Selected Dessertation and Industrial Projects: One Thousand One Hundred and Sixty One (1161)
Total Number of Projects Guided : 1161
Post Graduate : 715
Master of Computer Applications : 85
Under Graduate : 361
- Human Activity Recognition using Convolution Necural Network, Mayuri Chandrakant Adeppa, Venugopal K R, 2021
- Chronic Disease Detection using Machine Learning Techniques, Malathi N, Venugopal K R, 2021
- Headline Aware Neural Text Summarization, Nayanadeep C S,Venugopal K R, 2021
- User Rating Classification via Deep Belief Network Learning and Sentiment Analysis. Sandhya K, Venugopal K R, 2020
- Multiclass Image Classification using Hierarchial Learning, Praveen N, Venugopal K R, 2021
- Dynamic Management of Traffic Signals through Social IoT, Ayesha Siddiq, Venugopal K R, 2020
- Recommendation System using Public Sentiments and Activities Analysis, Shilpa S, Venugopal K R, 2020
- Visualization and Predection of 3D Structure of a Protein by means of PyMoI as a Software, Vishwas H K, Venugopal K R, 2020
- Socially Aware Smart Home System, Mario Domnic, Venugopal K R, 2020
- Joint Multiview Facial Alignment in the Wild, Shreelakshmi Yadav, Venugopal K R, 2020
- Color Image Encryption using Piriel Seambling and Reality Preserving Fractional Transformation, Nidhi Yadav, Venugopal K R, 2020
- Pridictive Maintenance in IIoT based on SIOT Relationship, Pallavi. B, Venugopal K R, 2020
- An Efficient Public Auditing Protocol with Novel Dynamic Structure for Cloud Data, Rekha S, Venugopal K R, 2020.
- Shortest Processing Time Scheduling to Reduce Traffic Congestion in Dense Urban Areas,Chandana M, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Vehicle Route Selection based on Game Evolution in Social Internet of Vehicles,Pooja M Madiwalar, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Verifiable Auditing for Outsourced Database in Cloud Computing,Rashmi B N, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Dynamic Hash-Table Based Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storageg,Swetha B, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating-Code-Based Cloud Storage,Tejaswini Shivaram K S, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Predicting Social Emotions from Readers’ Perspective, Madhura, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Continuous Integration meets Ansible, Kavyashree, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Nirvana Project-SAP,Navya B N, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt. Ltd.,Aloka A, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Automation of Security Report Generation,Rudraprakash R, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform BILaunchpad,Prajala H B, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Leveraging Data Deduplication to Improve the Performance of Primary Storage Systems in the Cloud,Banushree L G, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Documet Summarization for Answering Non-Factoid Queries,Manjula A K, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Hypergraph Based Things Recommendation in IoT,Hemalatha R, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Catalog Approval Flow and Inventory Management System,Anjali B Singh, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Magento-e-commerce implementation for B2C,Chytra G E, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- RESTful Web Application for Netwitness Endpoints,Ashwini Ashok Madivalara, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- NHSS/HLR: Application Webgu Hosting Framework for World Market Cloud Deployments,VathsalaRani R, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Dynamic Facet Ordering for Faceted Product Search Engines,Haleema Ara, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Trust-Based Service Composition and Binding with Multiple Objective Optimization in Service-Oriented IoT,Puneetha R, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- An Intelligent Server for Configuration of Netowrk Elements,Ashwini D, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Dynamic Traffic Control with Fairness and Throughput Optimization Using Vehicular Communications,Ashwini Kamath, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- Dynamic Road Traffic Control Using Vehicular Communication,Gurudev Shenvi, Shaina Rachelle Noronha, Vasudha S Udupa, Vighnesh A, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- PARK X: A Smart Parking System,Roshni Ravi, Sooraj K, Swaroop M, Varsha J, Venugopal K R, 2018.
- SecureMulticast and Reliable Transmission : IPTV,Nagashree, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating Code Based Cloud Storage, Priyanka, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Verifiable Auditing for Outsourced Database in Cloud Computing, Adithya N, Mahantesh S L, Sindhu Y R, Sushmitha U, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- DROPS: Division and Replication of Data in the Cloud for Optimal Performance and Security, Divya H N, Lavanya B, Nayanadeepa C S, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- ActiveTrust: Secure and Trustable Routing for WSNs, Jaykumar, Vinod Karyagol, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Fidoop: Parallel Mining of Frequent Itemsets using MapReduce, Akarsh S, Mounika P, Prathik Y R, Sanjay R, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Secure Data Aggregation Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Collusion Attacks,Akarsh Kumar, Bharath R Shet, Laxmikant, Naveen S Angadi, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Public Integrity Auditing for Dynamic Data Sharing with Multiuser Modification, Bhargavi A, Meetish K M, Meghana V, Raksha M P, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- PPS Gen: Learning-Based Presentation Slides Generation for Academic Papers, Annapoorna S, Mahalakshmi B S, Ramya G A, Madhushri, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Catalogue Searching and Cloud Messaging for a Mobile First Retail App., AddEn, Yanglem Chanu Babyna and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Interpreting the Public Sentiment Variations on Twitter, Anil D, Venugopal K R, 2017.
- SDK to Develop Tools for NFC Enabled Smart Devices, NXP Semiconductors India Pvt. Ltd., Adarsh and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- SSCR: SAP Security Change Request Bell Helicopters, MarkSanjay and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- PRISM: Fine-Grained Resource-Aware Scheduling for MapReduce,Mohammed Arshad and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Deadline based Resource Provisioning and Scheduling Algorithm for Scientific Workflows on Clouds, Chaitra R and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Spatial Reusability-Aware Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Networks,Anjum S and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- User-Service Rating Prediction by Exploring Social Users Behaviors,Bharat S and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Recommending nearby Strangers Instantly based on Similar Check-in Behaviors,Deepika S and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Open Manage SDK with Redfish Support (Non-Windows Operating System Deployment), DELL International Services India Pvt. Ltd., Sonika G and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Energy Aware Communication between two Smart IoT Devices, VMD Private Technologies, Jagadevi and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- GUI Automation Framework for RSA Archer eGRC Platform, EMC2, Bhuvaneshwari N and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- High Frequency Trading Platform, Predictive Research, Imtiaz Basru and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Enabling Efficient Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Over Encrypted Mobile Cloud Data, Swetha B G and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Provable Multicopy Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing, Sneha G C and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in Cloud Computing, UshaRani and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- General Electric BCar-Electrocardiography Application, GE HealthCare Private Ltd., Md. Faran U and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Efficient Robust and Reliable Data Aggregation in IoT, Neerja B Anekar and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Inverted Linear Quadtree: Efficient Top K Spatial Keyword Search, Reshma K C and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Consistency as a Service: Auditing Cloud Consistency, Shreedevi S and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- SiDOOP-Parallel Mining of Frequent Itemset using MapReduce, Swetha S and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating-Code-Based Cloud Storage,Priyanka L A and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Secure Auditing and Deduplication in Data on Cloud, Mitulalakshmi G and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Workforce Optimization Staffing Configuration, Padmashree K V and Venugopal K R, 2017.
