 809-817 August 21-23, 2015.
- S Raghavendra, C M Geeta, K Shaila, Rajkumar Buyya, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, and L M Patnaik. “MSSS: Most Significant Single-keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data”, In the Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on ICT: BigData, Cloud and Security, Singapore, Global Science and Technology Forum (GSFT), ISSN: 2251-3043, pp. 43-48, July 27-28, 2015.
- Sejal D, Shailesh K G, Tejaswi V, Anvekar Dinesh, Venugopal K R, Iyengar S S and Patnaik L M, “Query Click and Text Similarity Graph for Query Suggestions”, In the Proceedings of Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, Springer, Germany, p-ISBN: 978-3-319-21023-0, e-ISBN: 978-3-319-21024-7, pp.328-341, July 20-21, 2015
- Sejal D, Kamalakant T, Tejaswi V, Anvekar Dinesh, Venugopal K R, Iyengar S S and Patnaik L M, “WNPWR: Web navigation prediction framework for webpage recommendation” , In the Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems (ReTIS), Kolkata, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8349-0, pp.120-125, July 9-11, 2015
- Sejal Desai, Vinuth Chandrasheker, Vijay Mathapati, Venugopal K. Rajuk, Sundaraja S. Iyengar and Lalit M. Patnaik, “RSR : Related Search Recommendation with User Feedback Session”, In the Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Data Mining 2015, Spain, ISBN : 978-989-8533-39-5, pp. 19-27, July 21-24, 2015. Best Paper Award
- V. Jha, N. Manjunath, P. D. Shenoy, K. Venugopal, and L. Patnaik, “HOMS: Hindi Opinion Mining System,” In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems (ReTIS), Kolkata, ISBN : 978-1-4799-8349-0, pp. 366–371, July 9-11, 2015.
- Arunalatha J S, Prashanth C R, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Raja K B, Dinesh Anvekar , Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar , L M Patnaik, “Principal Component Variances based Off-line Signature Verification,” In the Proceedings of Second IEEE Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems (RETIS 2015), Jadavpur University, Kolkatta, ISBN : 978-1-4799-8348-3, pp. 195-199, July 9-11, 2015.
- Sejal D, Shailesh K G, Tejaswi V, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “QRGQR: Query Relevance Graph for Query Recommendation” In the Proceeding of IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Ahmadabad, INSPEC Acc. No. : 15311940, pp. 78-81, May 13-15, 2015
- N. Sathisha, K. Suresh Babu, K. B. Raja, K. R.Venugopal and L. M. Patnaik “Mantissa Replacement Steganography using LWT,” In the Proceedings of Third International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking (ICSCN 2015), Chennai, ISBN : 978-1-4673-6822-3, pp. 1-7, March 26-28, 2015.
- Arunalatha J S, Ramachandra A C, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Raja K B, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “WCTFR: Wrapping Curvelet Transform based Face Recognition,” International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ISPR), Bangalore, ISBN : 978-1-921987-36-6, pp. 35-39, March 28-29, 2015.
- Arunalatha J S, Suvarna C, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “FCHE: Face Classification using Histogram Equalization,” In the Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (ICEEDC), Singapore, ISBN : 978-93-84209-99-5, pp. 1-6, March 22, 2015.
- Lata B T, Sumukha T V, Suhas H, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “SALR: Secure Adaptive Load-Balancing Routing in Service Oriented Wireless Sensor Networks”, In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems, NIT Calicut, Kozhikode, India, ISBN : 978-1-4799-1823-2, pp. 1-5, February 19-21, 2015.
- Tanuja R, Souparnika P Arudi, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “TKP: Three Level Key Pre-distribution with Mobile Sinks for Wireless Sensor Networks,” In the Proceedings of IEEE SPICES 2015, NIT Calicut, ISBN: 978-1-4799-1823-2, pp. 1-5, February 19-21, 2015.
- Satish Bhairannawar, Pramod S P, Naveen K M, Raja K B, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “FPGA Based Fingerprint Recognition using Fusion of CLBP and DWT”, In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Pune, ISBN : 978-1-4799-6054-5, January 8-10, 2015.
- Satish Bhairannawar, Sayatam Sarkar, Anand Y R, Raja K B and Venugopal K R, “An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Fingerprint Recognition using O2D-DWT architecture and Modified CORDIC-FFT”, In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics Communication and Energy Systems, National Institute of Technology, Calicut (NITC), ISBN : 978-1-4799-1821-8, pp. 1-5, Feb 19-21, 2015.
- Satish Bhairannawar, Anand R, Raja K B and Venugopal K R, “FPGA Implementation of Fingerprint Recognition System using Adaptive Threshold Technique”, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), Vishakapattanam, ISBN : 978-1-4799-7676-8, pp. 1-5, Jan 24-25, 2015.
- Bharathi S, Karthik Kumar S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, ”Bag of Features Based Remote Sensing Image Classification Using RANSAC and SVM”, Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2014 Vol I, IMECS 2014, March 12 – 14, 2014, Hong Kong, 2014.
- Bharathi S, Karthik Kumar S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, ”Bag of Features Based Remote Sensing Image Classification Using RANSAC and SVM”, Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, vol I, Hong Kong, 2014.
- Poornima G, Vinod, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, and L M Patnaik., “Enhanced Energy Efficient and Fault Tolerant Technique for WSN Using Graded Reliance Management Technique”, ACEECOM : In the Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Computer Networks, McGraw Hill, ISBN : 978-981-09-5247-1, pp. 55-69, December 27, 2014.
- Poornima G, Irfana, K Suresh Babu K B Raja, K R Venugopal, and L M Patnaik., “Enhanced Topology Aware Routing For WSN”, ACEECOM : In the Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Computer Networks, McGraw Hill, ISBN : 978-981-09-5247-1, pp. 70-77, December 27, 2014.
- G Sunilkumar, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Perspective to Adopt Continuous Dynamic Cognition for Malicious Node Detection in Heterogeneous Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), Elsevier, Procedia Computer Science, vol. 46, CUSaT, Kochi, India, ISSN : 1877-0509, ISBN : 9781510803039, pp. 997–1004, December 3-5 2014.
- Lata B T, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Raghavendra M, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “SGR:Secure Geographical Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM), Gwalior, India, e-ISBN: 978-1-4799-6500-7, p-ISBN : 978-1-4799-6499-4, pp. 1-6, December 15-17, 2014.
- Kumaraswamy M, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “Distributed QoS in Time Synchronized MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (AET 2014), Kochi, INDIA, ISBN : 978-981-09-5247-1, pp. 82-88, December 27, 2014.
- Prabha R, Prashanth Kumar Gouda, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik. “TTACCA: Two hop based Traffic Aware Congestion Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In the Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Applications of Graph Theory in Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks, Chennai, ISBN : 978-1-921087-19-9, pp. 185-194, December 27-28, 2014.
- Prabha R, Krishnaveni M, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik.”QoS Aware Trust Metric based Frame Work for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication and Convergence (ICCC-2014), ScienceDirect, vol. 48, Bhubaneswar, ISSN : 1877-0509, pp. 373-380, December 27-28, 2014.
- B M Thippeswamy, Reshma S, Raghavendra M, Shaila K, Dinesh Anvekar, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “DSARMP: Data Sinking using Angle Routing with Multiple Partition in WSNs” In the Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering, e-ISBN : 978-93-392-2169-9, p-ISBN : 978-93-392-2169-0, pp. 302-314, December 26-27, 2014.
- S Kumaraswamy, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, Iyengar S S, L M Patnaik, “Interestingness Measure on Privacy Preserved Data With Horizontal Partitioning”, In the Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovation in Technology (INDICON 2014), Pune, India, ISBN : 978-1-4799-5362-2, pp. 1-7, December 11-13, 2014.
- Vishwa Kiran S, Ramesh Prasad, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Mobile Cloud Computing for Medical Applications”, 11th IEEE India Conference – INDICON, Pune, ISBN : 978-1-4799-5362-2, pp. 1-6, December 11-13, 2014. Best Paper Award
- Vishwa Kiran S, Ramesh Prasad, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Cloud Enabled 3D Tablet Design for Medical Applications”, 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, Gwalior, ISBN : 978-1-4799-6499-4, pp. 1-6 December 15-17, 2014.
- Manjunathswamy B E, Thriveni J, K. R. Venugopal, L. M. Patnaik, “MultiModel Personal Authentication Using Finger Vein and Iris Images(MPAFII)”, In the Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering-ACE, at Kochi, India, ISBN-10: 93-392-2161-3, ISBN-13: 978-93-392-2161-4, pp. 390-401, December 26-27, 2014.
- Manjunathswamy B E, Thriveni J, K. R. Venugopal, L. M. Patnaik, “MultiModel Personal Authentication Using Finger Vein and Face Images(MPAFFI)”, In the Proceedings of Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing-PDGC, at Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India, ISBN : 978-1-4799-7682-9, pp. 339-344, December 11-13, 2014.
- Lata B T, Vidya Rao, Sivasankari H, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, and L M Patnaik, “SEAD: Source Encyrpted Authentic Data for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Commputer Science (ACS-2014), Kochi, ISBN : 978-981-09-5247-1, pp. 141-150,December 27, 2014.
- Lata B T, Raghavendra M, Sumukha T V, Suhas H, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, and L M Patnaik, “DRFSD: Directed Restricted Flooding for Secure Data-Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Commputer Engineering (ICTAEECE-2014), Singapore, ISBN : 978-93-84209-62-9, pp. 50-55 November 8, 2014.
- Lata B T, Sumukha T V, Suhas H, Raghavendra M, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, and L M Patnaik, “DSWSD: Double Sliding Window for Secure Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Science, Technological, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM-2014), Singapore, ISBN : 978-93-84209-62-9, pp. 16-21, November 9, 2014. Best Paper Award
- Prabha R, Shivaraj Karki, Manjula S, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Time Constrained QoS Geographical Routing for Differentiated Traffic in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In the Proceedings of Third International Conference on Advances in Computer Science Applications(CSA 2014), Lucknow, ISBN : 978-981-09-2578-9, pp. 220-229, September 14-15, 2014.
- Vidya A, Kalaivani M, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M. “Pathway Clusters of Aging Genes using Data Mining Techniques”, 5thIEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT-2014), MNNIT, Allahabad, ISBN : 978-1-4799-6757-5, pp. 35-40, September 26-28, 2014.
- Vishwanath R H, Vaishnavi R, Srikantaiah K C, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “IATSJ: Identification of Anomalies in Time Series Data using Similarity Join Processing”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology, ICCCT 2014 at MotilalNeharu National Institute of Technolgy Allahabad, ISBN : 978-1-4799-6758-2, pp. 7-12, September 26-28, 2014
- Kumaraswamy M, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, S SIyengar and L M Patnaik. “QoS Driven Distributed Multi-Channel Scheduling MAC Protocol for Multihop WSNs”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT-2014), MNNIT, Allahabad, ISBN: 978-1-4799-6757-5, pp. 175-180, September 26-28, 2014.
- Vidya A, Santosh Pattar, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M. “DNA Repair Gene Catergorization through Associative Classification”, 7th International conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE-2014), Singapore, pp. August 8-10, 2014.
