Programme Chair : Thirteenth International Conference on Data Mining and Ware Housing, ICDM 2017, Bangalore, August 2017.
Programme Chair : Thirteenth International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP 2017, Bangalore, August 2017.
Programme Chair : Thirteenth International Conference on Communication Networks, ICC 2017, Bangalore, August 2017.
Programme Chair : International Multi Conferences on Innovation in Engineering and Technology IMCIET – 2016, Bangalore, 2016.
Programme Chair : Eleventh International Multi Conferences on Information Processing – 2016, Bangalore, 2016.
Programme Chair : International Conferences on Communication and Computing ICC – 2016, Bangalore, 2016.
Programme Chair : International Conferences on Mechanincal Engineering ICME – 2016, Bangalore, 2016.
Programme Chair : Twelfth International Conference on Data Mining and Ware Housing, ICDM 2016, Bangalore, August 2016.
Programme Chair : Twelfth International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP 2016, Bangalore, August 2016.
Programme Chair : Twelfth International Conference on Communication Networks, ICC 2016, Bangalore, August 2016.
Programme Chair : International Multi Conferences on Innovation in Engineering and Technology IMCIET – 2015, Bangalore, 2015.
Programme Chair : Eleventh International Multi Conferences on Information Processing – 2015, Bangalore, 2015.
Programme Chair : International Conferences on Communication and Computing ICC – 2015, Bangalore, 2015.
Programme Chair : International Conferences on Mechanincal Engineering ICME – 2015, Bangalore, 2015.
Programme Chair : Eleventh International Conference on Data Mining and Ware Housing, ICDM 2015, Bangalore, July 2015.
Programme Chair : Eleventh International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP 2015, Bangalore, July 2015.
Programme Chair : Eleventh International Conference on Communication Networks, ICC 2015, Bangalore, July 2015.
Programme Chair : International Multi Conferences on Innovation in Engineering and Technology IMCIET – 2014, Bangalore, August 25th – 27th 2014.
Programme Chair : International Conferences on Communication and Computing ICC – 2014, Bangalore, June 12th – 14th 2014.
Programme Chair : Eigth International Conference on Data Mining and Ware Housing, ICDM 2014, Bangalore, July 25th to 27th 2014.
Programme Chair : Eight International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN 2013, Bangalore, July 25th to 27th 2014.
Programme Chair : Eigth International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICISP 2013, Bangalore, July 25th to 27th 2014.
Member Steering Committee : International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing, ISCOS 2012, NIT Suratkal, Mangalore, India, December 17 – 18, 2013.
Member Steering Committee : International Symposium on Advances in Computing Communications and Informatics, (ICACCI 2013), Mysore, India, August 22 – 25, 2013.
Programme Chair : Seventh International Conference on Data Mining and Ware Housing, ICDM 2013, Bangalore, August 9th to 11th, 2013.
Programme Chair : Seventh International Conference on Wireless Networks, ICWN 2013, Bangalore, August 9th to 11th, 2013.
Programme Chair : Seventh International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, ICPRSP 2013, Bangalore, August 9th to 11th, 2013.
Programme Chair : Sixth International Conference on Information Processing, ICIP 2012, Bangalore, August 10th to 12th, 2012.
Member : Program Committee Yuva Bharath, International Conference on Integrated National Security, February 25th and 26th, 2012.
Coordinator : KAGADA, National Student Conference, 22nd October 2011.
Advisor : International Conference on Data Engineering and Communications Systems (ICDECS), RNSIT, Bangalore, 29th and 30th December 2011.
Vice Chairman : International Conference on Glocal Communication – 2011, Bangalore, November 17th – 18th, 2011.
Advisor : International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth ICATS – 2011, June 16th to 18th, 2011.
Programme Chair : Fifth International Conference on Information Processing, ICIP 2011, Bangalore, August 5th to 7th, 2011.
Coordinator and Editor : A Decade of Social Service : KSS, January 30 and 31, 2010.
Coordinator : National Student Kagada Conference, November 2010.
Advisor : International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology – ICCSIT – 2010, Bangalore.
Member : National Security Convention, Forum for Integrated National Security FINS, 9th and 10th February 2010.
Programme Chair : Fourth International Conference on Information Processing, ICIP 2010, Bangalore, August 6th to 8th, 2010.
Member, Program Committee : International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing (ICIIC 2010), SJBIT, Bangalore, August 5th and 7th, 2010.
Advisory Committee : National Symposium in Electronic and Computer Science Engineering, Jnana Sarovara – 2010, JVIT, Bangalore, February 26th and 27th, 2010.
Member : Agility in Engineering Education for Enhancing Competitiveness, Institute of Engineering, India, Bangalore, 2009.
Coordinator, Workshop on Agility in Engineering Education for Enhancing Competitiveness, Institute of Engineering, India, Bangalore, 7th and 8th October 2009.
Coordinator, National Student Kagada Conference, November 2009.
Program Chair, International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, August 8th to 10th 2009.
Coordinator, National Student Conference on “Kagada-08”, Bangalore, November 2008.
Publication Chair, International Conference on Software Engineering, Bangalore, September 2008.
Program Chair, International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, August 8th, 9th and 10th 2008.
Publication Chair, International Conference on Communication Convergence and Broad Band Networking, IISc, Bangalore, August 2008.
Coordinator, National Kagada 2007 student Conference, Bangalore, November 2007.
Advisor, International Workshop – TeamTech, September 2007.
Program Chair, International Conference on Information Processing, Bangalore, August 9th to 11th 2007.
Member, Advisory Board, Vivekananda Education Society Institute of Technology, International Conference on Emerging Technology, Mumbai, January 2007.
Program Chair, International Conference on Bridging the Digital Divide, Nepal, December 2006.
Organizing Chair, International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, Bangalore, December 2006.
Publication Chair, 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing, NIT, Surtkal, Karnataka, December 2006.
Member Program Committee, International Conference on Information Processing, Global Academy, December 2006.
Coordinator, National Kagada 2006 student Conference, November 2006.
Member Program Committee, International Conference on Communication and Networks, Banariyamma Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, October 2006.
Member Program Committee, International Conference on Embedded Systems, Mobile Communication and Computing Agents Bangalore, July 2006.
International Advisory Board, International Conference on Integrated Value Education – Art of Living, Bangalore, June 2006.
Organizing Chair, International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, Bangalore, December 2005.
Coordinator, National Kagada 2005 student Conference, November 2005.
Tutorial Chair, 12th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Ahmedabad, 2004.
Coordinator, National Kagada 2004 student Conference, November 2004.
Program Committee, International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, Las Vegas, U.S.A, December 2003.
Program Committee, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, U.S.A, December 2003.
Program Committee, International Conference on Communication in Computing 2003, Las Vegas, U.S.A, December 2003.
Executive Member, Advanced Computing and Communications Society, December 2003.
Program Committee, The 2000 International Conference of Parallel and Distributed Processing, U.S.A., December 2000.
Program Committee, The 2000 International Conference on Internet Computing, U.S.A., December 2000.
Coordinator, Short term International Conference on High Performance Computing: India, December 1999.
Coordinator, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing: South Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, December 1998.