- Lifetime Balancing Data Collection Protocol Heterogenous Wireless Sensor Networks, Putaraj and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Customer Experience Management on Demand, Nokia Solutions, Priyanka S Deva Shette and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Public Integrity Auditing for shared Data using cloud with Group user Revocation, Shweta R and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing with Key Exposure Resistance, Jyothirmai and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- HASBE: Hierarchical Attribute Based Solution for Flexible and Scalable Access Control in Cloud Computing, Shruthi V and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Smart Habitat Monitor, Intel, Naveen Kumar G and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Rule Based Web Enabled Expert System for Visually Representing the Product Health, ARRIS India Pvt. Ltd., Anil Kumar Diggi and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Bridging the Semantic gap in Vertical Image by Combining Text and Visual Features, Thakur Ganish Singh R and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Product Quality Management Tracking Portal, BOSCH (RBEI), Waseem Pasha S M and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalised Web Search, Rishikeshav G and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Fast Path Packet Processing Uisng Open Data Plane, Nokia, Rishwana Parveen and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Using MAC Address for Dispatching Load in ICM to Entrance Performance and Scalabitlity, Nokia, Meghana G M and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- OppHet: An Opportinistic Based Probablistic Routing Protocol for Wireless Heterogenous Sensor Networks, Jayapriya and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Automation Support for Addition and Deletion MO’S for Current SAM Version, Nokia (Alcatel_Lucent)Pvt. Ltd. Swetha B N and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- The Linux Image Based Installation and Upgrade (LIU) Tool, Nokia, Pallavi K R and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Wifi Continuous Integraton for Development, Nokia, Ashwini C K and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Scheme Encrypted Data Over Cloud, Ramana Gowda G and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Neighbour Table Based Short Cut Tree Routing in Zigbee Wireless Networks, Mahesh R K and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Sensor Node Failure Detection Based on Round Trip Path and Delay in Wireless Sensor Network, Amtur Rahim and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network: Filtering out Attacker’s Impact, Madhura and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- A Real Time Patient Alert System, Hemashree and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Panda Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud, Seema J and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Image Search Re-ranking with Query Dependent Check-based Relevance Feedback, Swathi K S and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- A Novel Scheduling approach for Cloud, Nithin B G and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Smart Lighting using IoT, Anusya R and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Fake Shadow Detection Using Local Hog Features, Pratik Raj and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Reliability Oriented Single Path Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network, Divakar Roy Choudry and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Validation of Tool and Exporting the Existing Projects from Sisulizer and Globalizaed CT Scanner Expert, Vidyashree and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Subsense: A Universal Change Detection Method with Local Adaptive Sensitivity, Meghana C M and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Secure Auditing and Deduplicating Data in Cloud, Shankar Gowda G and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Adaptive Traffic Management Using i-sense Software in Cloud Environment, Aravind R, Meghashree G, Manaswi Upadhyaya K and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Secured File Transfer Using Key Generation on Cloud, Nishitha Nancy Lima, S Poojitha and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Web Page Recommendation Based on Web Usage and Domain Knowledge, Vijay K Matha pati, Vikas R, Sanchut G Kulkarni and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation Based Conversion Predictor for Advertisements in Web Mining, Bhuvanashree H R, Natasha Kushal Kumar, Shradha Ghansiyal and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Web Mining of Weakly Labeled Facial Images for Search Based Annotation of Faces, Abhishek Dutta, Gopal Sutar and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Key – Aggregate Searchable Encryption for Group Data Sharing via Cloud Storage, Sindhu Harish, Sunil Kumar K P, Suresh S R, Nayana M Gowda and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Enhanced Rebundant Data Cleaning Method for Large Scale Portable Tracking Applications, Rani Ninan and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Key – Aggregate Searchable Encryption for Group Data Sharing via Cloud Storge, Sindhu Harish, Sunil Kumar K P, Suresh S R, Nayana M Gowda and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Web Mining of Weakly Labeled Facial Images for Search Based Annotation of Faces, Abhishek Dutta, Gopal Sutar and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation Based Conversion Predictor for Advertisements in Web Mining, Bhuvanashree H R, Natasha, Kushal Kumar, Shardha, Ghansiyal and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Web page Recommendation Based on Web Usage and Domain Knowledge, Vijay K Mathapati, Vikas R, Sanchut G Kulkarni and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Secured File Transfer using Key Generation on cloud, Nishitha Nancy Lina, S Poojitha and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Adaptive Traffic Management Using i-sense Software in Cloud Environment, Aravind R, Meghashree G, Manaswi Upadhyaya K and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- A Real Time Patient Alert System, M Hemashree and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Smart Lighting Using IOT, Anusuya R and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- The Linux Image Based Installation and Upgrade (LIU) Tool, Pallavi K R and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Image Search Re-ranking with Query Dependent Click-Based Relevance Feedback, Swathi K S and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Secure Auditing and Deduplicating Data in Cloud, Shankara Gouda G and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Panda: Public Audition for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud, Seema J and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Fake Shadow Detection using Local HOG Features, Pratik Raj and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Validation of Babylon.Net Tool and Exporting the Existing Projects from Sisulizer and Globalized CT Scanner Expert, Vidyashree Naik and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network: Filtering Out Attackers Impact, Madhura and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Sensor Node Failure Detection Based on Round Trip Path and Delay in Wireless Sensor Networks, Amtur Rahim and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Neighbor Table Based Short cut Tree Routing in Zigbee Wireless Networks, Mahesh R K and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- A Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data, Ramanagouda G and Venugopal K R, 2016.
- Nokia Wifi Continous Integration, Ashwini C K and Venugopal K R, NOKIA Solution, 2016.
- IMS: Linux Installation and Upgradation (RHEL), Pallavi K R and Venugopal K R, NOKIA 2016.
- Automation Support for Addition and Deletion for MO’s for Current SAM Version, Shwetha B N and Venugopal K R, NOKIA (ALcafe_Lucent) Pvt. Ltd., 2016.
- OppHet: An Opportunistic Based Probabilistic Routing Protocol for Wireless Heterogenous Sensor Networks, Jaya Priya P J and Venugopal K R 2016.
- Enhanced Redundant Data Cleanig Method for Large-Scale Portable Tracking Applications, Reni Ninan and Venugopal K R 2016.
- Using MAC Address for Dispatching Load in ICM to Enhance Performance and Scalability, Meghana G M and Venugopal K R, NOKIA, 2016.
- Fast Path Packet Processing using Open Data Plane, Riswana Parveen and Venugopal K R, NOKIA, 2016.
- Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalised Web Search, Rushikeshav G and Venugopal K R 2016.
- Product Quality Management Tracking Portal, Waseem Pasha and Venugopal K R, BOSCH (RBEI), 2016.
- iLike – Bridging the Semantic Gap in Vertical Image Search by Combining Text and Visual Features, Thakur Ganesh Singh and Venugopal K R, Oracle Pvt. Ltd., 2016.
- Rule Based Webs Enabled Expert System for Visually Representing the Product Health, Anil Kumar Diggi and Venugopal K R, ARRIS India Pvt. Lts., 2016.
- Smart Habitat Monitor, Naveen Kumar G and Venugopal K R, Intel 2016.
- HASBE: A Hierarchical Attribute Based Solution for Flexible and Scalable Access Control in Cloud Computing, Shruthi V and Venugopal K R 2016.
- Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing with Key-Exposure Resistance, Jyothirmai H R and Venugopal K R 2016.
- Public Integrity Auditing for Shared Dynamic Cloud Data with Group User Revocation, Shweta R and Venugopal K R 2016.
- Customer Experience Management on Demand (CEMOD), Priyanka S, Deva Shette and Venugopal K R, Nokia Solutions, 2016.
- EDAL: An Energy Efficient, Delay Aware And Lifetime-Balancing Data Collection Protocol for Heterogenous Wireless Sensor Networks, Putraj and Venugopal K R 2016.
- Energy Efficient Schemes for Accuracy Guaranteed Sensor Data Aggregation using Scalable Counting, Yuvarajkumar and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Dectection: Application to IRIS, Finger Print and Face Recognition, Harish N S and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Sink Trail:A Proactive Data Reporting protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, Shashanka A, Guruprasad S, Manjunath B, Raghavendra, RamanathShet and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Maximizing Information in unreliable sensor networks under deadline and Energy constraints, Lakshmi H, MeghanaHegde K T, Shilpa T Sand Venugopal K R 2015.