- Vishwanath R H, Praveen H N, Tejaswi V, Srikantaiah K C, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Empp: Ensemble based Model for Predicting Stock Time Series Data using Pattern Sequence Similarity” The 2014 7th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2014), Singapore, August 8-10, 2014.
- B M Thippeswamy, Reshma S, Sivasakthi P, Tejaswi V, ShailaK,Venugopal K R , L M Patnaik, ”STEAR: Secure Trust-aware Energy-efficient Adaptive Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, The 2014 7th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2014), Singapore, August 8-10, 2014.
- Srikantaiah K C,Shashidhar S, Krishna Kumar N, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik. “Mapping Of Web Pages Onto Topic Directories Using Levenshtein Similarity Weight”, 7th International conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE-2014), Singapore, August 8-10, 2014.
- Kumaraswamy M, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, S S Iyengar. “QMSR: Qosmultihop Sensor Routing Scheme Cross-Layer Design for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks”, 7th International conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE-2014), Singapore, ISBN: 978-0-7918-6004-5, August 8-10, 2014.
- Asha S Manek, Sumithra V, P. Deepa Shenoy, M. Chandra Mohan, K.R.Venugopal, L. M Patnaik, “DeMalFier: Detection of Malicious Web Pages using an Effective ClassiFier”, In proceeding of 2014 International Conference on Data Science & Engineering (ICDSE), ISBN : 978-1-4799-6870-1, pp. 83-88, August 26-28, 2014.
- Asha S Manek, Sahana T, P Deepa Shenoy, M Chandra Mohan, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Repc-SSMS ; Repetive Preprocessing and Clustering Approach for Filtering Spam SMS Messages using Naïve Bayes Classifier”, Eigth International Conference on Data Mining and Ware Housing ICDMW – 2014, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-5107-251-5, pp. 203-212, July 25-27, 2014.
- Shiva Prakash T, Tejaswi V, Raja K B, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Reliablility based Adaptive Replication Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks”, 8th International Conference on Communication Networks, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-5107-253-9, pp. 32-38, July 25-27, 2014.
- Thippeswamy B M, Raghavendra M, Reshma S, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “CADR : Congestion Alleriation using Distance Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 8th International Conference on Communication Networks, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-5107-253-9, pp. 265-273, July 25-27, 2014. Best Paper Award.
- Savitha G, Vibha L, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Offline Signature Verification using Local Binary Pattern”, 8th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP – 2014, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-5107-252-2, pp. 351-359, July 25-27, 2014.
- Lata B T, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Raghavendra M, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “SCG : Secure Communication using Geographical Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 8th International Conference on Communication Networks, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-5107-253-9, pp. 55-62, July 25-27, 2014.
- Prabha R, Archana S, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik. “VBSLM: Virtual Backbone Scheduling Algorithm for QoS and Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Network”, Eighth International Conference on Communication Networks, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-5107-253-9, pp. 338-346, July 25-27, 2014.
- Kiran K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik. “Fault Tolerant BeeHive Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Multi-radio Network”, 2014 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), Kuala Lumpur, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2028-0, pp. 116-120, April 14-16, 2014.
- Yamuna Devi C R, Shivaraj B, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Multi-Hop Optimal Position Based Opportunistic Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Region 10 Technical Symposium, TENSYMP’14, Kuala Lumpur, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2028-0, pp. 121-125, April 14-16, 2014.
- Shiva Prakash T, Raja K B, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Fault Tolerant QoS Adaptive Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks (WCSN’13), Springer LNEE-7818, e-ISBN : 978-81-322-1823-4, p-ISBN : 978-81-322-1822-7, ISSN: 1876-1100, vol. 299, pp. 167-175, 23 April 2014.
- Yamuna Devi C R, Deepak Sunder, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Chain Routing for Convergecast Small Scale Wireless Sensor Networks”, Second International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, IIITM- Kerala, Springer, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-54525-2, p-ISBN : 978-3-642-54524-5, pp. 127-138, March 13-14, 2014.
- Yamuna Devi C R, Shivaraj B, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “EESOR: Energy Efficient Selective Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Second International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, IIITM- Kerala, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-54525-2, p-ISBN : 978-3-642-54524-5, pp. 16-23, March 13-14, 2014.
- Beaulah Soundarabai P, Ritesh Sahai, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “Load Balancing with Availability Checker and Load Reporters (LB-ACLRs) for improved Performance in Distributed Systems,” In the Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Devices, Circuits And Systems, (ICDCS), vol. 1, Coimbatore, India, ISBN: 978-1-4799-1354-1, pp. 36-40, March 6-8, 2014.
- S Kumaraswamy, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, Iyengar S S, L M Patnaik, “Association Rule Sharing model for Privacy Preservation and Collabrative Data Mining Efficiency,” In the Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences(RAECS) UIET Punjab University Chandigarh, ISBN : 978-1-4799-2290-1, pp. 1-6, March 06-08, 2014.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Vipin Rajan, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Video-on-Demand Applications on Portable Devices: A New Paradigm”, 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Engineering (ICCSIE), ISBN No: 978-93-5137-783-2, pp. 1-6, February 16, 2014.
- Beaulah Soundarabai P, Ritesh Sahai, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “Situation Based Load Balancing Algorithm for Distributed Computing Systems,” International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing (ICCTAC), ISBN: 978-93-84209-29-2, pp. 14-18, February 20-21, 2014
- Manjunathswamy B E, Appaji M Abhishek, Thriveni J, K. R. Venugopal, L. M. Patnaik, “Multimodel Biometrics Using ECG and Fingerprint”, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Communication Network and Computing-CNC, at Chennai, India, ISBN. 978-81-910691-7-8, pp. 777-784, February 21-22, 2014.
- B M Thippeswamy, Reshma S, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “ODCRE: On-Demand Cluster Routing based on Energy Density in Wireless Networks”, In Proceedings of International conference on Advances in communication, Network & computing (CNC), Chennai, ISBN. 978-81-910691-7-8, pp. 104-113, February 21-22, 2014.
- Asha S Manek, Shamini D K, Veena H Bhat, P Deepa Shenoy, M. Chandra Mohan, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “ReP-ETD: A Repetitive Preprocessing Technique for Embedded Text Detection from Images in Spam Emails” IEEE International> Advance Computing Conference (IACC),> Gurgaon, India, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2572-8, pp. 568–573, February 21-22, 2014>
- Kiran K, Shivapriya T Abhishek Alfred Singh, Nazima Begum, Ramya R, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Performance Analysis of Bee-hive Routing in Multi-Radio Networks”, 2014 4th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IAdCC.2014.6779349 , ISBN : 978-1-4799-2571-1, pp. 360 – 364, February 21-22, 2014.
- Ms. Varalakshmi B D, Ms. Abhilasha Pachauri, Dr. Thriveni J, Dr. Venugopal K R, Dr. Patnaik L M, “Forefinger Direction Based Haptic Robot Control for Physically Challenged Using MEMS Sensor”, Fourth IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems(ICICES-2014) Tamilnadu, Chennai, ISBN : 978-1-4799-3835-3, pp. 1-6, February 27-28, 2014
- Yamuna Devi C R, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Maximizing Efficiency of Large Scale Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, Fifth International Conference on Control, Communication and Power Engineering, CCPE 2014, ACEEE, Chennai, ISBN : 978-81-910691-7-8 , pp. 1-9, Feb. 21-22, 2014.
- Vishwanath R Hulipalled, Samartha T V, Srikantiah K C, Venugopal K R, Patnaik L M. “DRSM: Data Reduction and Similarity Matching for Time Series Data Streams”, In Fifth International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing, CNC, 2014. ©Elsevier Science & Technolgy Publications, ISBN : 978-81-910691-7-8, pp. 114–121, 21st – 22nd February 2014.
- Harish Kumar B T, Deepa Chowdary, Vibha L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Similarity Based Ranking of Query Results From Real Web Databases”, In the Proceedings of IEEE Fifth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing(ICSIP), Jeju Island, ISBN : 978-0-7695-5100-5113, pp. 328-334, January 8-10, 2014
- Kumaraswamy M, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “Efficient Retransmission QoS-Aware MAC Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Networks and Communications (NetCom2013), Chennai, INDIA, ISSN : 1876-1100, pp. 31-42, December 27-29, 2013.
- Kiran K. Shivapriya T, Abhishek Alfred Singh, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K. R, L M Patnaik, “Traffic splitting in a mobile Ad-hoc Multi-radio Network”, Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), Mumbai, ISBN : 978-1-4799-2274-1, pp. 1–4, December 13-15, 2013.
- G Sunilkumar, Thriveni J, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Cognition Based Discrete Time Dynamic Neural Network Approach for Malicious Node Detection in Heterogeneous Network”, Proceedings of 4thInternational Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, Elsevier, Delhi, ISBN : 978-1-63266-258-3, pp. 348-355, December 13-14, 2013.
- G Sunilkumar, Thriveni J, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Cognition Based Malicious Node Detection Using Discrete Time Dynamic Neural Network Approach”, Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, Srilanka, ISBN : 978-1-4799-0908-7, pp. 68-72, December 17-20, 2013.
- D Annapurna, Tejas N, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, “An Energy Efficient Multicast Algorithm for an Adhoc Network using Network Coding and MAC Scheduling”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, Noida, India, ISBN : 978-1-4799-1605-4, pp. 62-67, December 12-14, 2013.
- Tanuja R, Sukeerthi B J, Apoorva Raju, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal,L M Patnaik, “SDCS : Secure Data Centric Sensor Networks with Mutiquery Optimization,” 2013 Annual IEEE India Conference INDICON-2013, ISBN : 978-1-4799-2274-1, pp. 1-6, December 13-15, 2013.
- C N Abilash, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, and L M Patnaik, “Efficient Network Lifetime for Barrier Coverage in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks,” INDICON-2013, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2274-1, pp. 1-4, December 13-15, 2013.
- Pushpa C N , Ashvini Patil, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Web Page Recommendations using Radial Basis Neural Network Technique”, 8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS2013), Kandy, Sri Lanka, e-ISBN : 978-1-4799-0908-7-0, p-ISBN : 978-1-4799-0908-7, pp. 501-506, December 17-20, 2013.
- Rangaswamy Y, Ramya S K, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Face Recognition using Transform Domain Texture Features,” SPIE Sixth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2013), London, UK., vol. 9067, ISBN : 9780819499967, pp. 1-5, December 24, 2013.
- N. Sathisha, Priya R, K. Suresh Babu, K. B. Raja, K. R.Venugopal and L. M. Patnaik “DTCWT Based High capacity Steganography using Coefficient replacement and Adaptive Scaling,” In the Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2013), London, UK, ISBN : 978-0-8194-9996-7, pp. 906710 – 906715, November 16-17,2013. Best Paper Award
- Asha S Manek, Samhitha M R, Shruthy S , Veena H Bhat, P Deepa Shenoy, M. Chandra Mohan, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “RePID-OK: Spam Detection using Repetitive Pre-processing”, IEEE CUBE 2013 Conference, ISBN : 978-1-4799-2234-5, pp. 144-149, November 15-16, 2013.