- Attribute Aware Data Aggregation using potential based Dynamic Routing in WSNs, Druthi P Bhatt, Keerthi M, Manju L, Pallavi T VandVenugopal K R 2015.
- Study performance Analysis and real Time Prediction, Ashwini G N, KusiyaFarheenand Venugopal K R 2015.
- Anti theft Application for Andriod based Device, Ashwini M, Kousthubha A K, Sumitaand Venugopal K R 2015.
- Key Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage Aravind R, Srikrishna S S, Sumanth P, Vishak D Mand Venugopal K R 2015.
- Multi Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Supporting Synonym Query, Girish S and Venugopal K R 2015.
- A Trust based Framework for Fault-Tolerant, Data Aggregation in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Shilpa S Patil and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Effective QoS Aware Relay Node Placement Algorithm for Placing Wireless Sensor Networks, Pradeep S Jigalur and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Enhancing Real time Delivery in Wireless Sensor Network with two-hop Information, C S Seugar and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Refactoring Test Cases for Concurrent Execution, VMware Software India Pvt ltd, Ramya S Bangera and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Agile Business Suite Developer, Unisys, Prabhavati A and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Fuzzy Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud, Doddabasappa P Angadi and Venugopal K R 2015.
- EQAR: Effective QoS Aware Relay Node placement Algorithm for Connecting Disjoint Wireless Sensor sub Network, Pradeep S Jigalur and Venugopal K R 2015.
- STEAR: Secure Trust Aware Energy efficient Adaptive Routing in WSN’s, Swasakthi P and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Outsourced similarity Search on Metric Data Assets, Nityashree K and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Online Image Retrieval using Markov Chain, Rashmi L and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Mona: Secure Multi-owner Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud, Megahana K and Venugopal K R 2015.
- RPRDC: Reliable Proliferation Routing with Low Duty Cycle in WSN, Ashwini T N and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Adaptive Multi Channel Transmission Power Control for Industrial Wireless Instrumentation, Manoranjan S R and Venugopal K R 2015.
- CDAMA: Concealed Data Aggregation Scheme for Multiple Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks, Shruthi Y R and Venugopal K R 2015.
- SDRP: A Secure and Distributed Reprogramming Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, MominahSaqiqua and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Entity Synonym for Structured Web Search, Shruthinayak P and Venugopal K R 2015.
- Organizing User Search History, Mounesha K and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Face Recognition on Corrupted Database Using Virtual Images, Suvarna C and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Chaos Based Robust Iris Recognition, Sudha D and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Mobile Application Automation for Functional and Non Functional Requirements, Abhinandan G V and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Term Annolated Sliding Window Based Approach for DNA Repair Gene Categorization through Associative Classification, Santosh Pattar and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- EAACK – A Secure Intrusion Detection System for Manets, Nikhilesh B V and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- On line Finance and Inventory Control, Vidya S and Venugopal K R, GXS Technology, 2014.
- Development of CSM Stress Test Automation Tool, Gowda Kavya Nagaraju and Venugopal K R, NetApp India Pvt. Ltd., 2014.
- Privacy Preserving Mining of Association Rules from Outsource Transaction Database, Valiya Bhargavkumar and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- SPOC : Secure and Privacy Preserving Opportunistic Computing for Health Care Emergency, Supriya G Purohit and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- iLike : Bridging the Semantic Gap in Vertical Image Search by Integrating Text and Visual Features, Salman Khan and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Windows Patch Assessment Using OVAL, Ruksar Fatima and Venugopal K R, VMware Inc, 2014.
- Facilitating Document Annotation Using Content and Querying Value, Saikiran D and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Transition of 7-mode System to C-mode System, Divya and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- A Frame work for similarity Search of Time Series Cliqies with Natural Relations, Chandal Sarika Bhagwan and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Transition SAN Volumes and Configuration from 7-mode to C-mode, Arpitha M S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Similarity Join Processing on Uncertain Data Streams, Vaishnavi Rajeev P and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Prediction of User’s Web Browsing Behavior : Application of Markov Model, Kamal Kant Tiwari and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Design and Implementation of TARF – Trust Aware Routing Frameworks in Wireless Sensor Networks, Neethu Myshri R and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Order Statis Mobile and Web Application, Renuka K Shapet and Venugopal K R, GXS, 2014.
- Dynamic Resource Allocation Using Virtual Machines for Cloud Computing Environment, Lipika Patel and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Secure and Reliable Routing Protocols for Heterogenous Multihop Wireless Networks, Shilpa V and Venugopal K R, Alcatel Lucent, 2014.
- Mining Web Graphs for Recommendation, Shailesh Kumar Gupta and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- De Noro Transcript Assembly and Analysis of Withania Somnifera Plant on Next Generation Sequence Approach, Shobha D G and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Cardio Vascular Genomis : A Blomarker Identification Pipeline Based on Approach, Lakshminarayan N and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Insilico Prediction of Tetrahydoquinimoline Derivation on Antitumer and Antimicrobial Activity, Suvidya Vmannapur and Venugopal K R, Scientific Biominds 2014.
- Generation of Personlaised Ontology Based on Consumer Emotion and Behavior Analysis, Roopa S G and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Privacy Preserving Delgated Access Control in Public Clouds, Kummari Govindu and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Combining Cryptographic Primitives to prevent Jamming Attacks in Wireless Netorks, Rajani S T and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Balancing the Tradeoffs between Query Delay and Data Availability in MANNET’S, Saritha and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Smart Grid Mesh Network Security Using Dynamic Key Destibution with Merkle Tree 4-way Handshaking, Padmashri G U and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Insilco Prediction Patnogenic Nuclear Mambrane Protein of H1N1 in Swine Flu and Role of Drug Discovery, Poornima M and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Pathway Chisters of Aging Genes Using Data Mining Techniques, Kalaivani M and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Honvideo – A Knowledge Management System, Sridhara B M and Venugopal K R, Honeywell, 2014.
- ProHet – A Probabilistic Routing Protocol, Vanitha K R and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Finding Entity Synonyms for Structured web search, Sneha S Patil, Noor Henna and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Efficient Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Network in Path Construct Mobile Sink, Ashakiran B, Harshitha Maithry V and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Prediction of User’s Web browsing Behavior, Geetha C K, Kavyashree M R, Subramani V and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- ProHet – A Probabilistic Routing Protocol, Namitha N, Nusrath Madiha, Yashaswini B R and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Recoverable Concealed Data Aggregation for Data Integrity in Wireless Sensor Networks, Anusha P, Deepthi H, Mamatha R, Prathibha and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- MONA : Secure Multi-Owner Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud, Divya Bharathi R, Divyashree P, Swetha B, Shalini K S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- A Trust-Based Framework for Fault Tolerant Data Aggregation in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Sneha B, Shwetha R, Vedavathi, Chetana Pandit and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Near Duplicte Detection of Noise Free Web Pages, Anandakumar T C, Giresha K C, Praveen and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Group Chatting, Harshitha B M, Poornapragna T S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Wireless Multihop Video Streaming Using Android Phones, Sharada Devi, Sumathi M, Pavithra T, Roopa H E and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- Multisink Multipath Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, Arpitha B K, Mounika B, Srilalitha S V N, Swathi Iyengar K S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2014.
- HASBE: A Hierarchical Attribute-based Solution for Flexible and Scalable Access control in Cloud Computing, Gayathri Rayar and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Feature based Image Retrieval using Hashing Technique, Poornima Kulkarni, and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Classification and Novel class Detection in Concept-Drifting Data Streams under Time Constraints, Praveen H N and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Intrusion Detection Technique Byzantine Attack in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, R. Venkata Siva Reddy and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Automatic Discovery of Personal Name Aliases from the Web, Roopa M S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Similarity Search of Time Series Cliques with Natural Relations, Ravitej D H and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- SMS Alert Functionality for any Subscribed Trigger in the VC, Ramya Victor and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- GSM Based Mobile Workstation, Aswitha and Venugopal K R, Honeywell, 2013
- Platform Independent Mobile Site Survey Tool, Bhoomi B K and Venugopal K R, Honeywell, 2013.
- Clustered Results for Keyword Search on XML Documents, Archana Mathur and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Cloud App for Mobile Devices, Madhushree B and Venugopal K R, Atrix, 2013.
- A Framework for Personal Mobile Commerce Pattern Mining and Prediction, E Bindu and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Support for Electronic Data Interchange B2B in SAAS, Puneeth U and Venugopal K R, IBM, 2013.
- Design and Implementation of Trust Aware Routing Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks, Aparna H V and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Identification of Therapeutic Targets in Complex Neurodegenerative Diseases through Protein-Protein Interaction Network Analysis, Preethi M B and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Enhancement of Fault Recovery in Advanced Telecommunication Computation Architecture Chassis, Arunkumar Desai and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Performance Monitoring of Telecommunication Network, Mohammad Shakeer Hussain and Venugopal K R, Alcatel-Lucent India Ltd., 2013.
- Wireless Network Sniffers (WiNS), Sowmya N Y and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013. Honeywell
- Traffic Management in Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink, Nanda K Sringeri and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Dynamic Conflict-Tree Transmission Scheduling for Sensor Network Queries, Madhu B G and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Traffic Differentiation Based Modular QoS Localized Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks, Chandrasekar H S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Cooperative Resource Sharing in Coalition Based Wireless Networks, A Devakumari and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Conver SS : A Hybrid MAC/ Routing Solution for Small-Scale Convergecast Wireless Networks, Deepak Sundar and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Automation of Third Party Software Integration into ALU Middleware, Shilpa D and Venugopal K R, Alcatel-Lucent India Ltd., 2013.
- Optimization of ST SDK Automation Framework, Harisha D S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Data Offloading in Mobile Networks using Opportunistic Communication, Dhanushree P and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Novel Approaches to Improve Robustness Accuracy and Rapidity of Iris Recognition System, Samatha P and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Subtractive Genomics Approach to Identify Potential Drug Targets in Listeria Monocytogenes, Vanitha Umesh and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- A Reliability Oriented Transmissions Service in Wireless Sensor Networks, Amrutha S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Optimal Service Priority for Cloud Cache, Gangadhar Swamy H.B. and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Pervasive Cued Check-points : Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Knowledge-Based Authentication Mechanism, Ashwini G K and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Restaurant APP for Android, Karthik M L, Ranjith A V, Shashank S A, Srivatsa B R and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Automobile Social Networking, Abhishek U, Harshith M, Kashif Hamad, Kumar K C and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in Cloud, Harshitha S, Medha N Jannu, Suman S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- School Management System, Sofiya Karthik H S, Mrityunjaya V Sarangmath, Shashikiran G S, Sunil Padikar M and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- The Three Tier Security Scheme In Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks, Deepa M Udupa, Ekta Jain, Pritha N E, Rajul B Shah and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Similarity Join Processing on Uncertain Date Streams, Shreecharana Adiga, Srinivas K and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Cryptographic Versus Trust Based Methods for Manet Routing Security, Bharath Gowda, Boregowda, Gagana Deepu T S, Kumud Bhar and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Singature Verification, Arpitha D R, Sanjana S, Vidula A and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Online Examination Portal, Naziya Rizwan, Sana Faraz, Priyadarshini A, Harshith C K and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Query Proceeing In Multi-User Scenario For Wireless Sensor Network, Shilpa Dashavanta and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2013.
- Enhancement for 1350 Optical Management System Command Line Interfaces, Sofiya Parvin, Shaik and Venugopal K R : Alcatel – Lucent India Pvt Ltd. 2012.
- Efficiency Reporting Services, Khorjuvekar Amket, Ashok and Venugopal K R, Net App India Private Limited 2012.
- Library Metrics, Sandeep Kumar Bind and Venugopal K R, Net App Indian Private Limited 2012.
- Secure Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Randomized Dispersive Routes, Jansi Prasanna Kumari R and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Resource Engagement Tool, Mamatha E and Venugopal K R, Net App, 2012.
- Deployment of VM’s using vCloud Director for Enterprise Class System Testing, Deepak S and Venugopal K R, VM ware, 2012.
- Dynamic Hardware Universe, Jayabhargava and Venugopal K R, Net App, 2012.
- Insilico Studies on analysing Acetyl Cholinesterase Gene of Torrentium and Active Docking, M Pramodini and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Crash Analysis Tool, Chandrashekar H G and Venugopal K R, Citrix, 2012.
- A Computational Approach to screen and Analyze candidate Legands with Anti – Parkinson’s Activity from Natural Sources, Nivedita M S and Venugopal K R, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms TIFR, 2012.
- Privacy Preserving updates to Anonymous and Confidential Database, Sajini G and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- A Cooperative Diversity – based Robust MAC protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Varun Krishna Manne and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- 1xEVDO Auto Validation for call processing Test and Alert Tool Automation, R K Divya and Venugopal K R, Alcatel – Lucent India Pvt Ltd, 2012.
- Construction of Web Community Directories by mining usage data, Shashidhar H S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Quality Improvement of IP Security and LDAP to Strengthen the Secure Communication in AIX, Arun Goud K and Venugopal K R, IBM, 2012.
- Stress Monitoring Tool for Analyzing the Processes when Offerent Test cases are Running and Build comparison Tool for latest Fixes in AIX Environment, Kalluri Manasa and Venugopal K R, IBM, 2012.
- Enhancement of Graphical User Interface for Converged Performance Management (CPM), Korrapati Harathi and Venugopal K R, Alcatel Lucent India Pvt Ltd, 2012.
- A Qos – based Fault Tolerant Based Station Controlled Adaptive Clustering Algorithm for wireless sensor networks, Pavithra S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Statistical QoS Routing for IEEE 802.11 Multihop Ad Hoc Network, Pradeep Rao Jadav D, Tejeswara B M and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- A Data Mining Approach for Classifying DNA Repair Genes into Ageing Related or Non-Ageing related, Manohar V, Shwetha V P and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Key Pre-distribution, Approach in wireless Sensor Network Using L U Matrix, Prathima M N and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- H-Spread : A hybrid Multipath Scheme for Secure and Reliable Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Network, Laxmi Jayannavar and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- A Biased Random walk Routing protocol for Wireless Network ; The Lukewarm Potato Ptotocol, Bijula T and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Energy Efficient Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Network, Ayesa Taranum and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Envision Performance on Virtual Machines, Nandeeshwara Reddy S and Venugopal K R, EMC2, 2012.
- A Novel Qos-Aware MAC Scheme using Optimal Retransmission for Wireless Networks, Ranjitha M, Devappa and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- H – Spread : A hybrid Multipath Scheme for secure and Reliable Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Network, Ankitha K Shetty, Nagashree N, Rabia Rasheed, Shaziya Sayyeda and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- A Qos – based Fault Tolerant Base Station Controlled Adaptive clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network, Divya L, Pushpalatha G and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Secure data collection in Wireless Sensor Networks using Randomized dispersive Routes, Madana S, Vedas and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Energy Time Series Forecasting, based on pattern Sequence Similarity, Leena S V, Rajani B P, Spoorthy G S, and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Micro-SamD, Micro – Space Mission Analysis and Design, Bindu K, Jisha Pillai and Venugopal K R, ISTRAC, Bangalore, 2012.
- Instructor Station for Flight Simulator using MVC Architecture, Sreenag N S and Usha G, and Venugopal K R, ADA, Bangalore, 2012.