- Shiva Prakash T, Raja K B, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Traffic-Differentiated Two-Hop Routing for QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC’13), Beijing, China, ISBN: 978-0-7695-5106-7, pp. 356-363, October 10-12, 2013.
- Asha S Manek, Pallavi R P, Veena H Bhat, P Deepa Shenoy, M. Chandra Mohan, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “SentReP: Sentiment Classification of Movie Reviews using Efficient Repetitive Pre-Processing”, In the Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2013 Conference, ISBN :978-1-4799-2825-5, pp. 1-5, October 22-25, 2013. Best Paper Award
- Leelavathi G, Shaila K, Venugopal K R., “Implementaion of VLSI Architecture for Advanced encryption Standard Algoritum” at National Conference on Electronics Communication and Networking at Vivekananda Institute of Technology, pp. 92-99, March 2013. Best Paper Award
- Bharathi Somashekhar, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Automatic Land Use/Land Cover Classification using Texture and Data Mining Classifier“, TENCON IEEE conference Xian, China, ISSN : 2159-3442, ISBN : 978-1-4799-2825-5, pp. 1-4, October 22-25, 2013.
- Vishwanath R H, Leena S V., Srikantaiah K C., Shreekrishna Kumar K., Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R., Patnaik L M “APST: Approximation and Prediction of Stock Time Series Data using Pattern Sequence” In Seventh International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing, ICDMW, Elsevier Science & Technolgy Publications, ISBN : 978-93-5107-105-1, pp. 151–160, 9th – 11th August 2013.
- S Kumaraswamy, Srikanth P L, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, Iyengar S S, L M Patnaik, “An Ontology based Prediction Process on Vertically Partitioned Data with Privacy Preservation”, Seventh International MultiConference on Information Processing, Bangalore, ISBN No 97893510711495, pp. 191-201, August 9-11, 2013.
- Poornima G, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Energy Efficient Algorithms for Fault Tolerant Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks” Second International Conference on Advanced Computing Methodologies, Elsevier, ISBN No 97893510711495, pp. 24-32, 2nd – 3rd August 2013.
- Lata B T, Jansi P K R, Shaila K, Sivasankari H, Sujatha D N, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Secure Multiple Domain Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Communication Networks (ICCN-2013), Elsevier Publications, ISBN : 978-93-5107-104-4, pp. 40-49, August 9-11, 2013.
- P Beaulah Soundarabai, Ritesh Sahai, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Efficient Bully Election Algorithm in Distributed Systems”, Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Communication Networks (ICCN-2013), Elsevier Publications, ISSN : 2229-5518, pp. 253-261, August 9-11, 2013.
- Srikantiah K C, Roopa M S, Krishna Kumar N, Shree Krishna Kumar, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Automatic Discovery of Synonyms from the Web Based on Inbound Anchor Text”, Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing (ICDMW-2013), Elsevier Publications, ISBN : 978-93-5107-105-1, pp. 123-135, August 9-11, 2013.
- B N Shankargowda, Vibha L, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “An Ameliorated Methodology for Preprocessing Web Log Data using Data Warehousing and Data Mining Framework”, Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing (ICDMW-2013), Elsevier Publications, ISBN : 978-93-5107-105-1, pp. 117-124, August 9-11, 2013.
- Shiva Prakash T, Chandrashekar H S, Raja K B, Suresh Babu K, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Traffic – Differentiated Two-Hop Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Communication Networks (ICCN-2013), Elsevier Publications, ISBN : 978-93-5107-104-4, pp. 18-30, August 9-11, 2013. Best Paper Award
- Vidya A, Sivakiran R R, H Sivasankari, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Comparative Study of Aging using Mitochondrial RNA of Human and Naked Mole Rat”, Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing (ICDMW-2013), Elsevier Publications, ISBN : 978-93-5107-105-1, pp. 175-180, August 9-11, 2013.
- Shiva Prakash T, Raja K B, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Link-Reliability Based Two-Hop Routing for QoS Guarantee in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC’13), Atlantic City, USA, ISSN : 1347-6890, pp. 1-6, June 24-27, 2013.
- S Kumaraswamy, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, Iyengar S S, L M Patnaik, “Preserving Privacy of Classification Rule in Distributed System Environments”, Second International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Application Signal Processing and Communication,CSA2013 & SPC2013(ACEEE), Lucknow, INDIA, ISBN : 978-0-521-83084-3, pp. 599-608, June 21, 2013.
- Pushpa C N, Girish S, Nitin S K, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Computing Semantic Similarity Measure between Words using Web Search Engine”, International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (ICCSEA-SPPR), Delhi, India, ISBN : 978-1-921987-13-7, pp. 135-142, May 24-26, 2013.
- Kiran K, Abhishek Alfred Singh, Yadunandan S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Throughput enhancement by traffic splitting over an ad-hoc network with hybrid radio devices”, 2013 IEEE TENCON Spring Conference, Sydney, ISBN : 978-1-4673-6347-1, pp. 371–375, April 17-19, 2013.
- Poornima G, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Improved Fault Tolerance Technique For Wireless Sensor Networks” IN: ACEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Mobile Communication. Springer, ISSN: 1865-0929, pp. 294-300, 26th – 27th April 2013
- S Kumaraswamy, Manjula S H, K R Venugopal, Iyengar S S, L M Patnaik, “Key Compromise Resilient Privacy Provisoning in Vertically Partitioned Data,” International Conference on Diversifying Trends in Technology and Management, IIT-Delhi, India, ISSN : 2278-7518, pp. April 6-7, 2013.
- N. Sathisha, Amarashree, K. Suresh Babu, K. B. Raja, K. R.Venugopal and L. M. Patnaik “Non Embedding Steganography using Average Technique in Transform Domain” In the Proceedings of IEEE Ninth International Colloquium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA 2013), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN : 978-1-4673-5607-7, pp. 1 – 6, March 8-10, 2013.
- Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “Web Search Engine based Semantic Similarity Measure between Words using Pattern Retrieval Algorithm”, International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services, Bangalore (ITCS 2013), ISBN : 978-1-921987-07-6, pp. 1-11, 18th -20th February 2013.
- Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, “Web Search Engine based Semantic Similarity Measure between Words using Pattern Retrieval Algorithm”, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (ITCS 2013), vol. 3, no. 1, Bangalore India, ISBN : 978-1-921987-07-6, pp. 01-11, February 18-20, 2013
- G Sunilkumar, Shivaprakash K, Thriveni J, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Cognition Based Malicious Node Detection for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Control and Automation, Kalasalingam University, Tamil Nadu, India, pp. 24-30, January 3-5, 2013. Best Paper Award
- Sivasankari H, , Leelavathi R, Shaila K, Venugopal K.R., S. S. Iyengar, L. M. Patnaik “Dynamic Cooperative Routing (DCR) in Wireless Sensor Networks”,> Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing>, vol. 108, pp 87-92, ACEEE, CNC, February 2012.>
- Manjunathswamy B E, Thriveni J, K. R. Venugopal, L. M. Patnaik, “Efficient Iris Retrieval Using Neural Networks”, In the Proceedings of IEEE NUICONE 2012, at Nirma University Ahemedabad, India, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1720-7, pp. 1-7, December 06-08, 2012.
- Prathap U, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Wireless Sensor Networks Applications and Routing Protocols: Survey and Research Challenges”, In the Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing (ISCOS), ISBN : 978-1-4673-4854-6, ISSN : 1339-8970, pp. 49-56, December 17-18, 2012
- Satish Bhairannawar, Ratan R, Raja K B, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “FPGA Based Recursive Error Free Mitchell Log Multiplier for Image Filters”, In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, ISBN : 978-1-4673-1344-5, pp. 235-239, December 18-20, 2012.
- Sunil Kumar, Triveni J, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Adoption of Cognition for Malicious Node Detection in Homogenous and Heterogenous Wireless Networks”, IEEE Conference on Wireless Networks, NIT, Suratkal, ISBN: 978-1-4673-4854-6, pp. 36-41, December 17-18, 2012.
- Chandrakant N, Poojar S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Middleware Service Oriented Earthquake Detection in Advance using WSNs.”, 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), Chennai, India, ISBN : 978-1-4673-5583-4, pp. 1-8, December 13-15, 2012.
- Bharathi S, P Deepa Shenoy, Sheryas V J, Anirudh R P, Sanketh S M, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Performance Analysis of Segmentation Techniques for Land Cover Types using Remote Sensing Images”, In the Proceedings of IEEE INDICON 2012, Kochi, Kerala, ISBN : 978-1-4673-2272-0, pp. 775-780, December 7-9, 2012.
- Srikantaiah K C, Krishnakumar N, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “An Integration of Web Caching and Web Refletching Using Cyclic Behaviour Analysis Web Sequential Pattern,” In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology, CIIT – 2012, Springer Verlag, Chennai, India, ISBN : 978-93-5107-194-5, pp. 67-72, 2nd – 3rd December 2012.
- Leena Giri G, Srikanth P L, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “Semantic Look : An Efficient Context Driven Search Engine,” In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology, CIIT – 2012, Springer Verlag, Chennai, India, ISSN : 1867-8211, pp. 122-130, 3rd – 4th December 2012.
- Kiran K, Abhishek Alfred Singh, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Analysis of Traffic Splitting Over a Multi-hop Network with Hybrid WiMAX and Wi Fi Nodes,” Second IEEE International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC – 2012) Jaypee University of Information (JUIT) Technology, Solar, Himachal Pradesh, ISBN : 978-1-4673-2922-4, pp. 609-613, December 6-8, 2012.
- Chandrakant N, Bijil A P, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Middleware Service Oriented Rescue and Crime Information on Cloud (RCIC) Using Heterogeneous Nodes in WSNs”, IEEE TENCON 2012, Cebu, e-ISBN : 978-1-4673-4822-5, p-ISBN : 978-1-4673-483-2, ISSN : 2159-3442, pp. 1-5, November 19-22, 2012.
- Ramachandra A C, Abhilash S K, K B Raja, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Dual Transformation Bimodal Biometrics Based on Feature Level Fusion,” Fourth IEEE International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing (ARTCom) , Bangalore, ISBN: 978-1-4673-2922-4, pp. 131-134, October 19-20th, 2012.
- H Sivasankari, Leelavathi R, Vallabh M, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, “CEAR:Cluster based Energy Aware Routing Algorithm to Maximize Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs)”, Proceedings of LNICEE Conference on ITC, Springer, print ISBN: 978-1-4624-3362-0, online ISBN: 978-1-4624-3363-7, ISSN: 1876-110, pp. 26-31, 11th September 2012.
- H Sivasankari, Aparna R, Venugopal KR, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, ”TGAR: Trust dependent Greedy Anti-void Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks( WSNs)”, In Proceedings of Third nternational Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing- ITC, (LNEE- Springer Verlag), Bangalore, hardcover ISBN:978-1-4614-3360-0, Softcover ISBN:978-1-4899-9294-9, ISSN 1876-1100, vol. 150, pp. 39-45, 3rd – 4th August 2012.
- Prashanth C R, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Personal Authentication by Fusion of PCA and FFT Coefficients of Iris,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, India, ISBN : 978-93-82208-13-6, pp. 67-73, August 2012.
- Kumarswamy M., Shaila K, H Sivasankari, Tejaswi V., K. R. Venugopal, and L M Patnaik, ”RCH-MAC Protocol for Multihop QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks.” In the Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP-2012), Bangalore, ISSN: 1865-0929, pp. 18–27, August 10-12, 2012.
- Vidya A, Manohar V, Shwetha V P, K. R. Venugopal, and L M Patnaik, ”Dimensionality Reduction for Efficient Classification of DNA Repair Genes”, In 6th International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-3-642-31686-9, pp. 536–545, August 10-12, 2012. Springer Best Paper Award
- R Tanuja, M K Rekha, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Detection and Elimination of Black Hole and False Data Injection Attacks in Wirless Sensor Networks,” Third International Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Telecommunication and Computing – ITC 2012, Springer Verlag, ISBN : 978-1-4614-3363-7, ISSN : 1876-1100, pp. 475-482, August 3-4, 2012.
- R Tanuja , Anoosha V, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik, “Secure Reputation Update for Target Localization in Wirless Sensor Networks,” ICIP – 2012, Springer Verlag, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-3-642-31686-9, pp. 109 – 118, August 10-12, 2012.
- Sivasankari H, Leelavathi R, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik,”Energy Efficient Adaptive Cooperative Routing with Multiple Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks” In Proceedings of IEEE, ICIEA 2012, Singapore, ISBN : 978-1-4577-2118-2, pp. 676-681, July 18–20, 2012
- Poornima G, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Fault Tolerance using Modified Hausdroff Distance Method”, International Conference on Information, Communication & Embedded Systems (ICICES 2012), IEEE & CSI, Chennai, India, ISBN: 978-93-81361-97-9, pp. 93, February 24-25,2012.
- Vishwanath R H, Thangamani M, Venugopal K R, Iyengar S S, and L M Patnaik “Alternate Data Clustering for Fast Pattern Matching in Stream Time Series Data” In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network and Computing (CNC 2012), Springer LNICST, Chennai, INDIA, ISBN : 978-3-642-35615-5, pp. 153-158, February 24-25, 2012.
- Shaila K, Sivasankari H, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik.“ACTM : Anonymity Cluster based Trust Management in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network and Computing (CNC 2012), Springer LNICST, Chennai, INDIA, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-35615-5, p-ISBN : 978-3-642-35614-8, pp. 75-80, February 24-25, 2012.
- Srikanataiah K C, Suraj M, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L MPatnaik “Similarity Based Web Data Extraction and Integration System for Web Content Mining”, In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network and Computing (CNC 2012), Springer LNICST, Chennai, INDIA, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-35615-5, pp. 269-274, February 24-25, 2012.
- P Beulah Soundarabai, Manjunath H C, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Message Efficient Ring Leader Election in Distributed Systems”, Proceedings of Computer Networks and Communication (NetCom), Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 131, ISSN : 1876-1119, pp. 835-843, 26th February 2012.
- Ramachandra A C, Vineetha M, K B Raja, K R Venugopal and L M Patnaik, “Dual Transformation based Face Recognition using Matching Level Fusion,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, ISBN : 978-93-822208-13-6, pp. 74-79, 2012. Best Paper Award
- Chandrakant N, Bijil A P, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Middleware Service Oriented Rescue and Crime Information System (RCIS) using Heterogeneous Fixed Nodes in WSNs”, ADCONS-2011, NITK-Surathkal, India, Springer(LNCS), e-ISBN : 978-3-642-29280-4, p-ISBN : 978-3-642-29279-8, pp. 389-398, December 16-18, 2011.
- Chandrakant N, Harsha D, Tejas J, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “EMID: Maximizing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network by Using Energy Efficient Middleware Service”, International Conference on Intelligent Information Networks ICIIN 2011- co-sponsored by International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) and IEEE, ISSN : 0302-9743, ISBN : 978-3-642-29279-8, December 16-18,2011.
- Sateesh Kumar. H. C, Abhilash S.K and Raja K. B, Venugopal K. R. and L. M. Patnaik, “Iris Recognition using Fusion of EMD and FFT,” IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, ISBN : 978-1-61284-766-5, pp. 607-613, December 15-18, 2011
- G Sunilkumar, Thriveni J, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik,”Cognition Based Self-organizing Maps (CSOM) for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Networks”, IEEE INDICON 2011, BITS Pilani Hyderabad, India, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1110-7, pp. 1-6, December 16-18, 2011.
- G M Siddesh, K G Srinivasa, K R Venugopal ”GRM: a Reliable and Fault Tolerant Data Replication Middleware for Grid Environment”,> ICWET ’11> Proceedings of the International Conference & Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, Pages 810-815, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India — February 25 – 26, 2011.>
- Anita Kanavalli, Bharath G P, Nuthan Prasad B N, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Efficient Mutually Exclusive Path Finding Protocol for Wireless Networks”, The International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information Science (ICIEIS 2011), University Technology Malaysia, ISBN : 978-3-642-25327-0, pp. 311-320, November 14-16, 2011.
- Veena H Bhat, Vandana R Malkani, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Classification of Email using BeaKS: Behavior and Keyword Stemming” IEEE TENCON 2011 Bali, Indonesia, ISSN : 2159-3442, p-ISBN : 978-1-4577-0256-3, pp. 1139-1143, November 21-24, 2011.
- Annapurna D, Shreyas Bhagavath D, Gnanaskandan V, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Performance Comparison of AODV, AOMDV and DSDV for Fire Fighters Application,” ACEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology, Springer-Verlag, CCIS, ISBN: 978-1-61284-766-5, pp.250-254, November 7-8,2011
- Chetana Hegde, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “FKP Biometrics for Human Authentication using Gabor Wavelets”, IEEE – TENCON, at Bali, Indonesia, ISSN : 2159-3442, p-ISBN : 978-1-4577-0256-3, pp. 238-244, November 21-24, 2011. Best Paper Award
- Pushpa C N, Vinaykumar N K, Shivaprakash T, Thriveni J, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Improving the Precision and Recall of Web People Search Using Hash Table Clustering in Computer Networks and Intelligent Computing”, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information Processing, Springer Verlag, Bangalore, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-22786-8, p-ISBN : 978-3-642-22785-1, pp. 155 – 160, August 2011
- Vidya A, Usha D, Rashma B M, P Deepa Shenoy, Raja K B, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Computational Methods to Locate and Reconstruct Genes for Complexity Reduction in Comparative Genomics in Computer Networks and Intelligent Computing”, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information Processing, Springer Verlag, Bangalore, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-22786-8, p-ISBN : 978-3-642-22785-1, pp. 252–257, August 5-7, 2011
- Srikantaiah K C, Srikanth P L, Tejaswi V, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, Iyengar S S and L M Patnaik, “PCF-Engine, A Fact Based Search Engine in Computer Networks and Intelligent Computing”, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Information Processing, Springer Verlag, CCIS, Bangalore, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-22786-8, p-ISBN : 978-3-642-22785-1, ISSN: 1865-0929, pp. 113-122, August 5, 2011. Best Paper Award
- Veena H. Bhat, Prasanth G. Rao, S. Krishna, P. Deepa Shenoy, K. R. Venugopal and L. M. Patnaik, “An Efficient Framework for Prediction in Healthcare Data Using Soft Computing Techniques”, First International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC 2011) , Kochi, India, Springer, vol. 192, Part 4, ISBN : 978-3-642-22720-2, pp. 522-532, July 22-24, 2011.
- Anita Kanavalli, N Chandra Kiran, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Protocol to Study the Effect of Flooding on Energy Consumption in MANETS” First International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, ACC 2011, Kochi India, vol. 190, Springer, ISBN : 978-3-642-22708-0, pp. 141-152, July 22–24, 2011.
- Anita Kanavalli, Bharath G P, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Triangulation based Clustering for Improving Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks”, The Third International Conference on Wireless & Mobile Networks (WiMoN-2011), Chennai India, Trends in Network and Communication, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 197, Springer 2011, ISBN : 978-3-642-22542-0, pp. 272-284, July 15-17 2011.
- N Sathisha, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Covariance Based Steganography Using DCT,” International Conference on Advances In Computing And Communications, Springer-Verlag, CCIS, Kochi, ISSN : 1865-0929, pp. 636-647, July 22-24, 2011.
- H Sivasankari, Vallabh M, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “Multiple Mobile Synchronised Sinks(MMSS) for Energy Efficiency and Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks” Proceedings of 13th ICEIS, Beijing, CHINA, e-ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0, pp. 76 − 85, June 8-11, 2011.
- Shaila K, Vineet G H, Prashanth C R, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik “KCSR: Keymatches Constrained Secure Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), Beijing, China, ISBN:978-989-8425-56-0, pp.13-17, June 8-11, 2011.
- N. Sathisha, Swetha Sreedharan, R. Ujwal, Kiran D’sa, Aneeshwar R. Danda, K Suresh Babu, K. B. Raja, K. R.Venugopal and L. M. Patnaik “Adaptive Steganography Based on Covariance and DCT” International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Mobile Communication (AIM 2011), CCIS 147, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, print ISBN : 978-3-642-20572-9, Online ISBN 978-3-642-20573-6 pp. 273–276, April 21-22, 2011.
- Krishna S, Veena H Bhat, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Defeating Perturbed Quantization Steganography” 5th International Conference on Information Systems, Technology and Management (ICISTM 2011), Gurgaon, India, Published In: Information Intelligence, Systems, Technology and Management Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer 2011, p-ISBN: 978-3-642-19422-1, e-ISBN: 978-3-642-19423-8, vol. 141, no. 2., pp. 51-60, Mar 10-12, 2011
- Chetana Hegde, Phanindra J, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Human Authentication using Finger Knuckle Print”, ACM Compute – 2011, Bangalore, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0750-5, pp. 633-645, March 2011.
- Chetana Hegde, Rahul Prabhu H, Sagar D S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Statistical Analysis for Human Authentication using ECG Waves”, Proceedings of ICISTM 2011, Springer-Verlag, Gurgaon, ISSN: 1865-0929, pp. 287 – 298, March 10-11, 2011.
- Veena Bhat, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Steganalysis of Perturbed Quantization using HBCL Statistics and FR Index”. Accepted to be published in the proceedings of: 5th International Conference on Information Systems, Technology and Management (ICISTM) 2011, vol. 141, Gurgaon, India, ISBN: 978-3-642-19423-8, Springer, pp. 51-60, March 10–12, 2011.
- Chandrakant N, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Restricting the Admission of Selfish or Malicious Nodes into the Network by using Efficient Security Services in Middleware for MANETs”, International Conference on Communication, Computing & Security. In Proceedings of ACM, NIT, Rourkela, Orissa, India, ISBN-978-1-4503-0464-1, pp. 489-492, February 12-14, 2011.
- H Sivsankari , Leelavathi R, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar and L M Patnaik, ”Dynamic Cooperative Routing(DCR) in Wireless Sensor Networks” In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network and Computing (CNC 2012), Springer LNICST, Chennai, INDIA, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-35615-5, p_ISBN : 978-3-642-35614-8, pp. 87-92, February 24-25,2011. Best Paper Award.