- A new Energy Efficient and Scalable Multicasting Algorithm for Hierarchical Networks, Arshiya Nousheen and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- A Data Priority Protocol – A Utilization of both speed and THVR protocols, Abhijeet M and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2012.
- Development of Multimedia Frame Work for VOIP Over Packet Cable, Avinash K and Venugopal K R, Global Edge, 2011.
- Iris Recognition Using Vector Quantization, Jitesh Uose Augustine and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- A Data Mining Approach for Detecting Higher Level Clones in Software, Loknath R and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Improving Agile Business Suite Build Performance and its Framework for Testing, Apoorva K N and Venugopal K R, UNISYS, 2011.
- Automated Core Analysis Infrastructure, Shilpa B V and Venugopal K R, IBM, 2011.
- Enhancement, Development and Deployment of Work Load Manager for STAX Automation Frame Work, D A Pradeep and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Explorer Integration, Bhagyavathi T and Venugopal K R, IBM, 2011.
- Offline Signature Recognition Using Neural Networks, Vinay Kumar and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Constructing a Message-Pruning Tree in WSNs, Chandrakantha B C and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2011.
- Easy Cloud – A Model For Load Adaptive Replication in Cloud, Subha B and Venugopal K R, Sigma Satabdi, 2011.
- Automation Testing for BIN Setup and Calculation Tool, Ashwin B C and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2011.
- Tunable Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, Avinash Rao K, Vyasraj G K and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Reliable Event Detection in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks Through Scalar Colloboration and Game Theoretic Consideration, Pradeep Kumar N P, Rahul R, Vijetha B and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Distributed Energy Efficient Cooperative Routing in Wireless Networks, Leelavathi R and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Integration of Filenet Integrated Data Manager with 64 bit Window Explorer, Pradeep T N and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal in Wireless Sensor Networks, Kushala M and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Maximizing Delay for Wireless Networks Using Anycast, Abhinav C Kanavi, Dattatreya U S, Manjunath D and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Low Bit Rate Image Compression Via Adaptive Down Sampled and Constrained Least Squares Upconversions, Ravishankar Holla and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Automation Tool Framework, Santosh Pawar and Venugopal K R, Sasken, 2011.
- Ranking and Suggesting Popular Items, Dhirendra Kumar and Venugopal K R, 2011.
- Rational Functional Tester : Performance and Code Coverage Analysis, Bharteesh Kanaj and Venugopal K R, IBM, 2011.
- CPU Build Plan Summary Report, Sandeep Kumar P and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2011.
- Reliable Server Pooling System, Arshal Ameen and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2011.
- Static Sink for Exploiting the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks, Jyothi G N, Tejaswini V and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2011.
- Automation and Validation of Intel Hybrid Cloud, Shamanth P and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2011.
- VEBEK : Virtual Energy Based Encryption and Keying for Wireless Sensor Networks, Rekha M K and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2011.
- Data Security in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks, Vani C A and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2011.
- Cross Layer Optimized MAC to Support Multihop QOS Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks, Deepa G Rao and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2011.
- Target Sensing Using Reputation System in Wireless Sensor Networks, Anoosha Vishwanath and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2011.
- Development of Test Automation Framework and Scripts for IBMs Filenet Enterprise Manager Using IBMs Rational Functional Fester, Rashmi Naik and Venugopal K R, IBM, 2011.
- Client BIOS Automation, Vidya P and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2011.
- Transporting SUDO TO RBAC Framework in AIX Operating System, Nandhini R and Venugopal K R, IBM, UVCE, 2011.
- Triple Play Framework, Avinash Raghu Kumar S G and Venugopal K R, ERM Technologies, 2011.
- Network Lifetime Maximization with node Admission in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Kumudvathi Kulkarni and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Mapping of Natural MMP Inhibitors on Drug Target Network of Prostrate Cancer and Study on Molecular Dynamics and Simulation, Savitha S and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Heuristics Approaches to Identify Relation between Sequences, Rashma B M and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Gene Classification using CODON usage BIAS and Support Vector Machines, Viswanatha and Venugopal K R, 2010
- Prediction of Cancer Class with Majority Voting Genetic Programming Classifier using Gene Expression Data, Chaitra G and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Cluster Building in Wireless Sensor Networks using Tabu Search Algorithm, Arun Kumar G and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Identification of Protein Coding Region using Modified Gabor Wavelet Transforms, Usha D and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Secure and Fault Tolerant Event Boundary Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Vidya Yeri and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Robust Connectivity – Aware Energy Efficient Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks, Virupakshappa and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Location Aware End to End Data Security in Wireless Sensor Networks, Nithin B K and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Gene Expression Profiling of Breast Cancer, Naganandini G and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Intrusion Detection in Homogenous and Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, Sajitha M and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Chaotic Time Series Prediction using a Neuro Fuzzy System with Time Delay Coordinates, Shashidhar V and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Color Identified Secure Image Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks, Nagesh U B and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- MMSPEED : Multipath Multi-speed Protocol for QOS Guarantee of Reliability and Timeliness in Wireless Sensor Networks, T M Sidda basappa and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Novel Online Methods for Time Series Segmentation, Savithri Kulkarni and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Drawing Rooted Phylogenetic Networks, Pavan Kumar H and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Multiscale Representation for Fast Pattern Matching in Stream Time Series, Thangamani M and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- LKE : A Self-Configuring Scheme for Location Aware Key Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks, Rajkumar Jaiswal and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Maximising Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks, Girish Nagappa Gonda and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Web Usage Mining : Clustering of Web Users and their Applications in Evolving User Profile, Sowbhagya M P and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Reducing Redundancy in Subspace Clustering, Kusuma K and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Designing Routes for Source Coding with Explicit Side Information in Sensor Networks, R Mary Vidya and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- A Generic Local Algorithm for Mining Data Streams in Large Distributed Systems, P Avinash and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Streaming Time Series Summarization Using User Defined Amnesic Functions, Girish T S and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Secure and Efficient Multicast in Wireless Sensor Networks Allowing Adhoc Group Formation, Shilpa K R and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Clustering and Sequential Pattern Mining of Online Collaborative Learning Data, Aswini B K and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Truth Discovery with Multiple Conflicting Information Providers on the Web, Shruthi N T and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Constructing a message pruning Tree with minimum cost for tracking moving objects in WSN is NP – Complete and an Enhanced Data aggregation structure, Minu S and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Simulation and Kinetic modeling of thrombin induced collagen induced platelet aggregation pathway, K M Prakash and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Video segmentation for Base line Mode and Adaptive Threshold Mode, Suguna and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Group Based Trust Management Scheme for Clustered Wireless Sensor Network, Sowmya H K and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Multipath key Establishment for wireless sensor Network using Just Enough Redundancy Transmission, Muhammadi Surieya Khanum and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Automation Tool for SNMP Verification, Prashant Kumar and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2010.
- Wavelet Coded Preferential Image Transmission in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Jamal Ahmad and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- System Management Service of UNISYS Secure Partitioning, Nishchal T K and Venugopal K R, UNISYS, 2010.
- A Unified Approach for Constructing Ancient Gene Clusters, Malashree S and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Structure Based Drug Designing for Natural Anti Diabetic Herbs – An Insalico Drug Designing Approach, Sangeeta Urankar and Venugopal K R, Geneflux, 2010.