- C R Prashanth, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Off-line Signature Verification based on Angular Features,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, vol. 1, ISBN : 978-1-4244-9243-5, pp. 362-366, January 7-9, 2011.
- Veena Bhat, Krishna S, P Deepa Shenoy, “SURF: Steganalysis using Random Forests”, 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8134-7, pp. 373-378, November 29 – December 1, 2010.
- Prakash G L, Prathibha A B, Vikram K, Yasaswini K, Rekha M S, Tejaswi V, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “EEAPA: Energy Efficient Adaptive Precision Allocation for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Information Processing, pp. 281-290, ISBN 978-93-80578-46-0, 2010. Best Paper Award.
- Chandrakant N, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R,and L M Patnaik, ”Prevention of Malicious Nodes Communication in MANETs By Using Authorized Tokens”, In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking-Springer verlag, Jeju Island, Korea, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-17604-3, p-ISBN : 978-3-642-17603-6, pp. 441-449, December 13-15, 2010.
- Anita Kanavalli, Geetha TL, P Deepa Shenoy ,Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Preserving Energy Using Link Protocol in Wireless Networks”, In Proceedings of MANET 2010/FGCN, Springer Verlag, Jeju Island, Korea, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-17604-3, pp. 370-380, December 13-15, 2010.
- Veena Bhat, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “JHUF-5 Steganalyzer: Huffman based Steganalytic Features for Reliable Detection of YASS in JPEG images”, In the Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Springer Verlag, Jeju Island, Korea, vol. 123, ISBN : 978-3-642-17641-8, pp. 87-97, December 13-15, 2010.
- Chetana Hegde, Rahul Prabhu H, Sagar D S, P Deepa Shenoy, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Human Authentication Based on ECG Waves using Radon Transform”, In the proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Security Technology (SecTech 2010), Springer Verlag, Jeju Island, South Korea, e-ISBN : 978-3-642-17610-4 p-ISBN : 978-3-642-17609-8, pp. 197-206, December 13-15, 2010.
- Ramachandra A C, Raghavendra M A N S, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Fingerprint Recognition using Inter Ridge Variation,” IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, Goa, ISSN : 2157-0477, e-ISBN : 978-0-7695-4246-1, p_ISBN : 978-1-4244-8481-2, pp. 207-212, November 19-21, 2010.
- Shaila K, Sajita M,Tejaswi V, S H Manjula, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “SEEDI: Secure and Energy Efficient Approach for Detection of an Intruder in Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, in Proceedings of The 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2010), published by IEEE , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-8270-2, pp. 279-283, November 26-28, 2010.
- Alice Abraham, Jamal Ahmed, Manjula S H, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Wavelet Coded Cross Layer Preferential Transmission in Wireless Image Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 262-266, November 26-28, 2010.
- Chandrakant N, Kiran, Darshan K, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Design and Implementation of Fixed Accounting Strategy for Dynamic IP Based Networks” In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2010), IEEE, Solon(HP), p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-7675-6, pp. 146-151, October 28-30, 2010
- Chandrakant N, Swati P Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy ,Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Stopping Communication of Malicious Nodes in MANETs using Authorized Tokens”, In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2010)- IEEE, Solon(HP), p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-7675-6, pp. 175-179, October 28-30, 2010
- Chandrakant N, Rakesh R, Srikanth V M, Sathwikh G N, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K Rand L M Patnaik, “Protocol to Simulate Application of RFID Technology in Public Transportation System”, In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC-2010)- IEEE, Solon(HP), p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-7675-6, pp. 164-167, October 28-30, 2010
- G G Sivasankari, Vallabh M, S Ishaq Ali, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Conservation using K-Means Fusion Steiner Tree (KFST) in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-80578-46-0, pp. 299-304, August 6–8, 2010.
- Alice A, Jamal Ahmed, Amruta Pai, Lakshmi N, Rashmi, Sunitha, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Wavelet Coded Preferential Image Transmission in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-80578-46-0, pp. 315-320, August 6–8, 2010.
- Bharathi Somashekhar, Pooja P Sheth, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Performance Analysis of Clustering Techniques for Object Oriented Segmentation of Satellite Images”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-80578-46-0, August 6–8, 2010.
- N Sathisha, Madhusudan G N, Bharathesh S, K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, “Chaos based Spatial Domain Steganography using MSB”, Fifth IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, NITK, Surathkal, ISBN : 978-1-4244-6651-1, pp. 177-182, July 29 – August 1, 2010.
- Veena Bhat, Krishna S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “HUBFIRE – A Multi-Class SVM Based JPEG Steganalysis Using HBCL Statistics And FR Index”, SECRYPT 2010, Greece, ISBN: 978-989-8425-18-8, pp. 447-452, July 25–26, 2010.
- Sandhya Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Diagonisis, Treatment and Management of Alzheimer’s Disease using Machine Learning Methods”, Intelligence and Security Infromatics Pacific Asia Workshop, PAKDD 2010, Hyderabad, vol. 6122, ISBN : 978-3-642-13600-9, June 21–24, 2010.
- Veena Bhat, Krishna S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “JPEG Steganalysis using HBCL Statistics and FR Index”, Intelligence and Security Infromatics Pacific Asia Workshop, PAKDD 2010, Hyderabad, vol. 6122, ISBN : 978-3-642-13600-9, pp. 105-112, June 21–24, 2010.
- D N Sujatha, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “CCAM : A Comprehensive Cost Analysis Model for Video on Demand Application”, IEEE Advanced Computing Conference, Patiala, India, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-4791-6, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-4790-9, pp. 157-161, February 19-20, 2010
- Sandhya Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease by Using Machine Learning and Neural Network Methods”, 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computation (ICMLC – 2010), Bangalore, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-6007-6, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-6006-9, pp. 218-222, February 9-11, 2010.
- Veena Bhat, Prashanth G Rao, Abhilash R V, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Novel Data Generation Approach for Digital Forensic Application in Data Mining”, 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computation (ICMLC – 2010), Bangalore, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-6007-6, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-6006-9, pp. 86-90, February 9-11, 2010.
- Shaila K, Vidya Yeri, Arjun A V, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Adaptive Mobility and Availability of Mobile Node for Efficient Secret Key Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computation (ICMLC – 2010), IEEE Computer Society, Bangalore, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-6007-6, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-6006-9, pp. 137-141, February 9-10, 2010.
- Chethana Hegde, Srinath U S, Aravinda Kumar R, Rashmi D R, Satish S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Ear Pattern Recognition Using Centroid and Cross Points for Robust Authentication”, 2nd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (IHCI – 2010), Allahabad, Springer Publication, ISBN: 978-81-322-0133-5, pp.378-384, January 16-18, 2010.
- Sandhya Joshi, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Assessing Various Stages of Dementia Using Neuropsychological Tests and Machine Learning Methods”, International Conference on Statistics, Probability, Operation Research Computer Science and Allied Areas, Visakapatnam, January 4–8, 2010.
- Prakash G L, Thejaswini M, S H Manjula, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik, “Energy Efficient Data Processing in Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Computer Science, March 2009.
- C.R. Prashanth, K B Raja, K R Venugopal and L.M. Patnaik, “Standard Scores Correlation based Off-line Signature Verification System”, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Telecommunication Technologies, Trivendrum, Kerala, India, e-ISBN : 978-0-7695-3915-7, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-5321-4, pp. 49-53, December 28-29, 2009.
- K B Raja, Lavanya B N, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik “Minutia Extraction in Fingerprint using Gabor Filter Enhancement” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Telecomunication Technologies, e-ISBN: 978-0-7695-3915-7, p-ISBN: 978-1-4244-5321-4, pp. 54-56, December 28-29, 2009.
- C R Prashanth, K B Raja, K R Venugopal, L M Patnaik “Standered Scores Correlation based Off line Signature Verification System” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Telecomunication Technologies, ISBN : 978-0-7695-3915-7, pp. 49-53, December 28-29, 2009.
- Anita Kanavalli, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Time Synchronization for an Efficient Sensor Network System”, In 17th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication ADCOM 2009, Bangalore, December 14-17, 2009.
- Anita Kanavalli, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Flat Routing Protocol in Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Methods and Models in Computer Science, New Delhi, ISBN : 978-1-4244-5051-0, pp. 1-5, December 14–16, 2009.
- Veena H Bhat, Prashanth G Rao, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “An Efficient prediction Model for Diabeties Database using Soft Computing Techniques”, 12th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC 2009), vol. 5908, LNCS New Delhi, ISBN : 978-3-642-10645-3, Springer, pp. 328-335, December 15-18, 2009.
- Bharathi S, Pooja Sheth, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Object Oriented Segmentation for Land Cover Types Using Data Mining Techniques”, 12th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, ISBN : 0-07-068104-0, December 22-25, 2009.
- Sandhya Joshi, P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Evaluation of Different Stages of Dementia Employing Neuropsychological and Machine Learning Techniques”, 1st International Conference on Advanced Computing ICAC, Chennai, India, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-4787-9, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-4786-2, pp. 154-160, December 13-15, 2009.
- Ramesha K, Srikanth N, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Advanced Biometric Identification on Face, Gender and Age Recognition”, In Proceedings of ACEEE-ARTCOM, Kottayam, Kerala, e-ISBN : 978-0-7695-3845-7, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-5104-3, pp. 23-27, October 27-28, 2009.
- Siddesh G M, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Publish/Subscribe Publication based Middleware for Web Services”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-80026-72-5, pp. 579-584, August 7-9, 2009.
- Veena H Bhat, Prasanth G Rao, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Simple k-means Clustering with CART to Enhance Classifier Accuracy”, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-80026-72-5, pp. 395-400, August 7-9, 2009. Best Paper Award
- Chandrakant N, Swathi B N, Thejashree C, Prajwal, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “SKCN: Secret Key Establishment for Cluster based Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP), ISBN : 978-93-80026-72-5, pp. 601- 609, August 7-9, 2009.
- S H Manjula, Nithin B K, Sarvajith M, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Optimal Scheduling for Maximizing the Network Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP), Bangalore, ISBN : 978-93-80026-72-5, pp. 193-201, August 8-10, 2009.
- H S Manjunatha Reddy, K B Raja, K Suresh Babu, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Multilevel Wavelet Fusion Steganography”, In IEEE Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management, Delhi, July 13-15, 2009.
- Ravi J, K B Raja, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Fingerprint Recognition Using Block Filter Thinning”, In IEEE Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management, Delhi, July 13, 2009.
- Vibha L, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Robust Technique for Segmentation and Counting of Trees from Remotely Sensed Data”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Advanced Computing Conference IACC, Patiala, Punjab, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2928-8, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2927-1, pp. 416-421, March 6-7, 2009.
- Shaila K, S H Manjula, Aruna R, Anupama, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Resilience Key Predistribution Scheme using Asymmetric Matrices for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Advance Computing Conference(IACC’ 09), Patiala, Punjab, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2928-8, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2927-1, pp. 833-840, March 6-7, 2009.
- Thriveni J, Vikas M, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Controlled Data Rate to Reduce the Packet Loss in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of IACC, Patiala, Punjab, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2928-8, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2927-1, pp. 3532-3537, March 6-7, 2009.