- Upstream Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Networks through Cross-layer Optimization, Ranjitha V, Sagar R, Suraj R and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Energy Efficient Wake-up Scheduling for Data Collection and Aggregation, Savithri V, Shilpa G, Smitha S and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Spatial Correlation Model for Visual Information in Wireless Multimodal Sensor Networks, Dimple C Sandyamani A, Swetha T R, Usha S A and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Secure and Efficient Multicast in Wireless Sensor Networks Allowing Adhoc Group Formation, Prakash M, Veerendra Prasad J R and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Efficient Data Aggregation Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks, Kirthi G, Poornima, Swetha C and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Efficient Hybrid Security Mechanism for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks, Prasanth C R, Vineet Ghatge and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Janus – A Framework for Scalable and Secure Routing in Hybrid Wireless Networks, Prajwal M and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Stream lining Time Series Summarization Using User Defined Ammesic Functions, Girish H, Munne Gowda N S, Shanth Kumar H and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Chester Building in Wireless Sensor Networks using Search Algorithm, Amruta Kamat, Bhavani Devi B, Srilakshmi S, Usha Rani B C and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Wavelet Coded Preferential Image Transmission in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Amruta Pai, Laksmi N, D R Rashmi, Shobita K and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Location Aware End to End Data Security in Wireless Sensor Networks, Sowmya P S, Udaya P, Chandana D M and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Image Transmission with Security Enhancement Based on Region and Path Diversity in Wireless Sensor Networks, Sudha B, Subhadra H and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Multipath Key Establishment for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Redundancy Transmission, Ramanath Setty H, Yuvaraj R and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Intrusion Detection in Homogenous and Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, Bhagya Shree H, Bhavya M and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Group Based Trust Management Scheme for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks, Vidya H, Rama Gouda and Venugopal K R, 2010.
- Flight Management System Tool, Sudeepa K B and Venugopal K R, Honeywell, 2009.
- Development of Workload Management Centre for Clear Path MCP, Praveen V and Venugopal K R, Unisys, 2009.
- System Management Software 3.5, Venkata Sudheer Reddy and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2009.
- Video Object Tracking, Shivaraj C B and Venugopal K R, Creative Solution, 2009.
- Kerberos: A Network Authentication Protocol, Yuvaraja E and Venugopal K R, Data Comp Services, 2009.
- Client Configurable Tool, Amara Vamsi and Venugopal K R, Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Pvt. Ltd. 2009.
- Signature Verification Tool, Subhash N Kambli and Venugopal K R, RR Infotech, 2009.
- I Netware – Tool for Remotes system Monitoring and Administration, Rahul S G and Venugopal K R, National Aerospace Laboratories, 2009.
- Packet Data Analyzer and Controller LAN, Basalingappa S Salawadgi and Venugopal K R, Neo Technologies, 2009.
- E-Grocery, M Devendra Prasad and Venugopal K R, Centrum, 2009.
- Heat Controller for Navigation System, Kishor Kumar U and Venugopal K R, Bosch, 2009.
- Integration Testing Tool, R Naveen Kumar and Venugopal K R, Verisign, 2009.
- Voyage Management, Samuel Y and Venugopal K R, Creative Solutions, 2009.
- Short Messaging Router and Message Routing Engine, MVS Sasi Vardhan Reddy and Venugopal K R, Aricent, 2009.
- Development of Regression Test Package Using QTP for Developer Workshop 3.2, Balakrishna Satish N and Venugopal K R, Unisys, 2009.
- Microsoft Mediaroom Integration with Storefront 1.0, Harshith B and Venugopal K R, Motorola, 2009.
- Identity and Access Management, P Ravikishor and Venugopal K R, Green Hills Technologies, 2009.
- Implementation of Siebel Forecasting, Venkatesha S G and Venugopal K R, ASM Technologies Limited, 2009.
- Registry and Positive Identification Solution, Ramakrishna Tibirisetti and Venugopal K R, Unisys, 2009.
- Impact Analysis, Kunal K Khaire and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2009.
- Network Border Patrol: Preventing Congestion Collapse and Promoting Fairness in the Internet, Prathibhavani P M and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2009.
- An IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Module for the NS-3 Simulator, Narendra Kumar Y and Venugopal K R, Samsung, 2009.
- Enterprise Asset Management System, Raghu D and Venugopal K R, Mototola, 2009.
- Gen 3.5 Graphics Debug Tool, Pampapathi K and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2009.
- Hitlist Community Website, Aravind Kumar G and Venugopal K R, Nagaraj Technologies Private Limited, 2009.
- Design of Enterprise Integrated Layer for Supply Chain Management Systems, Sowmyarani C N and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2009.
- Vmware Program Execution Tracker for Update Manager, Sowmya N and Venugopal K R, Vmware, 2009.
- Optimizing Lifetime for Continuous Data Aggregation with Precision Gurantees in Wireless Sensor Networks, Prathiba Hegde K and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2009.
- Algorithms for Fault – Tolerant Topology in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, Nagarathna N and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2009.
- Energy Efficient Content Distribution in Wireless Sensor Network, Jayanthi M G and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2009.
- Image Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks, Panimozhi K and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2009.
- Samsung Recovery Studio, Suresh P and Venugopal K R, Samsung, 2009.
- CIBR CDW – EDW Migration, Supriya and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2009.
- Document Control, Kancham Guruprasad and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2008.
- Video Streaming Using Low Bandwidth, Adiveppanavar Manohara Kumar and Venugopal K R, Honeywell Technology Solutions, 2008.
- A Distributed Coverage and Connectivity Centric Technique for Selecting Minimum Number of Active Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks, Arjun Atreya V and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2008.
- Energy Efficient Multicasting for Maximizing Network Capacity in Wireless Sensor Networks, Vishwanath K R and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2008.
- Energy-Efficient Tree Construction for Maximizing Lifetime in Sensor Networks, Prabhavathi M and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2008.
- Auto-Fit Generator Test Tool, Mallikarjuna M Dongre and Venugopal K R, Motorola, 2008.
- Fleet Management Solution, Mohamed Mubarka T and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2008.
- Query Processing in Sensor Networks, Thejaswini M and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2008.
- Linux Kernel Instrumentation, Rangappa M and Venugopal K R, UNISYS, 2008.
- Loyalty Bonus Tracker, Shaik Asiff and Venugopal K R, Sdsoft, 2008.
- File Tracking System, Maddula.V.S.N.Murthy and Venugopal K R, Sdsoft, 2008.
- Oem Diagnostic Tool for Graphics Controllers, Shaheeda Bi and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2008.
- Remote Data Monitoring System for CNC Machines, DuvvuruSree Hari and Venugopal K R, ConnectM, 2008.
- Mec Component Feature Validation on Virtual Switch System, Lokesh Kumar Gindi and Venugopal K R, Cisco, 2008.
- Quality of Service and Charging in Wimax, Umesh N Banakar and Venugopal K R, Motorola, 2008.
- Inventory Management Tool, Chilukoti L Kantharaju and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2008.
- Processor Validation for Module : APIC, Swati Shembekar and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2008.
- Location Based Reminder, G Sri Hari Babu and Venugopal K R, Motorola, 2008.
- Otasu on Linux File Systems, V V Aparna Devi and Venugopal K R, Motorola, 2008.
- Application Asset Manager, Koteswara Rao Kadali and Venugopal K R, UNISYS, 2008.
- EPM Implementation, B Rajashekar Reddy and Venugopal K R, Honeywell, 2008.
- Enhancement in DMSII Database System, B S Vindo Kumar and Venugopal K R, UNISYS, 2008.
- Low Level Driver for Flex Array Automotive Communication Protocol, Arjun BT, Vinay and Venugopal K R, Honeywell Technologies, 2007.
- ALBUM – An Image Processor, Sameer Poojar, Ravish K and Venugopal K R, I-Relay Solutions, 2007.
- Gateway for Network Compatibility in Automotive Domain, Pavan Kumar CS and Venugopal K R, Wipro Technologies, 2007.
- Push to Talk over Cellular Tool Development, Md. Mohsin Khaleel and Venugopal K R, Motorola, 2007.
- Analysis – Automation of Image Quality, Adarsha A, Bhaskar HR and Venugopal K R, Seimens Sol. Ltd., 2007.