- C R Prashanth, S Sindhu, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Efficient and Fast Iris Recognition System using Integer Wavelet Transforms”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Advance Computing Conference (IACC’09), Patiala, Punjab, ISBN : 978-1-4244-2927-1, pp. 511-516, March 6-7, 2009.
- Ramachandra A C, Joythi Srinivas, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Robust Offline Signature Verification based on Global Features”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Advance Computing Conference (IACC’09), Patiala, Punjab, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2928-8, pp. 1173-1178, March 6-7, 2009.
- S H Manjula, Prabhavathi M, Arjun A V, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Multi-Hop Routing for Multistationed Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Computing Conference (IACC09), Patiala, Punjab, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2928-8, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2927-1, pp. 806-811, March 6-7 2009.
- H C Sateesh Kumar, K B Raja, Chandrakala C, Fazilath Begum, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using Wavelets”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, pp.15-19, January 18th-10th 2009.
- C R Prashanth, S P Ganavi, T D Mahalakshmi, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Iris Feature Extraction using Directional Filter Bank for Personal Identification”, In Proceedings of International Conference ACM COMPUTE, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-1-60558-476-8, January 9-10, 2009.
- Chetana Hegde, Rahul Prabhu H, Sagar D S, Vishnu Prasad K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Authentication of Damaged Hand Vein Patterns by Modularization”, In IEEE Proceedings of TENCON 2009, Singapore, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-4547-9, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-4546-2, pp. 1-6, January 23-26, 2009.
- Ramachandra A C, Pavithra K, Yashasvini K, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik, “Offline Signature Authentication using Cross-validated Graph Matching”, In Proceedings of International Conference ACM COMPUTE, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-1-60558-476-8, January 9-10, 2009.
- T H Manjula Devi, Pooja, P. Shenoy, Swathi Saigali, Harsha Mathew, K B Raja, Venugopal K. R., L M Patnaik, “Extracting Hidden Image Using Histogram, DFT and SVM”, In Proceedings of International Conference ACM COMPUTE, Bangalore, India, 2009.
- T H Manjula Devi, Pooja, P. Shenoy, Swathi Saigali, Harsha Mathew, K B Raja, Venugopal K. R., L M Patnaik, “Steganalysis using Histogram, DFT and SVM”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, pp. 121-125, 2009.
- Chetana Hegde, Manu S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Secure Authentication using Image Processing and Visual Cryptography for Banking Application”, In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Advance Communications and Computing, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2963-9, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2962-2, pp. 65-72, December 14-17, 2008.
- S H Manjula, C N Abhilash, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik ”Performance of AODV Routing Protocol using Group and Entity Mobility Models in Wireless and Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Communication Systems and Applications (IMECS), Hong Kong, March 19 – 21, 2008.
- Srinivasa K G, Archana, Reshma, Poornima, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Combinatorial Approach to Key Generation using Multiple Key Spaces for Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, ADCOM 2008, MIT, Chennai, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2963-9, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2962-2, pp. 279-284, December 14-17, 2008. Best Paper Award
- S H Manjula, Prabhavathi M, Arjun A V, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Multi-Hop Path Routing for Multiple Base Stationed Sensor Network using MTC Algorithm”, In IEEE Proceedings of ADCOM (2008), Chennai, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2963-9, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2962-2, pp. 225-233, December 14-17, 2008.
- Thriveni J, Alekhya V L, Deepa N, Uma B, Alice A, Prakash G L, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “QoS Preemptive Routing with Bandwidth Estimation for Improved Performance in Ad Hoc Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of ICIAFS, IEEE, Colombo, Srilanka, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2900-4, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2899-1, pp. 443-448, December 12-14, 2008.
- Anita Kanavalli, Udaya Ranga, Satish G, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Proactive Sliding Window Strategy for Merging Sensor Enabled Cars”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Networks, ISSN : 1556-6463, ISBN : 978-1-4244-3805-1, pp. 1-5, December 12–14, 2008.
- Thriveni J, Vishwanath K R, Jayashree V, Neelima S, Parinitha B M, Sneha K, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Optimized Multicast Routing for Improved Survivability of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, ICCEE, Phuket Island, Thailand, ISBN : 978-0-7695-3504-3, pp. 465-469, December 20-22, 2008.
- Ramachandra A C, Pavithra K, Yashasvini K, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik, “Cross-Validation for Graph Matching based Offline Signature Verification”, In IEEE Proceedings of IEEE-INDICON, IIT- Kanpur, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2747-5, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-3825-9, pp. 17-22, December 11-13, 2008.
- S H Manjula, Krupa R, Saba K, Lalithamma N, Kavitha L, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Network Lifetime Maximizing Gradient Algorithm for Dead End in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In the Proceedings of IEEE 10th International Conference -TENCON (2008), Hyderabad India, ISBN : 978-1-4244-2408-5, pp. 1-6, November 18-21, 2008.
- S H Manjula, Bindu Reddy E, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Base- station Controlled Clustering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IFIP Wireless Days Conference, Dubai, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2829-8, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2828-1, pp. 1-5, November 24-27, 2008.
- Suraiya Tarannum, Srividya S, Asha D S, Padmini R, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Hierarchical Communication Paradigm for Wireless Sensor Networks : Centralized Energy Efficient Approach”, In IEEE Proceedings of ICCBN, Guangzhou, China, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2424-5, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2423-8, pp. 959-963, November 19-21, 2008.
- Anita Kanavalli, Jayashree A, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Hop by hop Congestion Control System for Adhoc Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of TENCON, Hyderabad, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2409-2, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2408-5, pp. 1-4, November 19-21, 2008.
- Thriveni J, Ashwini B, Latha A, Sandhyashree K R, Prakash G L, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Broadcast with Negative Acknowledgements for Enhanced Delivery Ratio in MANET with Dual Coverage”, IFIP Wireless Days Conference 2008, Dubai, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2829-8, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2828-1, pp. 1-5, November 24–27, 2008.
- Thriveni J, Ashwini B, Latha A, Sandhyashree K R, Prakash G L, Alice A, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Dual Covered Broadcast with Negative Acknowledgements for Enhanced Reliability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of TENCON 2008, Hyderabad, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2409-2, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2408-5, pp. 1-6, November 19-21, 2008.
- K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Kiran Kumar K, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik, “Authentification of Secrete Information in Image Stegnography”, In Proceedings of IEEE-TENCON 2008, University of Hyderabad, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2409-2, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-2408-5, pp.1-6, November 19-21, 2008.
- K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Kiran K, Chandra Shekar K.S, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik, “Steganalysis to find the Stego-Tool and the Length of the Payload using One Class and Multi Class SVMs”, In Proceedings of Second International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-0-7695-3100-7, pp. 264-270, August 8-10, 2008.
- Chetana Hegde, Manu S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Authentication using Image Processing and Visual Cryptography”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP-2008), ISBN : 978-81-906942-4-7, pp. 418 -423, August 8-10, 2008.
- S H Manjula, Krupa R, Saba K, Lalithamma N, Kavitha L, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “GRADE: Energy Efficient Gradient Algorithm for Dead End in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP), Bangalore, ISBN : 978-81-906942-4-7, pp. 544-556, August 8-10, 2008. Best Paper Award
- Shaila K, Thriveni J, Vidya Yeri, Neelavathi H N, Arjun A V, Nalini L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Secure QoS-Aware Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP 2008), Bangalore, ISBN : 978-81-906942-4-7, pp. 511-517, August 8-10, 2008.
- Thriveni J, Alekhya V L, Deepa N, Uma B, Alice A, Prakash G L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Preemptive Routing with Bandwidth Estimation for Enhanced QoS in Ad Hoc Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore(ICIP 2008), ISBN : 978-81-906942-4-7, pp. 446-451, August 8-10, 2008.
- Thriveni J, Vishwanath K R, Jayashree V, Neelima S, Parinitha B M, Sneha K, Shaila K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Energy Efficient Multicasting for Optimizing Network Lifetime in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore(ICIP 2008), ISBN : 978-81-906942-4-7, pp. 502-510, August 8-10, 2008.
- S H Manjula, Arjun A V, Shilpa K R A, Shwetha N, Swetha N A, Shaila K, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Maximizing Lifetime of a Coverage and Connectivity Guaranteed Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Convergence, and Broadband Networking(ICCBN), Bangalore India, July 17-19, 2008.
- Thriveni J, Anita Kanavalli, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Probabilistic Mean Energy Flooding to Increase the Survivability of MANET”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Communication System and Application, Hong Kong (IMECS 2008), ISBN : 978-988-17012-1-3, pp. 1066-1071, March 19-21, 2008.
- Vibha L, Venkatesh M, Prasanth G. Rao, Suhas N, Deepa Shenoy P, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Moving Vehicle Identification using Background Registration Technique for Traffic Surveillance”, In IEEE Proceedings of the International Association of Engineers International Multiconference of Engineers Computer Scientists 2008 (IMECS 2008), Hong Kong, e-ISSN : 2078-0966, p-ISSN : 2078-0958, pp. 572-577, March 19-21, 2008. Best Paper Award
- Vibha L, Chetana Hegde, Prashanth S J, P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Identification of Dynamic Objects in Video Streams for Multimedia Mining”, In IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference SPIT colloquium, vol.1, Mumbai, ISSN : 0973-8215, pp. 193-198, February 4-5, 2008.
- Thriveni J, Vikas M, Shaila K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Drop Reduction with Controlled Flow Rate for Reliable Delivery in MANET”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference SPIT-IEEE Colliquim 2007- 08, Mumbai, ISSN : 0973-8215, , pp. 180-186, February 4-5, 2008.
- S H Manjula, C N Abhilash, Alice A, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Routing Protocol using Group and Random Based Mobility Models in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference SPIT-IEEE Colloquium (2007 -08), vol 3, Mumbai, ISSN : 0973-8215, pp. 153-158, 4 -5 February 2008.
- Ramesha K, Varaprada Adiga N, Siddu D G, K B Raja, Venugopal K R, L.M. Patnaik, “Feature based Face Recognition using Mole Detection”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Madurai, Tamilnadu, pp. 65-70, January 2008.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Admission Control Strategy for Efficient Resource Management in a VoD System”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN), ISBN : 978-1-4244-1924-1, pp. 288-293, Chenani, India, January 4-6, 2008.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Storage Mechanism to Distribute Disk Load in a VoD Server”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 4904, India, e-ISBN : 978-3-540-77444-0, p-ISBN : 978-3-540-77443-3, pp. 478-483, January 5-8, 2008.
- Suraiya Tarannum, Divya Prakash, Sneha Susan George, Tara B V, Ushe S, Nalini L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Consolidate and Advance: An Efficient QoS Management Technique in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings, Anna University, Chennai, ISBN : 978-1-4244-1924-1, pp. 80-85, January 4-6 2008.
- K B Raja, S Sindhu, T D Mahalakshmi, S Akshatha, B K Nithin, M Sarvajith, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Robust Image Steganography Scheme using Integer Wavelet”, In IEEE Proceedings of COMSWARE-2008, Bangalore, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-1797-1, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-1796-4, pp. 614-621, January 6-10, 2008.
- Anitha Kanavali, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik ”Breach Path Routing for Data Aggregation in Wireless and Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Information Processing, 2007.
- T Shivaprakash, G S Badrinath, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, ”Life Time of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Adhoc Sensor Networks”, International Conference on Bridging the Digital Divide (AACC), 2007.
- Suraiya Tarannum, Divya Prakash, Sneha Susan Geroge, Tara B V, Usha S, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, ”Energy Conserving Relocation for Enhanced QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks”, In Proceedings of ICIP, pp. 318 – 329, 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Sagnik Dhar, Anuj Bhatt, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Selective Querying and other Proposals for Less Congested Gnutella Network”, In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT), Bangalore, e-ISBN : 978-3-540-77115-9, p-ISBN : 978-3-540-77112-8, pp. 203-208, December 17-20, 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Sagnik Dhar, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Statistical Analysis and Compression of DNA Sequence using Weighted Probability Approach and Modified Runlength Coding”, In Proceedings of 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pune, ISBN : 978-0-9727412-2-4, pp. 1058-1070, December 17-19, 2007.
- Suraiya Tarannum, Anita V, Priya A G, Rajeshwari Adrakatti, Nalini L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Self-Healing AntChain for Increased Lifespan of Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Proceedings of IET-UK International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES 2007), Chennai, Tamil Nadu ISSN : 0537-9989, pp. 908 – 915, December 20-22, 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Srichand P, Anuj Bhatt, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Genetic Algorithm with Characteristic Amplification through Multiple Geographically Isolated Populations and Varied Fitness Landscapes”, In IEEE Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM), IEEE Computer Society Press, Guwahati, Assam, India , ISBN : 0-7695-3059-1, pp. 69-74, December 18-21, 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Srichand P, Anuj Bhatt, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “MGIGA: An Iterative Merge Based Genetic Algorithm for Motif Discovery in Genomic Sequences”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, IEEE Computer Society Press, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu ISBN: 0-7695-3050-8, pp. 448-452, December 13-15, 2007.
- Vibha L, Harshavardhan G M, Pranaw K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Segmentation Technique for Mammography Classification”, In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Asian Applied Computing Conference (AACC 2007), Katmandu, Nepal, pp. 1-6, December 13-15, 2007.
- Thriveni J, Vishwanath K R, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Probabilistic Average Energy Flooding to Maximize Lifetime of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks, IEEE, IIIT Allahabad, e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-1878-7, p-ISBN : 978-1-4244-1877-0, pp. 65-68, December 13-15 2007.
- K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Bhanumathi S M, Prathibha B S, Shilpa Soman, N Suresh Kumar, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Multimedia Data Hiding in Audio using Cepstral Domain”, In Proceedings of ICICOT-07, Manipal, ISBN : 978-988-98671-6-4, pp. 360-366, December 2007.
- K B Raja, Kiran Kumar K, Satish Kumar N, Lakshmi M S, Preethi H, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Genetic Algorithm based Steganography using Wavelets”, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Information Systems Security(ICISS2007), LNCS, University of Delhi, ISBN : 978-3-540-77086-2, Springer, pp. 51-63, December 16-20, 2007
- K Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Uma Maheshwar Rao K, Rashmi K A, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Robust and High Capacity Image Steganography using SVD”, IET-UK, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES-2007), Chennai, ISSN : 0537-9989, ISBN : 978-1-4244-0637-1, pp. 718-723, December 20-22,2007
- K B Raja, Lavu Rohitha, Rekha S, Swetha P V, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “LSB Steganalysis to Detect the Embedded Message Length using Pixel Pair Threshold”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2007), IIT Gauhati, ISBN : 0-7695-3059-1, pp. 765-770, December 18-21, 2007.
- Suraiya Tarannum, Srividya S, Asha D S, Padmini R, Nalini L, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Sink Administrated Load Balanced Dynamic Hierarchical Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Tamilnadu, ISSN : 0537-9989, pp. 916-921, December 20-22, 2007.
- Vibha L, Harshavardhan G M, Prashanth S J, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Hybrid Clustering and Classification Technique for Soil Data Mining”, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES-2007), MGR University, Chennai, ISSN : 0537-9989, pp. 1090-1095, December 20-22, 2007.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Ganesh Jaiswal, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Cluster-Based Congestion Control Mechanism for Enhancing the Performance of VoD System”, In Proceedings of International Conference on information Processing (ICIP), Bangalore, ISBN : 978-81-89866-51-8, pp. 560-569, August 10-12, 2007. Best Paper Award
- Vibha L, Chetana Hegde, Prashanth S J, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Moving Object Identification using Background Elimination Technique”, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP), Bangalore, ISBN : 978-81-89866-51-8, pp. 507-513, August 10-12, 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Krishnaraj P M, Sriram Kashyap, Shashank Hegde, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Framework for Adaptive Data Mining Using Hybrid Model of Rough Sets and Two Phase Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing, IK International Publishers, Bangalore, ISBN : 978-81-89866-51-8, pp. 513–522, August 10-12, 2007.
- K B Raja, S Sindhu, T D Mahalakshmi, S Akshatha, B K Nithin, M Sarvajith, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Robust Image Adaptive Steganography using Integer Wavelets”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Processing (ICIP 2007), Bangalore, ISBN : 978-81-89866-51-8, pp. 100-106, August 10-12, 2007.
- K.Suresh Babu, K B Raja, Shilpa B R,Chethana A K, Radhika K, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Robust Image Steganography using Decomposed Color Quantization”, In Proceedings of International Conference on information Processing (ICIP 2007), Bangalore, ISBN:978-81-89866-51-8, pp. 107-113, August 10-12, 2007.
- Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Data Mining Based Query Processing using Rough Sets and Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of IEEE CIDM, USA, ISBN:1-4244-0705-2, pp. 275-282, March 31st – April 5th, 2007.
- Vibha L, Harshavardhana G M, Pranaw K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Lesion Detection using Segmentation and Classification of Mammograms”, In Proceedings of the IASTED, Austria, ISBN:9780889866294, pp. 311-316, February 12-14th, 2007.
- K B Raja, Siddaraju S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Secure Image Steganography Using Colour Palette Decomposition”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Networking, ICSCN 2007, IEEE Press, Chennai, ISBN: 1-4244-0997-7, pp. 74 – 80, February 22-24th, 2007.
- K B Raja, Siddaraju S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “High Capacity Data Embedding Using Colour Palette Decomposition”, The Fourth IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications SPPRA 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, ISBN: 0-88986-338-5, pp. 88-93, February 14, 2007.
- T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Global Incremental Power Model For Life Maximization in Ad-hoc Networks”, In the Proceedings of 5th Asian International Mobile Computing Conference (AMOC – 2007), LNCS, Springer Verlag, Kolkata, India, ISBN : 9780070633865, pp. 1-7, January 2007.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Rashmi B, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Load Balancing in Fault Tolerant Video Server”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, IDEAL, UK, Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 4881, ISSN : 0302-9743, ISBN(10) : 978-3-540-7725-1, ISBN(13) : 978-3-540-77225-5, pp. 306-315, 2007.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Rajesh Srivastava, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Hypercube Architecture for Resource Management in Video on Demand System”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), Australia, ISBN : 978-0-9756934-3-8, pp. 215-224, 2007.
- K. G. Srinivasa, Anuj Bhatt, Sagnik Dhar, K. R. Venugopal and L. M. Patnaik, “Selective Querying and Other Proposals for a Less Congested Gnutella Network”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, Pages 203-208, Volume 4882, Springer Verlag, 2007.
- Suraiya Tarannum, Anita V, Priya A G, Rajeshwari A, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Design and Performance of Fault-Tolerant Systems for Improved Lifespan of Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of ICSIT, IEEE Communications, pp. 17-22, 2007.
- Suraiya Tarannum, Arvinda B, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Conscious Routing Protocol for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks”, Asian Applied Computing Conference, IEEE Computer Society, Nepal, ISBN:1-4244-0716-8, pp. 401-406, December 20-23, 2006.
- Srinivasa K G, Srinivas Kumar M, Vinay T C, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “External Software Feed for Personalizing Google Search Results”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Web Engineering and Applications, LNCS Bhuvaneswar, Orissa, pp. 339-350, 23-24th December, 2006.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Data Sharing Strategy for Guaranteeing Quality-of-Service in VoD Application”, In IEEE Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP), Bangalore, ISBN: 1-4244-0612-9, pp. 59-64, 15-18th December, 2006.
- K B Raja, Shankara N, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Steganalysis of LSB Embedding in Images using Variable Thresholding Color Pair Analysis”, In IEEE Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, ICISIP-2006, Bangalore, ISBN: 1-4244-0612-9, pp. 11-16, 15-18th December, 2006.
- D N Sujatha, Rajesh K V, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Preemption Based Buffer Allocation in Video-on-Demand Systems”, In IEEE Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM), India, ISBN: 1-4244-0716-8, pp. 523-528, 20-23rd December, 2006.
- Vibha L, Harshavardhan G. M., Pranaw K., P. Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K. R. and L M Patnaik, “Statistical Classification of Mammograms Using Random Forest Classifier”, In IEEE Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing (ICISIP), Bangalore, ISBN: 1-4244-0612-9, pp. 178-183, 15-18th December 2006.
- Vibha L, Harshavardhan G M, Pranaw K, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Classification of Mammograms using Decision Trees”, In IEEE Proceedings of Tenth International Database Engineering Application Symposium (IDEAS), India, IEEE Computer Society Press, NewDelhi, ISBN: 0-7695-2577-6, pp. 263-266, 11-14th December, 2006.
- K B Raja, Vikas, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “High Capacity Lossless Secure Image Steganography using Wavelets”, In IEEE Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, ADCOM 2006, NITK, Surathkal, India, ISBN: 1-4244-0716-8, pp. 230 – 235, 20-23rd December, 2006. Best Paper Award
- Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Prashanth S J, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Exploring Structurally Similar Protein Sequence Motifs Using Relative-Distance Measures”, In IEEE Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Bangalore, ISBN: 1-4244-0612-9, pp. 128-133, 15-18th December, 2006.
- Suraiya Tarannum, Aravinda B, L Nalini, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Routing Protocol for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, IEEE Computer Society Press, Suratkal, India, ISBN: 1-4244-0716-8, pp. 401-406, 20-23rd December, 2006.
- T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Efficient Energy Aware Topology Management in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks”, International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, 8th ICDCN, IIT, LNCS, Springer Verlag, Guwathi, India, ISBN: 978-3-540-68139-7, pp. 203-215, December 27th – 30th, 2006.
- T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Chandrakanth N, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Energy Efficient Routing AdHoc Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Bangalore, ISBN: 1-4244-0612-9, pp. 209-216, 15-18th December 2006. Best Paper Award
- Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Efficient Compression of Non-Repetitive DNA Sequences Using Dynamic Programming”, In IEEE Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing and communications, IEEE Computer Society Press, Suratkal, India, ISBN: 1-4244-0716-8, pp. 569-574, 20-23 December, 2006.
- Srinivasa K G, Jagadish M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Non-repetitive DNA Sequence Compression Using Memorization”, 7th International Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis, Greece, LNCS, print ISBN: 978-3-540-68063-5, online ISBN: 978-3-540-68065-9, vol. 4345, pp. 402-412, December 7th and 8th, 2006.