- QoS Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, Ravi M H and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2007.
- Dynamic Volume Perfusion XML Editor, Goutami, Srideepti and Venugopal K R, Siemens India Pvt. Ltd. 2007.
- DCE – DTE Interface in CDMA. Triveni A R and Venugopal K R, Step Online Ltd., 2007.
- Computational Intelligence Methods for Network Quality of Service Management, Radhika M V and Venugopal K R, CAIR, Defence R & D Organization, 2007.
- Customization of Advanced Linux System Administration, Poornima M, Ramya R and Venugopal K R, i-Software Integration Technologies Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
- Video Packet Synchronization of Streaming, Zothanzauva and Venugopal K R, CBK Infotech, 2007.
- Sink Administered Load Balanced Dynamic Hierarchical Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, Srividya S, Asha D S and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2007.
- Yahoo Widgets : Sowmya Shree Badri and Venugopal K R, Yahoo Software Development, 2007.
- To Undo a Change List : Kamal Singh Bisht and Venugopal K R, Synopsis, 2007.
- Developing New Methods for Automating the Validation and Debug of Intel’s Next Generation XEON Processor : Divya Raj and Venugopal K R, Intel, 2007.
- Enterprise Mobility Solution for Small and Medium Enterprises: Shruthi R S and Venugopal K R, Motorola (I) Pvt, 2007.
- Auto Test Generation for Mobile Application : Rachana Swamy B T and Venugopal K R, IBM, 2007.
- Natural Language Interface to Temporal Database System : Hemanth Kumar Yadav P C and Venugopal K R, HCL Technologies Ltd., 2007.
- Real Estate Portal For Hand held Devices : Nagarathna N and Venugopal K R, Mobile Connexion, 2007.
- Influence of Group and Independent Mobility Models on the Performance of AODV Routing Protocol in WSN : Abhilash C N and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2007.
- Road Traffic Sign Board Recognition System : Neerajshukla and Venugopal K R, HCL Technologies Ltd., 2007.
- Online Banking Web Services on MCP Environment : Kalyan Kumar and Venugopal K R, UNISYS Global Services, 2007.
- Schmooze – Wireless Chat : Sejal Desai and Venugopal K R, Mobile Connexion, 2007.
- Quality of Service Control in Mobile Adhoc Networks : Vaidehi M and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2007.
- EDAMAC : Energy and Delay Aware Medium Access Control Protocol for Sensor Networks, Aravinda B and Venugopal K R, UVCE, 2007
- Text to Speech System for Kannada : Gopalkrishna M and Venugopal K R, CDAC 2006.
- A Secure e-voting Protocol : Zainul Abid T R and Venugopal K R, Cochin University, Kerala, 2006
- Tool Development for Honeywell Test Station : Sudha K S and Venugopal K R, Honeywell Technology, 2006.
- In-Trust Service Manager : Badrinath E and Venugopal K R, UNISYS, 2006.
- Modular Imaging Utility Development : Sandeep, Sharath and Venugopal K R, Hewlett Packard Invent, 2006.
- Designing of XP Array Simulator and Automation of Test Modules in C-Track, Alaka DA and Venugopal K R, HP India, 2006.
- Inspection Tool and Validation, Tanveer K Shaikh and Venugopal K R, Pacific IT Solution, Bangalore, 2006.
- Averaging Module for Real Time Octave Band Analyser, N P Mahala and Venugopal K R, NAL Bangalore, 2006.
- Real Time Vehicle Navigation System – RTVNS, Maruthi T R and Venugopal K R, Green Field Networks, 2005.
- Wireless Sensor Networks : Suraiya Taranum and Venugopal K R, AMC, Bangalore, 2005.
- Web Based Defect Tracking System: Radhika J and Venugopal K R, Perot Systems, TSI, India, 2005.
- Performance Analysis Tool for Wireless Networks : Chandrashekhar Reddy R and Venugopal K R, LUCENT Technologies, 2005.
- Implementation of Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks : S Manikandan and Venugopal K R, Accent Technology, 2005.
- QoS Control in Sensor Networks : Rukaiya Nikhat and Venugopal K R, Motorola, 2005.
- Virtual Comports : Shylaja B T and Venugopal K R, Honeywell Technology, 2005.
- Linux Secured Software Router : M Sridhar and Venugopal K R, Patni Computer Systems, 2005.
- Diamond Project Tracking Tool-Online Project Management Solution : Rashmi DR and Venugopal K R, Perot Systems, TSI, India, 2005.
- Implementation and Building of Service Discovery Protocol for Bluetooth, K Somasekhar and Venugopal K R, Erasmic Consulting Pvt. Ltd., 2005.
- Linux Clustering, Chaitra M and Venugopal K R, ITI Ltd., 2005.
- Linux Secured Router, Heena Kousar and Venugopal K R, Suyoga Software Ltd., 2005.
- Migration of Legacy SMLC Integration Test Scripts to New Automation Framework, Goutam R Chavan and Venugopal K R, Siemens Software Sol. Ltd., 2005.
- Remote System Monitoring and Administration, Dhananjaya M L and Venugopal K R, STJ Global Software Ltd., 2005.
- Peer to Peer Communication and Content Management System, Veena Harish Bhat and Venugopal K R, MindTree Consulting Pvt. Ltd., 2005.
- Design and Development of Network Controller Card, Sunil Kumar and Venugopal K R, C DOT, 2004.
- Device Driver for DAC Card : Anitha G S, Azra Parveen B and Venugopal K R, ISRO, 2004.
- Classification of Mamography Images Using Video Segmentation : Vibha Lakshmikanth and Venugopal K R, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 2004.
- Multimedia Networks : Manjula S H and Venugopal K R, Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 2004.
- Energy Efficient Fault Tolerant Wireless Ad-HocNetworks : G S Badrinath and Venugopal K R, IIT, Kanpur, 2004.
- Maximizing Static Network Lifetime of Broadcast AdHoc Networks : Chandrakanth N and Venugopal K R, Agile Software Enterprises Private Limited, Bangalore, 2004.
- Performance Analysis Tool for Wireless Networks : Vasanthi A and Venugopal K R, LUCENT Technologies, 2004.
- Software and Solutions Content Center : Sangeetha and Venugopal K R, Intel, Bangalore, 2004.
- ASN.1 Encoder – Decoder for Radio Resource LCS Protocol Messages in the Radio Resource Manager, Balagi B G and Venugopal K R, Philips Software Center, 2004.
- Acceptance Test Software for Control Unit, Anil K A and Venugopal K R, BEL, 2003.
- Peer to Peer Communication and Content Management System : Veena Harish Bhat and Venugopal K R, TCS, 2003.
- Generic Data Transformation : Rashmi and Venugopal K R, Hewlett Packard, 2003.
- Data Security System : Sribas Ch Kundu and Venugopal K R, IBM,2003.
- Energy Efficient Routing Techniques in Wireless AdHoc Networks : T Shiva Prakash and Venugopal K R, Flextronics, Bangalore, 2003.
- GPS based Vechicle Tracking System, Suguna N and Venugopal K R, U&I Scotty Sytem Design Lab, 2002.
- Business Automation System : Sreenivasan B and Venugopal K R, Honeywell India Software Operation Pvt. Ltd., 2002.
- Implementation of Link Manager Protocol for Bluetooth : Prahbakar S and Venugopal K R, CEDT, IISc, 2002.
- Efficient Utilization of Bandwidth and Buffers in Video and Demand Systems : D N Sujatha and Venugopal K R, BMS College of Engineering, Department of Master Computer Application, Bangalore, 2002.
- High Dimensional Clustering Algorithms for Large Databases : Srinivasa K G and Venugopal K R, MSRIT, Bangalore, 2002.
- A Secure Steganography Using Compression and LSB Technologies : Ravindranath Choudary and Venugopal K R, IIT, Madras, 2002.
- RF Test Calculation Antena Measurement Workstation Software, Jayaprakash and Venugopal K R, Daimler Chrysler Research India Ltd., 2002.
- Radio Resource Location Protocol : B G Balaji and Venugopal K R, Philips Software (MindTree Communication), Indian Institute of Science, 2002
- Tele Control System, M Jayalakshmi and Venugopal K R, Wipro Technologies, 2002.
- Implementation of a Dynamic E-Market using Software Agents, Ranadhir Hebbar and Venugopal K R, Indian Institute of Sciences, 2001.
- Remote Sensing Using Satellite Based Data Broadcasting : A S Manjunath and Venugopal K R, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 2001.
- Efficient Voice Processing Algorithms : K B Raja and Venugopal K R, Department of Electronics, UVCE, Bangalore, 2001.
- Adaptive Interference Suppression for DS-CDMA: A Study, Bharathi S H, National Aeronautical Limited, 2001.
- Design of Solar Photovoltaic System for Domestic Applications : Deepa K, Priyadarshini H L and Venugopal K R, BHEL, 2001.
- Railway Tracking System : Thriveni J and Venugopal K R, ILI Technologies, 2001.
- “Vyasa”-A Software Package for Manuscript Restoration, Image Processing and Jig Saro Image Solving Technology : Machani Sridhar, Mahendran S, Shashidhara G and Venugopal K R, Wipro Technologies, 2001.
- Automatic Telephone Directory – An Auto Dialer. Kiran Kumar B M and Venugopal K R, ITI Ltd., 2001.
- Development of Second Generation INSAT Geolut System, Rejeswari and Venugopal K R, INMCC-ISTRAC, ISRO Bangalore, 2001.
- Porting of GSM Simulator from Unix to Windows NT, Hemantha D, Manoj Kumar Das and Venugopal K R, Philips India Pvt. Ltd., 2001.
- Channel Equalization using Radial Basis Function Networks and Adaptive Fuzzy LMS Algorithm: A Study, N G Mamatha Rani and Venugopal K R, NAL, 2001.
- Auto Dialer, Gireesh K V, Guruprasad A and Venugopal K R, Paesoft Solution Ltd., 2001.
- Linux Device Driver for PCI-Dual Port Memory Card, Sheshari S, Harsha AS and Venugopal K R, NAL, 2000.
- Channel Allocation in Mobile Computing : Rajmoorthy Rao Gopal, Sanath Kumar P and Venugopal K R, CRL, BEL, 2000.
- Efficient Data Mining Algorithms : P Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K R, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2000.
- TCP / IP Traffic Analysis for a Productive Network : S Hari Priya and Venugopal K R, Centre for Electronics Design Technology (CEDT), IISc, 2000.
- Porting Trauffle to Target RTOS : Ramesh Babu B N and Venugopal K R, Motorola India Electronics, 2000.
- Vehicle Concept Design System or AESY : Mohamed Rafi, and Venugopal K R, Daimler Chryler Research, 2000.
- Development of RSA Encryption Algorithm with n-bit Cipher Strength : Sharan Kumar H R, Nitesh V and Venugopal K R, Infinity Infotech, 2000.
- Object Oriented Approach to Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Character Recognition System : Chetan Gopal K, Giriprasad S, Harish B and Venugopal K R, Centre for Artificial Intelligence to Robotics, 2000.
- Implementation of TR-08, Loreme and Venugopal K R, Accelerated Networks, 2000.
- Implementation of Optimal Task Assignment Algorithm, Mohamed Kareemulla NR and Venugopal K R, C-DAC, 2000.
- Porting Personal Java Application Environment (PJAE) to Target RTOS, Basavaraj T G and Venugopal K R, Motorola India Electronics Ltd., 2000.
- Neural Network Modelling of Dynamical Processors – A Neural Network Approach for Data Prediction, Kumar R, Karun V and Venugopal K R, CMMACS, NAL, 2000.
- Integrated Multimedia Mail System, Manjula S H, CDAC, 2000.
- Operating System Level API for Motorola Proprietary Real Time O.S., Keerthi B J and Venugopal K R, Motorola India Electronics, 1999.
- Implementation of Secured Web Mail Server : N Vasudeva and Venugopal K R, Wipro Infotech, 1999.
- Wavelength Converters in Optical Networks : Venugopal K R and P Sreenivasa Kumar, IIT, Madras, 1999.
- Common Marketting Systems, Ananda D S and Venugopal K R, SPAN Systems Corporation, 1999.
- E Commerce Concept with SET, Sujatha S R and Venugopal K R, Network Solutions Limited, 1999.
- Object Oriented Railway Traffic Management System, Premkumar M and Venugopal K R, Indian Institute of Sciences, 1999.
- HTML to WML Convertor, Md. Javeed Ahmed and Venugopal K R, Silicon Automation Systems, 1999.
- Design and Development of an X/MOTIF GUI for AOCCE Test System : B M Harish and Venugopal K R, Satellite Centre, 1997.
- Rural Development Programmes in Kolar District : K Sridhar and Venugopal K R, Department of Economics, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1996.
- Visual Design of Voice Dialog Applications, A S Mamatha and Venugopal K R, Satyam Computer Services, 1996.
- Wideband VHF FM Receiver, Santosh K L and Venugopal K R, LRDE – Bangalore, 1996.
- Development of Automated Test Scripts Keyfile, Arathe Nadigir and Venugopal K R, Wipro Infotech, 1996.
- Windows Based DSP Simulator, Mangala N and Venugopal K R, Indian Institute of Sciences, 1996.
- Tool for Debugging Memory Bugs, Bakula S R and Venugopal K R, C-DAC, 1996.
- Implementation of Transport Provider for Email Application at Hub on E-Sat Networks, Virupaksha and Venugopal K R, C-DOT, 1996.
- Evaluation of M-88000, Thulase MB and Venugopal K R, C-DAC, 1995.
- Design and Implementation of Sequential and Combinational Logic for Controller of an Elevator, B S Sasanka, M C Dwarakanath and Venugopal K R, LRDE – Bangalore, 1995.
- Random Character Generator for CRT, Sateesh R and Venugopal K R, LRDE Bangalore, 1995.
- EPLD Based Printer Interface to Microprocessor, Indira K and Venugopal K R, LRDE, 1995.
- Netlist to VHDL Translator : Shirarm A M and Venugopal K R, Super Computer Education and Research Centre, IISc, 1995.
- Simulation of Surveillance Radar : B M Kavitha and Venugopal K R, Bharat Electronics, 1995.
- An Interpreter for Proplog, Asma Sy, Tanuja S, Suman R and Venugopal K R, Pragathi Computers, 1995.
- Paras Core to MPI Translator, Bharathi G N and Venugopal K R, C-DAC, 1995.
- Height Calculation and Registration of Remote Sensed Images, Rajesh Bhatt KP and Venugopal K R, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, 1995.
- Peace Threads Interface for Micro Kernel : Rajkumar and Venugopal K R, CDAC, Bangalore, 1995.
- PC Based Digital IC Tester : Manjula B R and Venugopal K R, ENGR ‘SD’ Components Division ISAC, 1995.
- Implementation of Layer – 2 Module for X.25. Grace sujai P and Venugopal K R, ITI Ltd. 1995.
- Multiport 08 Serial I/O Card, Saisreekanth Mand Venugopal K R, Advanced Micronic Devices, 1994.
- Static Cost Estimation and Code Instrumentation Phase of a Parallelizing Compiler : Geethanjali S and Venugopal K R, C-DAC, 1994.
- Computer Aided Economic Load Dispatch : P Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K R, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, Department of Electrical Engineering, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1994.
- Petrodollar and the World Economy : Venugopal K R, Department of Economics, Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1989.