- D N Sujatha, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Framework for Buffer Apportioning in Video Delivery System”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Knowledge Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), Thailand, (ISBN-10): 1-85143-241-8, (ISBN-13): 978-1-85143-241-7, pp. 188-193, December 12th -15th, 2006.
- D N Sujatha, Rajesh K V, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Hybrid Approach for Providing Quality-of-Service in Video-on-Demand System”, In Proceedings of Fourth IASTED International Conference on Communication Internet and Information Technology, (CIIT), Virgin Islands USA, ISBN: 0-88986-613-9, pp. 19-24, November 29th –December 1st, 2006.
- Srinivasa K G, Jagirdar S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Semantic Approach for Mining Biological XML Databases”,> 2006 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security>, China, print ISBN: 1-4244-0604-8, online ISBN: 1-4244-0605-6, vol. 1, pp. 789-792, November 3rd- 6th, 2006.>
- Srinivasa K G, Srinivas Kumar M, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Personalizing Google’s Search Results Using Naïve Bayesian Probabilistic Model”, International Conference on Neural Applications and Associative Memories, Mexico, ISSN: 1665-9899, vol. 21, pp.87-96, November 21st – 24th, 2006.
- T Shiva Prakash, G S Badrinath, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Efficient Energy Aware Topology Management in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks”, In IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Systems and Networks Communication, IEEE Computer Society Press Tahiti, French Polynesia, ISBN: 0-7695-2699-3, pp. 1-12, October 29th –November 2nd, 2006.
- Sandeep K S, Sharath K S, Chandramauli, Savojit D, Venugopal K R, “Modular Disk Imaging Utility”, Hewlett Packard University Conference, Bangalore, pp.1-4, October 2006. Best Paper Award
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “XML Document Categorization using Support Vector Machines”, In Proceedings of International Conference on ICNC’06-FSKD’06, Advances in Natural Computation and Data Mining, Xidian University, LNCS, China, pp. 222-233, September 24th – 28th, 2006.
- Anita Kanavalli, Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Pollution Monitoring using Data Dissemination in Adhoc Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of ICEMC2, PESIT, ISSN: 0973-208x, vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 15-20, August 4- 6, 2006. Best Paper Award
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Semantic Approach for Mining Biological Databases”, In Proceedings of Workshop on Bio-Algorithms. Algorithmic Biology: Algorithmic Techniques in Computational Biology, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, print ISBN: 978-3-642-00192-5, online ISBN: 978-3-642-00193-2, ISSN: 1860-949X, pp. 259-278, 12-14 July 2006.
- Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Indexing XML Documents Using Self Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Better Retreival”, In Proceedings of Eighth Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2005), LNCS, Springer Verlag, Harbin, China, print ISBN: 978-3-540-31142-3, online ISBN: 978-3-540-32437-9, ISSN: 0302-9743, vol. 3841, pp. 640 – 651, January 16th – 18th, 2006.
- Srinivasa K G, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for Optimization and Robotics”, In Proceedings of International Summit on Agility, Design and Manufacturing 2005, Bangalore, December 10th – 13th, 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Fuzzy based Neuro- Genetic Algorithm for Stock Market Prediction”, In Proceedings of 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pune, India, ISBN 0-9727412-1-6, pp. 2256 – 2274, December 20-22, 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Self Adaptive Migration Model Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining Applications”, In Proceedings of 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pune, India, ISBN 0-9727412-1-6, pp. 3303 – 3322, December 20-22, 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Hybrid System for Web Search Personalization using Query Refinement, Recommender Systems and User Profiles”, In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Advanced Computing(ADCOM – 2005), ISBN-10: 8184241097, ISBN-13: 9788184241099, pp. 199-205, Coimbatore, Allied Publishers, December 14-17th, 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Soft Computing Approach for Selective Dissemination of XML Documents”, In Proceedings of Second World Congress on Lateral Computing, WCLC 2005, Bangalore, India, ISSN 0973-208X, pp. 33-38, 16-18th December, 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, Amrinder Gill, A O Thomas, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Generic Feature Extraction for Classification using Fuzzy c – Means Clustering”, In IEEE Proceedings of Third International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 33 – 38, Bangalore, India, December, 2005. Best Paper Award
- Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “A Framework for Topic Categorization of XML Documents using Support Vector Machines”, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Asian Applied Computing Conference, AACC 2005, Nepal, Imperial College Press, UK, print ISBN: 978-1-86094-827-5, online ISBN: 978-1-908979-18-6, pp. 367-371, December 10-12th,2005.
- Prashanth S J, Srinivasa K G, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Data Mining in Agile Manufacturing Systems”, In Proceedings of International Summit on Agility, Design and Manufacturing 2005, Bangalore, pp. 72-77, December 10th-13th, 2005.
- K B Raja, C R Chowdary, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “A Secure Image Steganography using LSB, DCT and Compression Techniques on Raw Images”, In IEEE Proceedings of Third International Conference Intelligence Sensing and Information processing, Bangalore, ISBN: 0-7803-9588-3, pp.170-176, pp. 14-17th December, 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Selective Dissemination of XML Documents based on a Genetically Learned User Model and SVM”, 2005 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS’05), LNAI 3801, Springer Verlag, Xi’an, China, print ISBN: 978-3-540-31599-5, online ISBN: 978-3-540-30818-8, pp. 562 – 567, December 15-19th, 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, Sharath S, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “GAXSearch: An XML Information Retrieval Mechanism using Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of 18th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI, Springer Verlag, Sydney, Australia, print ISBN: 978-3-540-30462-3, online ISBN: 978-3-540-31652-7, pp. 435 – 444, December 5-9th, 2005.
- D N Sujatha, Rajesh K V, Girish K, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Efficient Channel Allocation based on Priority of Video in VoD Systems”, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Asian Applied Computing Conference, AACC, Nepal, Imperial College Press, UK, (ISBN-10): 1-86094-827-8, (ISBN-13): 978-1-86094-827-5, pp.233-237, December 10th -12th, 2005.
- T Shiva Prakash, C Aravinda, A P Deepak, S Kamal, H L Mahentesh, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Efficient Passive Clustering and Gateways selection MANETs”, In Proceeding of International Workshop on Distributed Computing (IWDC), LNCS-3741, pp. 548-553, Springer Verlag, IIT Kharagpur, India, ISSN: 0302-9743, p-ISBN:978-3-540-30959-8, e-ISBN: 978-3-540-32428-7, December 27th – 30th, 2005.
- Srinivasa K G, Karthik Sridharan, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and Lalit M Patnaik, “A Dynamic Migration Model for Self Adaptive Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 05), Springer Verlag, LNCS, Springer Verlag 3578, Brisbane, Australia, print ISBN: 978-3-540-26972-4, online ISBN: 978-3-540-31693-0, pp. 555 – 562, July 6-8th, 2005.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An Efficient Hash Based Algorithm for Web Access Mining and Reorganization of Web Structure”, In Proceedings of International Conference on ADCOM 2004, 12th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, Ahmedabad, ISBN: 978-8177647174, pp. 125–133, December 15-18th, 2004.
- Srinivasa K G, Karthik Sridharan, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “An Effective Content Based Image Retrieval System using STI Features and Relevance Feedback”, KBCS-2004, Fifth International Conference On Knowledge Based Computer Systems, Hyderabad, India, ISBN: 81-7764-711-3, pp. 290–301, December 19th – 22nd, 2004.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Mining Top – k Ranked Webpages using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Asian Applied Computing Conference (AACC) 2004, pp. 137–144, LNCS 3285- Springer Verlag, Kathmandu, Nepal, e-ISBN: 978-3-540-30176-9, p-ISBN: 978-3-540-23659-7, October 29th – 31st, 2004.
- Srinivasa K G, Karthik Sridharan, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “EASOM: An Efficient Soft Computing Method for Predicting the Share Values”, In Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2004), Austria, Innsburg, ISSN: 1027-2666, pp. 264-269, February 15th -17th, 2004.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Compress and Mine: An Efficient Graph Based Algorithm for Mining Multiple Level Frequent Itemsets”, In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ADCOM – 2003), Coimbatore, India, ISBN: 81-7764-532-3, pp. 1-10, December 10th – 13th, 2003.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Evolutionary Approach for Mining Association Rules on Dynamic Databases”, In Proceedings of 7th Pacific – Asia Conference, PAKDD 2003, Seoul, Korea, Springer LNAI 2637, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, e-ISBN: 978-3-540-36175-6, p-ISBN: 978-3-540-04760-5, pp. 325 – 336, April 30th – May 2nd, 2003.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “HashMine: An Efficient Web Log Mining Algorithm to Discover Frequent Access Patterns”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology Prospects and Challenges in the 21st Century (ITPC – 2003), Kathmandu, Nepal, vol. 1, pp. 160 – 167, May 23-26th, 2003.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “Dynamic Subspace Clustering on Very Large High – Dimensional Databases”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL) 2003, Springer LNCS 2690, Springer Verlag, Hong Kong, China, e-ISBN: 978-3-540-4580-1, p-ISBN: 978-3-540-4055-4, pp. 850 -854, , March 21st – 23rd, 2003.
- P Deepa Shenoy, Srinivasa K G, Venugopal K R and L M Patnaik, “NetMiner: A Distributed Algorithm for Mining Association Rules using Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Agile Manufacturing for Cleaner Products and Sustainability – Internet Solutions, pp. 173 – 181, Bangalore, December 2002.
- P Deepa Shenoy, M Srividya, K Kavitha, Venugopal K R, L M Patnaik, “Incremental Mining of Association Rules using Genetic Algorithms”, In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on High Performance Computing (Asia), TMH, Bangalore, India, ISBN: 0-07-050241-2, pp. 549-550, December 16th – 19th, 2002.
- K R Venugopal, M ShivaKumar, P Sreenivasa Kumar, “A heuristic for Placement of Limited Range Wavelength Converters in All-Optical Networks”, Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 1999, New York, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, ISSN: 0743-166X, ISBN:0-7803-5417-6, vol. 2, pp. 908-9l5, 21-25th March, 1999.
- K R Venugopal, E Ezhil Rajan, P Sreenivasa Kumar, “Performance Analysis of Wavelength Converters in WDM Wavelength Routed Optical Networks”, Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 0-8186-9194-8, pp. 239-246, 17-20th December, 1998.
- K R Venugopal, A Achutharam, P Sreenivasa Kumar, “An Adaptive Algorithm to Reduce Wavelength Conversion and Congestion in All-Optical Networks”, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing, TMH, vol. 1, pp. 386-393, December 1998.
- K R Venugopal, M ShivaKumar, P Sreenivasa Kumar, “Placement of Limited Range Wavelength Converters in Wavelength Routed Optical Networks”, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing, TMH, pp. 113-120, December, 1998.
- K R Venugopal, P Sreenivasa Kumar, “Design Issues in WDM Wavelength Routed Optical Networks”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing, TMH, pp. 512-525, December, 1997.
- Rajkumar, K R Venugopal, N Mohanram, “PEACE Threads Interface on Microkernel”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing, TMH, pp. 333-340, December, 1995.